War of the Worlds

Edcrab said:
As I say, a good movie but it could've been better in my view. It was mostly the "family" content that got to me. Their relationships were just irritating.

I thought many of those moments were damn hilarious. :)
I FINALLY saw it.

And I loved it.

The aliens reminded me of the ones from Independance Day.
Eunoch said:
it was a book written by h.g. wells back in the 1950s and it did include tripods (As you can see by the front cover) the movie itself which was made later is supposedly not too bad and as far as i recal didnt feature tripods, or not too much...

Book published in 1898, by H.G Wells
Then there was radio adaption with Orson Wells in the 30's
Then there was the George Pal movie in the 50's
Then the Jeff Wayne musical
Then the short lived and rather naff TV series..
Then the pendragon film
Closely followed by the Asylum version, previously titled Invasion
Then the paramount version very shortly after..
Next up is the jeff wayne CG movie

Also, the manta ray craft in the pal film was due to a design decision, not budget. They were not flying craft though, they were supported by electromagnect stilts and protected by a "blister", as it was before the word shields was popular for shields like that. So they were tripods of a sort, just not the kind matching what Wells wrote, but then the pal movie was made closer to the radio play than the original story.

From a friend who knows what he's talking about :p :)
I went so see it with friends yesterday.....and it ****ing owns.
But yeah, they do look amazingly similair, and im sure the inspiration for the Stridsers originally came from WoTW.
A little dissapointed with the ending tho...
The Ending was way too Abrupt.

All of a Sudden all the Striders die, and Morgan Freemans just like "and thats the end of that chapter"
I was hoping it would show what the rest of the world was doing when their sheilds went down. You know, like a scene seeing Germans in Berlin knocking one over, one tripod collapsing into Big Ben in London, one being brought down in Sydney, people in the streets cheering, tripods on fire/plumes of smoke...


TheBleeding said:
I was hoping it would show what the rest of the world was doing when their sheilds went down. You know, like a scene seeing Germans in Berlin knocking one over, one tripod collapsing into Big Ben in London, one being brought down in Sydney, people in the streets cheering, tripods on fire/plumes of smoke...


I think Steven Speilberg specifically said he didn't want stuff like that, he wanted to concentrate on the main characters.
Was just thinking about the bit with all the bodies floating in the river...how did they manage to get there? The aliens were vaporising everyone, did they grab certain people and hold them underwater in the river?
MrMan said:
Was just thinking about the bit with all the bodies floating in the river...how did they manage to get there? The aliens were vaporising everyone, did they grab certain people and hold them underwater in the river?
Plane crash maybe, or maybe it was a bus.
was it just me or did they leave a lot of things open in this movie:
1.) They spend a million years planning the attack and forget to check if the environment is livable? (this would be like us going to mars and just taking off our space suits)
2.) Why did they suck up and spray the human blood everywhere
3.) what the crap was that vine growing everywhere
4.) why did they shields not work when the alien got sick/dead. (this is the equivalent of your car not starting when you have a cold)
The first one is just part of the story, morgan freeman even says it at the end, they were beaten by the most basic of organisms...dunno about the 2nd one, the 'vines' growing everywhere are as a result of all the blood seeping into the ground and causing the tree and plant roots to expand, as far as i know anyway. Not even sure myself why the shields suddenly went down.
I actually did yell "STRIDER" but only two or three people laughed.

When the red fertilzer veiny things popped up and covered everything someone else in the theater yelled "ZERG RUSH"!
Anyone find it funny that it took excactly six shots with a RPG to take one Tripod out.
The red stuff is what makes Mars Red.
I think that the blood sucking was, you know when ogilvy looks out the window and gets deteriation on his face, they were making a people poison.
I thought that was him getting blood on his face as it was being sucked out of the guy outside and being sprayed around?
xcellerate said:
was it just me or did they leave a lot of things open in this movie:
1.) They spend a million years planning the attack and forget to check if the environment is livable? (this would be like us going to mars and just taking off our space suits)
2.) Why did they suck up and spray the human blood everywhere
3.) what the crap was that vine growing everywhere
4.) why did they shields not work when the alien got sick/dead. (this is the equivalent of your car not starting when you have a cold)
To answer the 2nd one, they barried ships here millions of years ago so they could wait for man to evolve the numbers it has today and use our bodies as fuel, the red stuff is exaust from their engines, we are the fuel.
Harvest earth

3.) what the crap was that vine growing everywhere
4.) why did they shields not work when the alien got sick/dead. (this is the equivalent of your car not starting when you have a cold)

I think the vines or red weed as its commonly know is either a byproduct of their harvesting or its a way of converting the planet to one they can inhabit(?). Remember it must be part alien as its when cruise sees its white he says 'its dying'.

In answer to the second point, perhaps the craft are part biological therefore would suffer the same fate