Warhammer 40k Tabletop

Jul 17, 2003
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Who plays? What armies do you guys have?

I've got a 1750 Codex: Space Marines army I am running right now.

Thinking about picking up some Orks too. I know there are quite a few English chaps here, therefor there are 40k players as well.
I at one point had Space Marines and Tau. Then I sold my space marines FOR THE GREATER GOOD.
When I was a young chap I collected space marines. However, I quickly realised, Warhammer decreases you poontang rating by -10, with a 3point armour save.
I have a 3000-4000 point army of Tau. I have around 12 battlesuits.

Solaris, bitches just can't understand THE GREATER GOOD.
I started building a Catachan Warriors army, once.

Then I didn't know anybody who played Warhammer.

Then I sold it all.
Warhammer is super ****ing gay. Warhammer 40k on the other hand is so manly that it shreds 40 vaginas per day with its barbed cock. And its so fertile that 100 percent of bitches get pregnant with little baby Warhammer 40ks.
Had a 1000 point Space Wolves set (mainly for painting).

Then had about 1000 points of Tyranids (mainly for painting, loved the layering process involved).

Then moved to Dwarves in Warhammer, didnt collect much.

Finally got a Dark Elves army worth about 3000 points, took forver to paint properly (Im the kind of the guy that spends half an hour just on the bases, putting fake grass on, gravel, dry brushing it all after layering it etc).

I rarely ever played because I sucked at rolling dice (always get such low numbers).

It was all for painting. Slap some music on and it was a great way to pass a weekend.
Warhammer 40k is laaaame!

"Holy shit these guys are BADASS" "OMG these guys are MOAR BADASS!" "These are NASTY DARK ELVES IN SPACE BADASS!"
How pretentious.

WH40k is about overpowered fluff fighting overpowered fluff.

Space Marines that can basically shoot automatic cannons?

Well, I can control the power of the warp.

Well, I have a neverending torrent of bugs.

Well, I have railguns that can destroy your vehicles in one hit.

Well, I have battleships in orbit ready to drop a black hole bomb.

Well, I have PSIONICS.

Well, I have gauss weaponry and are technically immortal.

Well, I have enough men where you'll run out of ammo before you kill them all.

It's fantastic.
I was with you until the last sentence there. Overpowered fluff fighting overpowered fluff is shit. A poor substitute for doing anything genuinely interesting.
Oh come on, how can you not love the Eldar?

[Edit] Woot! 4k posts!
Never will I again enter a domain of warhammer at the early hours of the day. The overpowering smell of body odor rapes your nostrils similar to the perpetual dick Krynn explained.
S&M psychic space elves? Oh hold me back.

Also post count reset :D
Hey, hey. They're elves. So they're hot. Unless you're weird, in which case you wouldn't ***k them with the Torch of Gondor.

God I love Clerks.
Ah well, can't make you enjoy something, I suppose.

It throws realism out the window in favor of the rule of cool.

You have to take all of it with a grain of salt.
I tried to get an army of Skaven going but it never worked due to lack of funds and no one to play. If I went for 40k I'd probably go down the Tau route.
I got 1k of orks and 1k of black templar :)

Orks are the best army in the game, they are so bloody fun to play with.
Ah well, can't make you enjoy something, I suppose.

It throws realism out the window in favor of the rule of cool.

You have to take all of it with a grain of salt.

I don't care that it's not realistic, I care that the overpowered fluff spam is dull and unimaginative.

To contribute: I stayed with a friend of mine had an army of those elf guys with a big spikey ship for a while, he fought another of his friends who used the undead looking guys. I was bored.
When all the fluff is about overpowered things you're spamming the overpowered fluff. Duh. :p
See, when you say fluff, I think of the stuff that comes out of your pocket now and again, or the stuff that builds up in your belly button.

I still dont know what you mean.
See, when you say fluff, I think of the stuff that comes out of your pocket now and again, or the stuff that builds up in your belly button.

I still dont know what you mean.

Fluff is the mythology that builds up around the game. Its not needed, sometimes its inconvieniant but it can be entertaining.

So its not all that unlike the fluff in your belly button:naughty:
I stole sooooo much 40k at my games workshop (started with blister packs, ended up stealing multiple boxes at a time using a suitcase lolol)... never played a single game, won 2 painting competitions woot woot /runs from nerds with torches and pitchforks : D
Yeah, it was pretty easy to steal from those places. Especially on a game night. I had a friend who stole three whole armies in one night :| Eventually he got caught stealing blister packs and was banned from the store. Which didnt help anything because every game night he was still able to sneak in.
I had a lot of time on my hands, so I began collecting Space Marines.

Then I ran out of money.

Then I got a job.

Now I have money.

But no time.

Oh well.