Warhammer Online

I was a big Warhammer fan as a kid and hope this game kicks ass. It's going to take more than fancy cgi though.
Eh I just quit WoW im not gonna sell my soul to another MMO, but this does look good.

Also, come on now :| Funeral of WoW? Just like Vanguard was suppose to be right? That turned out just fine.
Cool trailer but pretty old If I remember right.
This game honestly looks like ass.

...Not just the graphics -- the gameplay too.
Wasn't Guildwars supposed to be the end of WoW too?
Eh I just quit WoW im not gonna sell my soul to another MMO, but this does look good.

Also, come on now :| Funeral of WoW? Just like Vanguard was suppose to be right? That turned out just fine.

Vanguard was made by sony, who has yet to make a good MMO. . or game for that matter (besides GoW)
Nothing will kill WoW.

...for a while.
Nothing will kill WoW.

...for a while.

But the question is will the WoW killer come out in time to prevent the total blizzard takeover of the internet with World of Starcraft?!?!?:O

(or something to that effect...)
But the question is will the WoW killer come out in time to prevent the total blizzard takeover of the internet with World of Starcraft?!?!?:O

(or something to that effect...)

The only thing that will kill WoW is WoS (World of Starcraft). I think the creation of this game is inevitable. That is if blizzard likes a lot of money which Im pretty sure they do.