
Does any one here play Warhammer/Warhammer40k

  • Yes of course who dosent?

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No but I play other GW games.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • What the hell is Warhammer?

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • No not really.

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Absolutely not!! I hate Warhammer!!

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Im just wondering if there is any Warhammer/Warhammer40k players out there.
I voted just but not other GW games.

I used to a while back but i stopped partly because of time and partly because of the cost. Its a really expesive. It was quite fun for a while. Although i have to say my strong point was definately landscaping. I liked painting all the models but that was simple and didnt take long. I loved make terrain though. My friend used to do it and we had battles quite a bit. I once made quite a big battlefield. Funny really....because i like making maps for HL too. And although i can model, i dont do it so much.
I guess by your name you are an Ultramarines player... I love the dark imagery of Games Workshop.... I play a savage Space Wolf Army :)
I started with Ultramarines but now I play High Elves.
I quite liked the Imperial Guard. But i also had a few squadrons of Space marines. They were my own design. I had the Gold legionnaires and an elite group of snipers called Green Sabres.
If you are wondering about the names, i was younger when i thought them up but i still think they are ok)

You can probably guess the kind of colour scheme from the names.

With the imperial guard, i had a desert unit, a jungle unit and an urban unit. I was about to get round to making an Arctic unit when i gave up on the whole thing. Looking back i had a lot of fun and they were so cool. I didn't go to many of the GW games, especially after the one in Manchester moved to a smaller shop.
Sorry to to take you off your current subject, but how the heck do you play Warhammer? I have heard about it, but never learned much about it.
Personally, I dont buy much, I like playing smaller games, of about 1000 points :)

It's a turn based stratagy game Mitoboy :). Each player picks a force to a certain value and they play it out :)
Warhammer rocks!

A grisly Skaven army for me!

I love the way the seers treat every single other member of the clan in the same way - expendable. Like how Skaven Slaves are used purely for cannon fodder.

Power in numbers!
well you simply buy some rather expensive models then you paint them really cool.
After that you get the rulebook and start reading.

The main consept is that you move the models around on the battlefield and slaugther(sp?) your enemies using dices and Tactics (luck is always usefull).

It´s great fun (ecpesialy when you win)
It is great fun, but very expensive. I had a feared army of Ork Boyz.
Oh the fun i had with the spare parts of my mates Ork Boyz. I made some cool stuff with that. Like having heads on spikes and stuff. I once used half a squad of Space Marines as part of the landscape when my brother gave me some for Christmas..
i think its kinda geeky, but my friend used to play Warhammer...i tried it one time...not so fun if u ask me..irather go play WC3 on my computer :)
Yep, used to be the proud owner of a mighty (and undefeated) Tyranid army... all custom painted and everything...I sold them all though ;(...

Oh well, don't play it no more, altough if someone could actually finish one a mod would be good :cheese: ...there are plenty out there but most just don't get finished ;(
Its a really cool game but painting the models took too long and it was boring to do also it cost me a fortune. I used to collect high elves it was cool but in the end i never actually had a battle :(. Therefore i voted that it is crap.
I don't buy it much, I like playing with what I have... I like converting and painting... I suck at playing, as my friend tim will testify :P
I remember when GW tried to sue Blizzard for the blatant rip off with starcraft. Being as all the ideas basically came from Warhammer 40k. But it fell through int he end.
tim plays warhammer?-badger. And yea i found it cool painting for a while but it took soo long especially when my general tactic was to outnumber the"enemy" which never existed for me:(-zerimski
Panting is fun but after a while it can get boring when you paint the same thing over and over..... :(

But the gaming part of the hobby is great!! :)
I always get owned by timmy :( (and yes he does... or did play.. Tony) :) but I'm easily the best painter/converter of the two of us :)

so what if i suck :P