Warning: Player crashing servers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chiablo
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There is a player named n% who keeps crashing servers.

I'm not sure how he's doing it, maybe it's just a bug with his name, but every time I see him in game, he mumbles something about "I DON'T HAVE TO CRASH THE SERVER" "BUT I DO ANYWAY" then the game errors out to desktop with a "could not be read" type error.

The server itself does not crash, but every player in the server gets booted with that same error.

So if you are an admin for a server, keep an eye out for this guy and banninate him.
Its amazing, the total losers in the world, eh?

Apparently ANYONE who changes their name to %n will crash the server!

Note: If you actually do this in-game, I will personally hunt you down and jab you in the eye with a pencil!
Damnit some guy in my server just did that, lame
out of over 2000 servers in the steam list only 300-400 have anyone on them now..
a couple of days ago it was the other way around,higher numbers of populated servers...
bunch of lamers screwing with people..
I just don't comprehend the pleasure they get from doing this kind of stuff...
and though I don't condone it,I can understand the piracy of games much,much more than this kind of crap..
Chiablo said:
There is a player named n% who keeps crashing servers.

I'm not sure how he's doing it, maybe it's just a bug with his name, but every time I see him in game, he mumbles something about "I DON'T HAVE TO CRASH THE SERVER" "BUT I DO ANYWAY" then the game errors out to desktop with a "could not be read" type error.

The server itself does not crash, but every player in the server gets booted with that same error.

So if you are an admin for a server, keep an eye out for this guy and banninate him.

hahaha thats great. i'll have to try this when I join my friends server and he's being all serious.
boy howdy do we live in fun times or what?...is it really possible to recieve "105 damage in 0 hits"? cheat perhaps? anyone know?
Ive asked people before but nobody seems to know. If it is a cheat it shows how many lamers there are as i take damage in 0 hits just about every round i play.
man i was in a 60 man server both times filled up to around 50 and some lil bitch strolls in or changes his name and counts down then boom.
T.H.C.138 said:
boy howdy do we live in fun times or what?...is it really possible to recieve "105 damage in 0 hits"? cheat perhaps? anyone know?

Actually they hit you. A couple of my friends and I tested it out and the game gives everyone different numbers. Lets say this is what it says "105 damage in 3 hit - to player1" but on his screen it'll say something like "105 damage in 1 hit - taken from player 2". We've had takes when it said 0 but we really hit them once, usually a headshot. It's kinda buggy right now but I'm sure they'll fix it, it's not a cheat.
When someone is in game, and during the round they change their name, from that point on the game gets extremely buggy. I cannot explain why, but it is wierd.
I just tested on a private game, and %s works too. Valve really should be ashamed of this one. It's a ridiculously simple attack. A proper String object should prevent this, and it should be implemented right at the very beginning of engine development.
ya that crap has happened to me more than 5 times tonight. It completely shuts down my game.
Wow, that's terrible. It hasn't actually happened to me, but i can imagine how annoying it would be. Valve could just release an update that disallows %'s in names...?
yay.... now everyone who reads this thread knows how to crash cs source servers O.o
right on Pressure,good to know that at least THAT isn't a cheat or a hack!

so far it seems to be little (in some respects) bugs and such,

kinda like some slight typos in the game... Spellcheck!!!

basically what I am saying is that it doesn't seem like it will

be hard for VALVe to fix most of these (recent) problems..
if you see person %n do not kill him, if you do server crashes and he cannot kill you either otherwise the bug will not work, just let him run around and dont shoot him = owned.
Its like everyone in the server is pressing f10
I'll call this exploit the "f10 bomb" isnt that cool!
cereal said:
Its like everyone in the server is pressing f10
I'll call this exploit the "f10 bomb" isnt that cool!
lol...no.......no it isn;t
Saw someone change their name to it, and they were kicked and banned within 30 seconds. Good server admins :thumbs:
this really sucks. This reminds me of the old Smoke Grenade trick (but this is a worse bug than that) where you could get smoke grenades from typing it in the console and just keep chucking them, that would crash the server. This doesn't crash the server as crash people's clients.
Apparently it's been fixed, and the person who is %n crashes, but everyone else is ok. Is this true?
My question is... who the crap figured it out? Unless there was a guy with the legitimate name of %n that kept going into full servers, then everyone left.

%n: "Maybe my deoderant isn't working..."
Ok, I think I have an idea of why its doing it.

Basicaly, I don't THINK they can crash the server at will. It would appear that they have to be killed. The reason I THINK the game might crash is when I trys to output the %n to the game log.

Anyone got anything that disproves my theory?

Thing is, I want to test it but at the same time not be a prick :) I would rather not be a prick ;)
its happened severel times for me, 3 times today
***** discovered the %n crash bug


they have it one their damn news page, what assholes....

sorry the word m*g0t is filtered but you get the idea.
Chiablo said:
There is a player named n% who keeps crashing servers.

I'm not sure how he's doing it, maybe it's just a bug with his name, but every time I see him in game, he mumbles something about "I DON'T HAVE TO CRASH THE SERVER" "BUT I DO ANYWAY" then the game errors out to desktop with a "could not be read" type error.

The server itself does not crash, but every player in the server gets booted with that same error.

So if you are an admin for a server, keep an eye out for this guy and banninate him.
It's %n. If you change your name to %n anytime you get killed or kill someone then everyone's CS:S will crash. The error occurs when it trys to put %n on the part "who-killed-who" Some kind of conflict. Valve should be working on this.
captshiznit said:
if you see person %n do not kill him, if you do server crashes and he cannot kill you either otherwise the bug will not work, just let him run around and dont shoot him = owned.

He can just type kill in the console himself. :(
Yeah, it happened to me just now for the first time. It's really annoying - it messed up my PC and I had to reboot it and do disc checks and everything :(.

The last thing I saw on the screen was this in the text box:

[AZT3C]Babylon has changed his name to %n
and then the game just freezes :(

And yeah, it probably is because it tries to use that name in the code or something - i have thought about stuff like this before, like say if there is a part of code where it says something like this:

print "$player_name";
Well, what if you changed your name to:

then you could put in commands after that, with a name like:

";  kill(player)
and then finally re-open that double quote so that the end one has something to close, with a name like:

";  kill(player);   print"Test
that would cause the program to read the code as:

print "";  kill(player);   print"Test";
And then it could carry out the commands you put in there instead of just printing your name.

...Would that work, or is that just completely wrong (I know the exact syntax is wrong, but is the general idea of what I am thinking of right)?
No just plain C (++):

sprintf(buffer, "%s killed", player);
sprintf(buffer2, "%s %s", buffer, victim);

Some foobar construction like that would crash since the second %s is replaced with a %n casting the char* to an int which would lead to a segmentation fault. Weird that VALVe don't seem to be using CStrings or something.
Some idiot called CPO was just on our server (server1), and he was losing badly and changed his name to "%ncpo" and all our games crashed. So gay, these people are. Sad, sad, idiots.
been a whole lot of anger around here lately..typically directed in the wrong way..

I'm pissed because of the same shit..the LOOONG wait for HL2,the bugs in CS:Source,etc..

but does it really help anything or anyone by acting like some arrogant know-it-all?