Warning Signs of the Future!

I'm not a Playa, I just Crush alot!

If you've become a radiation mutant with a deformed hand, remember to close the window. No one wants to see that shit.
Damn right...
I don't see how ready.gov is a government propaganda site but whatever.
Ohk, whateva Britney Spear admirer-
and Kermit t3h frog can kick your arse anytime
I thought Kermit just humped things...

And looking at my avatar doesn't make you FEEL GREAT?! AHAHAHAHA!
(I had planned on making her distorted/messed-up looking... but... how can you say no to that face?! So I enhanced it to make it look better. :o Maybe she'll marry me...)
as i said when this was origonally posted, Allways carry a one-inch thick piece of plywood with u incase of radiation!