Warning signs that you may be a HL2.net addict

DreamThrall said:
  • You can name at least 15 HL2.net members without looking at the board
  • You have not one, not two, but several different HL2.net forums bookmarked... for quick refrence, of course
  • Your postcount > 1000
  • You know what a biozeminade is
  • You know what the Gloglebag Army is
  • You waste time making "Warning signs you may be an addict..." threads
  • You have ever participated in an avatar or signature fad
  • You know who Munro is
  • You consider some HL2.net members to be your friends, even though you've never *actually* met them
  • You still come to the forum even though you don't really play HL2 or its mods that much anymore
  • When you make a new thread, you sit and refresh every 15 seconds to see who replies
  • You have ever dreamed about posting on HL2.net, or you have dreamed about subjects posted on HL2.net
  • You aren't a moderator, but you've complained about someone's sig being too long
Added by others:
  • You helped create an avatar and signature fad - triple points for that one
  • You check your pm's three times a minute
  • You check the forums more than 2 times a day
  • You concentrate on posting more than your post count
That all I can think of right now... feel free to add on :D

Guilty as charged :(
DreamThrall said:
-You get dissapointed when people stop posting in the thread you started. It starts to get pushed to the bottom, so you make a feeble attempt at reviving it which usually ends horribly with the thread getting locked by an admin. Uhh... yeah... not that it's ever happened to me or anything :|

God, I hate that. I wonder sometimes how my staggering and thoughtful threads get pushed to the wayside...

Wait. Damn.
Tr0n said:
Yes to both of those. :D Also I was apart of TJI...which was the orignals. ;)
Ahhh, TJI... You, NW909, and some guy who's name starts with a B... :O
You were the third friggin' member of the gloglebag army, right after nw909 and cybersh33p

You know secret things.

You know who Princess_Jen is.

You know who Deathseeker is. (RT, tell Deathseeker that he is a friggin hero. ;))

You are a loser who can't get away from his computer and do more productive things. Like anything.
Oh dear, well I must say that Shens has left the building and probably will never return.
DreamThrall said:
  • You can name at least 15 HL2.net members without looking at the board
  • You have not one, not two, but several different HL2.net forums bookmarked... for quick refrence, of course
  • Your postcount > 1000
  • You know what a biozeminade is
  • You know what the Gloglebag Army is
  • You waste time making "Warning signs you may be an addict..." threads
  • You have ever participated in an avatar or signature fad
  • You know who Munro is
  • You consider some HL2.net members to be your friends, even though you've never *actually* met them
  • You still come to the forum even though you don't really play HL2 or its mods that much anymore
  • When you make a new thread, you sit and refresh every 15 seconds to see who replies
  • You have ever dreamed about posting on HL2.net, or you have dreamed about subjects posted on HL2.net
  • You aren't a moderator, but you've complained about someone's sig being too long
Added by others:
  • You helped create an avatar and signature fad - triple points for that one
  • You check your pm's three times a minute
  • You check the forums more than 2 times a day
  • You concentrate on posting more than your post count
That all I can think of right now... feel free to add on :D

1. yes
2. no
3. no
4. no
5. no
6. yes
7. yes
8. yes
9. yes
10. yes
11. yes
12. yes

Added by others
1. no
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
- You start thinking that HL2 forum members are on every other forum as well. Even munro...
you have posted at least one stupid topic to try and get stupidest thread of the month
You have over 100 posts and still don't have proper sp3ll1ng or gramm4r.

Or sp34k 133+.
ray_MAN said:
Ahhh, TJI... You, NW909, and some guy who's name starts with a B... :O
Bass, nw909, Mr.White, and me.
hl2.net/forums is my most visited website on the internets. I'm fast becoming an addict.