Warning, spoiler in PCGameplay(GER) review.


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Many people will want to search out scans of the current reviews,but beware.
The last page of the German mag contains a picture spoiler that I myself(and Im sure many others) would rather not see unannounced.

This has been a public information post. :eek:

Edit :seems it was dutch not german, my apologies to the netherland comunity.

But whatever. And yes, it does contain a spoiler, but you hardly know what's going on there, so it should still be a surprise. But it's a stupid screenshot nontheless.
OOo PM it to me, i love spoilers :)
I'm looking at the last page... I don't see any spoilers.

The review has been written to spoil as little as possible...
edit: The left bottom one shows indeed something "weird" , but still we know nothing of it. It merely makes me wonder.
I really couldn't make it out what it was. I need a translator. :(

It sucks that after all the great talk, PCGP only gave it 90 and didn't even give it game of the month. Seriously though, mp or not - it really wasn't SUCH a big deal, 6-8% down!
that is NOT german PC GAMEPLAY !!! it's the dutch one, with these spoiler on the last page

remember: dutch != germany ... the languages are strongly different
If you could read it, you would understand PCGP's vision on the whole mp thingy.

Basicly they really find it unbelievable that we are given CS: Source (without new maps or anything) instead of a HL multiplayer part. Just think about it, it would be much more revolutionairy then the exact same gameplay everyone's been playing for like 5 years.
:dozey: Since the rules are tight, can you PM me or something?
My respect for pcgameplay has lowered so much..now with hearing this and more..

I haven't seen the screenshot I think, but I did see the 40 new screenshots so I might have seen it..
Yes, I think it's a *big* spoiler. I was aware that I would have found one on that page, but I'm still sure it won't ruin my experience at all.

True, you hardly know what's going on there, but figuring out what the truth is shouldn't be too difficult...
Xenome said:
I haven't seen the screenshot I think, but I did see the 40 new screenshots so I might have seen it..
You didn't.
Thanks for the warning. I really appreciate it.
Seriously, if that ruines your experience...

And i HIGHLY doubt it's something very important, since the whole review reveals hardly anything.
No but in another thread, some guy gave a summary of pcgameplay review, and came with his own observations, and gave some uncensored potential ( he said ) spoilers. ( of wich one was bad)

I think I know what this is about. I already knew half of it, but not the other half, so to speak. If this is true that is, and if this is indeed the spoiler in the mag.


Anyhow, I would never have expected this of pcgameplay..it's like they changed totally, they should they could never do something like that!..
Torre said:
Seriously, if that ruines your experience...

And i HIGHLY doubt it's something very important, since the whole review reveals hardly anything.

Well, it shows an event that will happen in the game, that could be pretty important.
Its Belgian ffs and written in dutch witch is one of belgium's 3 languages :)

Hmm I see the spoiler now, but onlt because you made me look real close at the screenshots, I thought it was something completely else at first sight ... (partially holograms)

Oh wel doubt they knew it themselves.
We'll only know when we play the game...

edited: for Xerome ;)
Torre said:
We'll only know when we play the game...
'posting the spoiler'

Totally unneccesary again.. how can you possibly do that..?

What is it with you belgiums sometimes..? :p

Even if you did censor it correctly ( totally black) it would be totally NOT needed..

I didnt read it..but still
Torre didn't reveal anything IMHO, but he was very close!

Anyway I would close this thread.
I didn't post the actual spoiler, i was just discussing it how i felt it didn't spoil anything.

Anyway, it's edited. (it could indeed have led to ideas)
Torre said:
I didn't post the actual spoiler, i was just discussing it how i felt it didn't spoil anything.

Anyway, it's edited. (it could indeed have led to ideas)

Thanks, and with all respect, please think of that before you post it please :)
Some dudes were very curious for it... :)

Really, no intention to ruin anything.
This spoiler is ONLY in the dutch mag right?

I've already been hit with a few spoilers during my time here, and I would like to not have any more come my way.
It's not really all that bad. Just confusing...
Can someone PM me the spoiler? Curiosity always kills me.
and if it's possible...show me a scan of the screenshot. If you can't then don't worry about it
Parts of the game have been spoiled for me many times over already.

I must hunt for said screen.
wow, most of us curious bastards could have known what the spoiler was if it wasn't for that asshat Xenome, torro post it again but put a warning! dont listen to that fruitcake, as you can see we all want to know what it is!
Stop asking for the spoiler. You could find it in no more than 10 minutes on google.

Besides, not seeing the spoiler is good for you.