Warning to you all.

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Originally posted by Eternity
You want it to float among the threads for a while? What the heck?

Some people don't look at sticky threads so I wanted this thread to float about with all the others for a while to grab attention. After this post I'm going to sticky it.

Originally posted by Eternity
Furthermore, I thought there was a sticky about forum rules -- you guys need to just keep the Forum Rules & Info From Valve threads up there, and that's it!

People ignore/bend rules. This isn't a rule, it's a warning.

Originally posted by Eternity
Nonetheless, I agree with this policy, although you might be coming on it a bit strong..

As I said, they brought it upon themselves - by not listening to those rules we had as a sticky.
yea, this board does seem to be pretty hostile to "n00bs." The rule should just be: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."
for GMT that's around 7am - 12pm.
its about the only time IM on the forums usually, with my whacked out sleep pattern.
I just submitted a thread reply about HL2 release, and was I ok to talk about the hackers?
Good to hear you guys are taking some action D33. I totally agree the flaming and general atmosphere here has gotten out of hand, and its good that you guys are doing something about it.
about time.

This board is the worst on the internet, but has the potential to be the best.

Sing that axe and swing it now.
You should allow some tolerance, but outright stupidity such as;


Would be more then enough for me to support you banging them :D

(Everyone else thinks, I'm sure he meant to say banning. The truth is out there).
This is one of the tempestuous forums I have come across. I am sure everyone wasn't so bitchy b4 the delays upon delays and leaks and Newell's apparent fibs... Am I right ?
these forums once were great.
its not so much the delay and beta and all that stuff...
its more just an influx of ignorance.
a lot of new people have staked a claim here on these forums, and a lot of them use it as a lunchpad for their "feelings" rather than actual discussion etc.

the WHOLE reason we have people saying stfu nub etc.. in most cases is because the members here are so worn down from all the irrational posting.... and its things that could have easily not have clurttered up the forum, by the user just reading the topics.

the problem here with the morons is, they want to be HEARD, but dont want to listen.
simple as that.
Get bent, no one wants to hear your whining....(just kidding, I tottaly agree about people being a little more respectfull of others here...)
Can I just say sorry. I have recently been quite offensive regarding those who openly discuss the beta and those who argue against valve. It just got me a bit peeved. I wont be so mean again. *Slaps self*


I don't believe this until confirmation from Valve!
D33 pls tell me wtf is that green thing in your avatar? I have a gif of one but have never managed to figure out what it is.
No one here cares what Valve has to say. Mr. Anonymous Hacker has already told us the Ultimate Truth, and some guy at Vivendi figured that Half-Life 2 might get delayed. Based on this, it's obvious that Valve leaked the beta/alpha/pre-gold/e3 version of the game (or all of them) to get a valid excuse for the delay. It's absurd to think that an independent game developer could simple state: "we are going to postpone the release, it's not done yet."

The more I read this forum, the more my head hurts. It's probably just the vocal minority that's trying to drag Valve down with the community, but I don't know.
Originally posted by deepcore
No one here cares what Valve has to say. Mr. Anonymous Hacker has already told us the Ultimate Truth, and some guy at Vivendi figured that Half-Life 2 might get delayed. Based on this, it's obvious that Valve leaked the beta/alpha/pre-gold/e3 version of the game (or all of them) to get a valid excuse for the delay. It's absurd to think that an independent game developer could simple state: "we are going to postpone the release, it's not done yet."

The more I read this forum, the more my head hurts. It's probably just the vocal minority that's trying to drag Valve down with the community, but I don't know.


Wrong thread? While you're at it, take some Ritalin too :P
Originally posted by PvtRyan

Wrong thread? While you're at it, take some Ritalin too :P

Yeah, I guess so. I'm just trying to say that the administration should put the smack down on whiners, instead of burnt-out fans.
if you take a look at most posts that dont make sense/ seem uninformed you assume the person is new to the scene, nothing wrong with that. however when a person is rectified and continues their "uninformed" blather, their existence here merely turns to that of a spammer.
as I stated earlier.. people want to be HEARD but just wont LISTEN. Unfortunate yes, but that is the mentality of most. we had ourselves a strong community before, I have been coming here for a while through various incarnations of the forum.. and we had the odd spammer.. but honestly everyone got along, and it was the best forum period. now with the sudden influx of "people excited about hl2, so they decide to join a forum and spam their ideas".
it seriously is disheartening
the mods here (no offence really guys, I have much love but truth be told) are lall bark, no bite. Gabe Newell posts in one forum.. ours.. and we cant even stop people from talking about a beta... scratch that.. its acceptable to discuss the beta.. isnt that sickening? as a fan.. yes it is. now dont take this as me being "self-rightous" as Im not trying to be.. Im merely sharing my opinion.
Although it may be "cute" to post things like "a warning to you all" it doesnt get the job done. for one, there have been numerous threads of late just plain old spam
ranging from ignorant and troll-worthy topics with no meaning, to leak information, and you can throw in the odd "I pretend what I know what Im talking about but I in fact only like to type" topics...
people seem to think that the loudest person (most vocal) is the person who knows what he is talking about...
this however is not true.

If I didnt care, I wouldnt bother posting.
98% of this board seems to have joined sept-oct thats not bad, dont get me wrong.. its just the old community for the most part has given up and left...
gj, if u sort that out every1 will be happy :cheese:
Originally posted by ]SK[
D33 pls tell me wtf is that green thing in your avatar? I have a gif of one but have never managed to figure out what it is.

A bunchie or something :)
Originally posted by D33
A bunchie or something :)

Couldnt find anything on that.


D33 is basically speaking to people like me lol... Guess I gotta stop!
Originally posted by ]SK[
Couldnt find anything on that.



lol its cute.. in a strange kind of way

hey do you suppose some enterprising mod maker will attempt to create that as a vehicle for HL2 :D
Nice news that someone will give us some peace and understanding!

As Jules said " You will know that my name is the Law when i lay my finger upon you..."
Originally posted by D33

Eh, I would have said something about a certain moderator (not D33, <3) because it's true, but I guess I'd be bound and gagged.

Munro needs to restructure his ****ing staff.
Originally posted by D33
It's interesting that you give a timezone, for GMT that's around 7am - 12pm. American moderators would be asleep and English moderators would be at work / school. We're trying to work out gaps in our moderating so we can cover as much of the clock as possible.

OH OH a time window.....(preps to stay up late just to flame people:flame: )

J/K j/k :cool:
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