Warren Spector to make Source based game?


May 5, 2004
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"Junction Point Studios, the new developer formed by industry luminary Warren Spector, sends word on some job openings they are looking to fill that reveals a bit more about their plans for the future. The positions they are advertising are for a Source-engine game that will be released via Valve's Steam network. The openings are for a game artist and level builders, but the job descriptions do little to reveal more about the nature of the unannounced project"


an episodic version of DeusEx? (pure speculation) omg that would be awesome ..he probably doesnt have the rights to it anymore
Deus Ex is owned by eidos/ion storm right? I'm sure he will probably do something new. Hopefully, though, in the same style as Deus Ex
Those Steam haters in the comments are pretty funny: arguements like "paying per hour to play on Steam" make my day.
I don't think it's Deus Ex related because Eidos/Ion Storm probably owns the IP to the game. Here is the description provided for the concept artist job:

"For this project, we are NOT looking for people who do space marines or urban gang-bangers… we’re not looking for concept artists who specialize in elven archers or guys in black trenchcoats who wear sunglasses at night while wielding twin Uzis. And we’re not looking for people who can sketch believable inner city locations, World War II battleground scenes or incredible fantasy and SF landscapes.

We’re looking for artists who can conceive, sketch (and maybe even model and animate) cartoon mice, cats and wabbits. We need help creating and fleshing out surreal Wagnerian opera sets and places like Balloonyland or Wackyland. (If you have to ask about Balloonyland and Wackyland you might not be right for this job…)

If you’re an artist who loves classic Hollywood cartoons… if you zone out for days on the Cartoon Network… If you live for “funny animal” comic books… Send resume and portfolio to jobs@junctionpoint.com."

Everyone got that right? :farmer:
Insano said:
Those Steam haters in the comments are pretty funny: arguements like "paying per hour to play on Steam" make my day.

ya I read that too ..by the end of the day it'll be a steam-hate fest ...some of the people who reply to those kinds of things are just freakin crazy

"Steam allows the government to take over my computer and use it to spy on me!!!"
Well by the sound of what the concept artist needs to draw, I'm not very excitied. I was hoping he'd create a new, even better cyberpunk/tech noir series, a spiritual successor to Deus Ex, but no. Something about animals. Woo.
A) Steam does control your mind.

B) Come on, you never know, DeusExMachinia.
Ehh. I'm not very optimistic about it. I doubt I'll ever see a game as great as Deus Ex ever again.
Yeah, I loved that game too.

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