Warriors of the Apocalypse Update



It's been a little less than a month since we have seen an update from this mod, but tonight they show us a few pieces they have been working on. A skinned Glock, a rendered Makarov 9x18, and a skinned player model from their Post-Apocalyptic mod.[br]

[br]Their site can be found at wotamod.com. In addition, they still need another coder and skinner, so if your looking for a mod that's already got some work done, this might be a good place to start.
Yea that wasn't supposed to be pimped, its a WIP still :| It doesn't even use the valve biped yet, just a simple character studio one

But check out the site + forums :D
Yea use more work on that player model (seam on head, muscle clipping through chest) but that's just because of the wierd pose he's in. :)

Anyways looks ok :D
that glock looks abit strange, most glocks have pretty soft highlights and smooth metal.
You will need to reskin that glock because at the momment it looks odd, it needs more definition.

The makarov model isn't too bad i guess.....i have one in my hand now and i can say that the back part of the slide (next to the hammer) needs more work and the first inch of the muzzle is completely wrong , it comes up in a rounded "snub" rather than a straight extrusion like a 1911.

Once you remake all that stuff it should look pretty good.
Heh, I like the shotgun. This mod is already looking good. Got any more pics?
Thanks for your feedback. We'll fix the makarov ASAP. As for the glock, it might just be the render but either way I'm working on a specular map which should add some definition to it.

Keep in mind this is a post-apocalyptic mod, how smooth do you think the finish would be on a 50 year old Glock thats been dropped, used, abused, used as a hammer, etc.? :p Common sense here buddy ;)

We still need more skinners... I'm not too great at skinning, I'm only doing it because we don't have a skinner :p Tell all your friends, put the word out! The more people we have talking about this mod, the larger our web for ensnaring skinners will be :p

And check out our forums for frequent updates not shown on the front page of our site. We always have a Work In Progress going on with pics on the WIP page :D
If its so beat to hell then it shouldn't even be able of shooting bullets.
That ribbed detail near the safety: it'd be a more effient use of polys if you just had that as a normal/displacement map or in the skin. Unless you're planning to generate one from a high-poly model of course...

The skin on the Glock could do with being sharper but it's good work otherwise.