Was HL2 too easy...here, fix it

  • Thread starter Thread starter Villevalo
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sorry about the massive number of posts and threads, but this one deserves its own thread. Basically, i came across this file in the gcf files iv been lookin at. its called skill.cfg. with some tweaking, you can make the ai quite hard to kill. in fact i think i might make a difficulty mod in that case. but anyways, heres the contents

// ===========
// NPCs
// ============
// Barnacle
sk_barnacle_health "35"

// Barney
sk_barney_health "35"

// Bullseye
sk_bullseye_health "35"

// Bullsquid
//sk_bullsquid_health "120"
//sk_bullsquid_dmg_bite "15"
//sk_bullsquid_dmg_whip "25"

// Citizen
sk_citizen_health "40"

// Combine Soldier
sk_combine_s_health "50"
sk_combine_s_kick "10"

// Combine Guard
sk_combine_guard_health "70"
sk_combine_guard_kick "15"

// strider
sk_strider_health "350"
sk_strider_num_missiles1 "5"
sk_strider_num_missiles2 "7"
sk_strider_num_missiles3 "7"

// Headcrab
sk_headcrab_health "10"
sk_headcrab_melee_dmg "5"

// Fast Headcrab
sk_headcrab_fast_health "10"

// Poison Headcrab
sk_headcrab_poison_health "35"

// Houndeye
//sk_houndeye_health "80"
//sk_houndeye_dmg_blast "25"

// Manhack
sk_manhack_health "25"
sk_manhack_melee_dmg "20"

// Metropolice
sk_metropolice_health "40"
sk_metropolice_stitch_reaction "1.0"
sk_metropolice_stitch_tight_hitcount "2"
sk_metropolice_stitch_at_hitcount "1"
sk_metropolice_stitch_behind_hitcount "3"
sk_metropolice_stitch_along_hitcount "2"

// Rollermine
sk_rollermine_shock "10"
sk_rollermine_stun_delay "3"
sk_rollermine_vehicle_intercept "1"

// Scanner (City)
sk_scanner_health "30"
sk_scanner_dmg_dive "25"

// Stalker
sk_stalker_health "50"
sk_stalker_melee_dmg "5"

// Vortigaunt
sk_vortigaunt_health "100"
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_claw "10"
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_rake "25"
sk_vortigaunt_dmg_zap "50"
sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge "30"

// Zombie
sk_zombie_health "50"
sk_zombie_dmg_one_slash "10"
sk_zombie_dmg_both_slash "25"

// Poison Zombie
sk_zombie_poison_health "175"
sk_zombie_poison_dmg_spit "20"

sk_antlion_health "30"
sk_antlion_swipe_damage "5"
sk_antlion_jump_damage "5"

//Antlion Guard
sk_antlionguard_health "500"
sk_antlionguard_dmg_charge "20"
sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove "10"

//Antlion Grub
//sk_antliongrub_health "5"

sk_ichthyosaur_health "200"
sk_ichthyosaur_melee_dmg "8"

// Combine Gunship
sk_gunship_burst_size "15"
sk_gunship_health_increments "5"
sk_npc_dmg_gunship "40"
sk_npc_dmg_gunship_to_plr "3"

// Combine Helicopter
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter "6"
sk_npc_dmg_helicopter_to_plr "3"
sk_helicopter_grenadedamage "30"
sk_helicopter_grenaderadius "275"
sk_helicopter_grenadeforce "55000"

// Combine Dropship
sk_npc_dmg_dropship "2"

// Combine APC
sk_apc_health "750"

// =================
// =================

sk_plr_dmg_ar2 "8"
sk_npc_dmg_ar2 "3"
sk_max_ar2 "60"
sk_max_ar2_altfire "3"

sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun "5"
sk_npc_dmg_alyxgun "3"
sk_max_alyxgun "150"

sk_plr_dmg_pistol "5"
sk_npc_dmg_pistol "3"
sk_max_pistol "150"

sk_plr_dmg_smg1 "4"
sk_npc_dmg_smg1 "3"
sk_max_smg1 "225"

sk_plr_dmg_buckshot "8"
sk_npc_dmg_buckshot "3"
sk_max_buckshot "30"

sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round "100"
sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round "50"
sk_max_rpg_round "3"

sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade "100"
sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade "50"
sk_max_smg1_grenade "3"
sk_smg1_grenade_radius "250"

//sk_plr_dmg_gauss "25"
//sk_plr_max_dmg_gauss "30"

sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round "20"
sk_npc_dmg_sniper_round "100"
sk_max_sniper_round "30"

sk_plr_dmg_357 "40"
sk_npc_dmg_357 "30"
sk_max_357 "12"

sk_plr_dmg_crossbow "100"
sk_npc_dmg_crossbow "10"
sk_max_crossbow "10"

sk_plr_dmg_airboat "3"
sk_npc_dmg_airboat "3"

//sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_plr "10"
//sk_dmg_sniper_penetrate_npc "100"

sk_plr_dmg_grenade "150"
sk_npc_dmg_grenade "75"
sk_max_grenade "5"

sk_plr_dmg_crowbar "10"
sk_npc_dmg_crowbar "5"

sk_plr_dmg_stunstick "10"
sk_npc_dmg_stunstick "40" // Kill a citizen in one hit

//sk_plr_dmg_satchel "150"
//sk_npc_dmg_satchel "75"
//sk_satchel_radius "150"

// Mortar Synth projectile
//sk_dmg_energy_grenade "2"
//sk_energy_grenade_radius "100"

sk_dmg_homer_grenade "20"
sk_homer_grenade_radius "100"

// Bullsquid spit
//sk_dmg_spit_grenade "5"
//sk_spit_grenade_radius "50"

//sk_plr_dmg_tripmine "150"
//sk_npc_dmg_tripmine "125"
//sk_tripmine_radius "200"

sk_plr_dmg_fraggrenade "125"
sk_npc_dmg_fraggrenade "75"
sk_fraggrenade_radius "250"

sk_suitcharger "75"
sk_suitcharger_citadel "500"
sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor "200"
sk_battery "15"
sk_healthcharger "50"
sk_healthkit "25"
sk_healthvial "10"

// Combine balls
sk_combineball_seek_angle "15"
sk_combineball_guidefactor "1.0"

// NPC damage adjusters
sk_npc_head "3"
sk_npc_chest "1"
sk_npc_stomach "1"
sk_npc_arm "1"
sk_npc_leg "1"

// player damage adjusters
sk_player_head "3"
sk_player_chest "1"
sk_player_stomach "1"
sk_player_arm "1"
sk_player_leg "1"

// Allies
sk_ally_regen_time "0.2"

// Jeep
sk_max_gauss_round "30"
bullsquid :laugh:
player's stunstick damage :laugh:
there's also a tripmine, a satchel (charge ?), the ichtyosaur - even the houndeye !
same thing i thought when i looked at it - well the ichthyosaur exists at least
All humanoids should be able to take the same amount of damage, including the player. Also the weapons should inflict more damage. That would be the right way to go for a realism mod.
Parts of the game were too easy, other parts were about right. Some parts of Nova Prospekt are fairly difficult, but I like difficult ;)
Yellonet said:
All humanoids should be able to take the same amount of damage, including the player. Also the weapons should inflict more damage. That would be the right way to go for a realism mod.

I dunno about that. The Soldiers are obviously wearing more ballistic protection than the Metrocops... maybe someone'll make a mod where the Soldiers aren't even injured by the weapons with weedier bullets?

That said, I reckon upping the AI and making everything a little tougher's fine for me. HL2 wasn't meant to be realistic.
"Brain Damage: HL2 wasn't meant to be realistic"

Maybe, but some changes might add a new kick to some rather dull moment that happen in the game
Villevallo, we have a whole thread on this already, the problem is that when u modify these variables, the game just reloads them from the skill.cfg in source engine.gcf every time it loads a level - either loading a savegame or transitioning to a new level

we haven't found anyway to get it to use a different skill.cfg except binding a key to say "exec myskill.cfg". putting modified skill.cfg files in any of the obvious directories doesn't work.

and anyway, none of those cvars can make the combine soldiers shoot accurately
Mytris said:
"Brain Damage: HL2 wasn't meant to be realistic"

Maybe, but some changes might add a new kick to some rather dull moment that happen in the game

Firstly, there's a quote button.

Secondly, it's BRIAN :P .

Thirdly, I agree that changes can extend gameplay, but my point was that I feel that realism and Half Life 2 are quite the mismatch...
I would like to play a Mod where it was realistic, you were easier to kill, they were easier to kill, or harder...It would make it feel...that much more real, but annoying at the same time
Brian Damage said:
Firstly, there's a quote button.

Secondly, it's BRIAN :P .

Thirdly, I agree that changes can extend gameplay, but my point was that I feel that realism and Half Life 2 are quite the mismatch...

1st: I know...But a change is good as holiday also it serves the same point

2nd: my bad with name
even after i beat it on hard it was easy this should toughen it up
If you want to start with realism how about limbs being ripped off, blood flowing, bullets killing in 2-3 shots anyone((including your buddies)) Can be 2-4 for soldiers. Headshot is insta kill though.
i would like to see easier kills on combine and yourself, everyone should be taking more damage.
CookieCuttah said:
If you want to start with realism how about limbs being ripped off, blood flowing, bullets killing in 2-3 shots anyone((including your buddies)) Can be 2-4 for soldiers. Headshot is insta kill though.

i'm with cookie here. anyone played sof or sofII? there might not have been much plot there, but u could even shoot the guys' crotches! every hit on every part of the body makes the nme react differently, makes it way cooler, I was a little surprised they didn't make much change about that. one thing that made me always go "eh" since hl1 was that the shots never have an affect on the grunts. I could pump 20 rounds into them at point blank range with an AR and they would still be in the same one-knee position shooting at me. not to make this sound like a b**** reply, I just wanted to say that things like that are possible.

weapons killing in 2-3 shots (for you and the nme) is possible to work with, I think. there was a hl mod that made headshots to you instant kill you and shots to the legs made you move real slow.

alot of neat stuff can be changed to make this already great game even greater. I can't wait for mods to start coming in! :bounce: