Was Portal a success?

Portal a success?

  • This was a triumph

    Votes: 67 97.1%
  • I wish I'd got burned instead

    Votes: 2 2.9%

  • Total voters


Putting aside the length of the game, what did you think of it?
Awesome. Brilliant Puzzle Gaming and Valve Awesomeness all in one.
I thought it could have been longer, but it's alright.
Hmm...the poll didn't go off. The reason I made this thread to find out how many people did not like it...

Personally I'm completely hooked and need more! I might even go so far as to encourage valve to focus more on Portal rather than more Half-life.

Sorry, I know that sounds too overly complimentary, but it was perfect. Good puzzles, good length, good humour, good looks, it was just good.
Although I did enjoy the puzzles I was really into it more for the story. Wich btw was amazing.
Huge success!
I love it and also critical reception and success in gaming community was really great.
Ever since I saw the trailer, I knew it was Valve's ingeniuity again at work. They brought about a completely new way of thinking, a totally different way of working in a game environment. It's just genius

(ok, so I learned the words...)
Only downside to Portal is its replayability - the first 4 or 5 test chambers are boring to play again. It's not like HL where the combat will vary on replay - you pretty much just have to stick this portal here and walk through it...

Can't wait for really good fan-made maps/mods for Portal to take over, though.
I think that the gameplay on its own is not enough to justify the awesome aftertaste it leaves. It's that little story and the characters and the wrting that make everything come alive.
on f 73|-| B357 G4|\/|3Z 3\/4, and also the first of its' type which made its' sucess even more emphasized as they stepping into new terrirory when they created the game
Portal owns me. I've beat it 7 times now, and everytime i play through it just get's betta!!!
Not only is it a great, not to mention original, puzzle game it has a real atmosphere helped along with a fantastic story.

The only complaint is the length, but I understand that Value wouldn't want to create 30 hours of game play if it was a flop. They have a gem of a game here, especially by linking it into the Half-Life universe. Even if Value produce a flop with Portal 2 (please don't!), the original will forever remain a cult classic.
It's pretty much adored by everybody. I'd say it's a success.

I don't even have a problem with the length. It gave me just the right amount without becoming a chore.
Absolute fun, real head-scratcher at times.

I hope map packs are coming soon, though.
It seems to have earned more focus than the rest of the orange box, which it fully deserves. Truly a fantastic, marvelous, wonderful, incredible, superb [add more adjectives here] game.
It was fantastic, but I can't help thinking that Valve thought of it as a sort of Half-Life 2 Episode Three Hazard Course rather than giving it the significance it deserved. If it was as long as Episode Two, it could well have been the main reason for buying the pack...
and if you say portal is a short game, what about HL2EP1?
They're probably about the same length, but the difference is that the first half of Episode One doesn't train you up for the second as zealously as Portal does in its two halves. In fact, the two halves in Episode One are more or less distinct in terms of gameplay, whereas the first half of Portal is just the second half with its legs cut off.
Puzzle are truly easy once you know how Portals really work. (except for that rocket turret into vent puzzle), I stacked chairs. But the dialog was awesome, and I'm really looking forward to a sequel, if there is one.
I loved this game for mainly the story (everyone knows that valvemakes its games with 80% story and 20% fighting, which why I love them almost as much as my companion cube... poor companion cube... she said it would never desert me... desert... haha, cake... a lie... the companion cub would never leave me.... NEVER;().
For innovation in the genre, it's damned hard to beat. It went where pretty much no other went, and that alone makes it a success. That the game was pretty good (albeit short) adds to that success. Besides, it probably isn't over yet.
To quote Ziro Punctuation from the Escapist - "Yeah i know its not very funny to love a game, but F*** YOU! Portal is great and if you dont think so you must be stupid."
Poll added at thread starters request.

I loved my cake...such a fantastic game which I'm sure will become cult, and remembered for many years.
Massive success. One of the most innovative and comical games of all time i thought. The script was just genious, and no game has been made like it.

100 over 100

this game is awesome and dispite its length i think it still worth the ?10 i paid for it. I love exchange rates =P
I'm GLaD I got burned...wait, no, it was a triumph.

Really clever and creative and funny. Fun too. I'm listening to Still Alive right now! :LOL:

My only complaint is that I wish it was about twice as long. 3 and a half hours is too short...

EP2 > Portal = TF2 imo
Portal > TF2 > Ep2.

Hmm, it'd say:

Potal > EP2 > watching paint dry > TF2

Portal, was amazing, and I haven't heard any negative reviews about it from anybody (although I haven't been looking), so I would say that is definitely a success.
Valve did an absolutely outstanding job on Portal. I didn't have high expectations for the game because I didn't read much about it before buying the Orange Box, but I decided to play it after beating EP2 twice and was blown away by almost every aspect of the game. I've been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600 and know how rare it is to find a game that just leaves you astonished... and Portal has definitely done that.

I'm sure the guys at Valve didn't know what they had in their hands when they first started development of Portal... how it would amaze the gaming world and drive me thoroughly insane due to the end song being stuck in my head for days at a time...

It's all your fault Valve!!!!