Was the military prepped for an invasion


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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This struck me as curious, was the military already aware of what type of research that was carried out at the complex, below are a few ways of looking at the situation:

1) They had no idea what they were dealing with when they entered the base

2) They had an idea of the threat that was taking place so were moderately prepared

3) They were warned by somebody of what was going to happen (perhaps by the Gman, so did extensive training (op4 possibility)

4) They encountered this threat before, so had a lot of contingency plans

Do you think that this small invasion actually happened before while they were experimenting at Black Mesa, and do you think that the Gman was one of the survivors of the original incident (Does he have ties with the military due to the original incident)
I've thought about that too.

Im of the thinking that the actual solders didn't know what was going on, but their higher ups knew that this kind of thing might or was going to happen and sent them in to take out any of the scientists who could talk.
So I think that containing the Aliens wasn't the biggest priority on their list.
The soldiers were given extensive indoor combat and hazardous environment training for about 2 months before the incident, told only that it was for Black Mesa. Under G-man's supervision, of course.

They weren't, however, told about the aliens or the scientists until they we already almost there.
Shephard's team just got shot down before they could recieve their orders.

In the end, G-man called black mesa an embarassment. I think he was refering to how all the other grunts basically sucked when fighting the aliens.

So, the G-man knew at least two months ahead of time, but the soldiers didn't until about 30 minutes beforehand.
As to the question did the military know?

Like said above I think the "Higher ups" knew what was going on but the actual grunts did not know. The more important question is did the Black Ops know what they were going up against?
But they must have been the G-Man's puppets. Why would you willingly suppress a small invasion if you knew a bigger one was comming? Or did the black mesa invasion succeed? I haven't actually played HL single player in a while ... I think it's about time I do again.
Clearly, the military brass had specific information regarding the potential threats at Black Mesa. At the very least, the G-Man knew the basics of the alien physiology (from the preliminary exploration of Xen by the survey team), the potential dangers involved in the teleportation experiementation, etc, and adjusted the training for the soldiers accordingly. The individual soldiers were briefed on a need-to-know basis only, I suspect.