
What Control Map do you use

  • WASD

    Votes: 88 83.0%
  • ESDF

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Arrow Keys

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • Number Pad

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Ok I would like to know what type of control config you use.

I personally am a WASD man and will generally use the CS mapping in most FPS's.(e.g. Ctrl= crouch Space=Jump E=Use etc.)

So what do you use?
Arrows for every game. WASD just feels too cramped.
I recently re-installed Quake 2 back onto my computer, just for nostalgia. I can't believe I used to play that game with arrow keys.

WASD all the way.
my friend has the nerve to call me a simpleton for using WASD. he's still using arrow keys... but whatever you're comfortable with i guess
Dedalus said:
my friend has the nerve to call me a simpleton for using WASD. he's still using arrow keys...
:LOL: Ahhahaha! I remember when I used arrow keys, all my friend called ME a simpleton. And looking back, I can't remember how I managed it. In CS, CTRL was duck, shift was jump, Enter was reload and Del was use. Needless to say, there was no crouch-jumping for me :rolling:
stigmata said:
:LOL: Ahhahaha! I remember when I used arrow keys, all my friend called ME a simpleton. And looking back, I can't remember how I managed it. In CS, CTRL was duck, shift was jump, Enter was reload and Del was use. Needless to say, there was no crouch-jumping for me :rolling:

Arrow keys can be really useful if you just map everything right... of course you're not going to crouch jump like that. However, if you had made rightclick jump and shift duck, you have a perfect crouchjump forumla right there.
I've never seen anyone else other than a few of my friends with the setup that I use. It's zx for strafe, mouse2 for forwards, v for backwards, c for secondfire, mouse 1 is shoot, asdfgb are all readily bindable depending on the game. This allows me to have all of the important functions on the mouse. I can move forward shoot and aim with one hand if by some chance I have a sandwich in my left hand.
Direwolf said:
I own a WASD shirt.

You my friend, are a king among men. Did I say men? I meant dorks.

lol...j/k, no offense. That's pretty funny though.
WSAD (no, not WASD, that sounds silly) of course. Lots of keys available in a small area. With the arrow keys you have to move around a lot more to get to the same number of keys. That's what I imagine anyway, I don't think I ever tried an FPS with the arrow keys.
Yeah, I think you are :p

WASD all teh way!!1
i've tried using Home/Delete/End/Page Down setup and it works fairly well. Insert/PageUp for lean left/right where applicable, your pinky is in easy reach of enter, backspace and a few of the surrounding keys, and your thumb can press pretty much any key on the keypad. i gave up trying to get good at that setup after i got cramp in my hand.
WASD seems closer to the other vital keys.
Of course, this is not just for first-person shooters.
Weird,no ESDF users (Maybe no Tribes 2 people on here.Or is it EDSF ;))
Yeah your probly right,it is WSAD but im taking WASD from the way the keyboard is made.

I think also the way that your hands are further spaced apart is a comfort then with the arrow keys.Also you dont have half the access to keys and I could never use Shift or Ctrl to jump /me shudders

PS:100th Post Hurray!
I know a guy who uses the right mouse button to move foreward! He uses A and Z frequently too. Amazingly, he manages to play well even with such a weird setup. I'm a standard wasd player myself, though.
Voodoo_Chile said:
I think also the way that your hands are further spaced apart is a comfort then with the arrow keys.Also you dont have half the access to keys and I could never use Shift or Ctrl to jump /me shudders

PS:100th Post Hurray!

As I say, once you get the mappings figured out, it's a great control method. My basic configuration is:

Left Mouse Button: Fire
Middle Mouse Button: Secondary Fire/Zoom
Right Mouse Button: Jump
Arrows: Forwards, Back, Strafe
Ctrl: Run or Walk
Shift: Crouch
Enter: Use
Numpad 0: Reload

Then additional keys for varying games can be mapped to:

Delete, End, Page Down, Numpad 1,4,2.

My config is almost like yours.
M2:Alt. fire
R: Reload
WASD for me. I couldn't use the arrow keys because of where my keyboard is physicaly placed, it would be uncomfortable to have to reach over and use the arrow keys.
stigmata said:
:LOL: Ahhahaha! I remember when I used arrow keys, all my friend called ME a simpleton. And looking back, I can't remember how I managed it. In CS, CTRL was duck, shift was jump, Enter was reload and Del was use. Needless to say, there was no crouch-jumping for me :rolling:

I used to do that too. Now I WASD.
Oh good God, the Tribes ESDF setup up. :D
I used that just for Tribes for a long time, but I believe I eventually adapted it to a WASD setup that had hotkeys for the stuff I actually used.

I just can't believe I used the arrow keys before. ;)
When Half-Life came out, I played it through using only keyboard. Those days mouse wasn't so common in FPS games, at least not for me :)

Well, I actually didn't finish it, but I was close to the end. Somewhere in Xen.
I use WASD, BUT I crouch on Shift actually.
Please don't flame me. :eek:
I use the stock WASD setup. HL was the first FPS I ever played, so that was the setup I got used to. Now I set all my FPS games to the stock HL controls (usually that's just changing crouch from 'C' to 'Ctrl,' and some other keys like 'Y' to chat instead of 'T'). I can't imagine playing with the arrows; I'm trying to imagine playing The Specialists right now, and I can't think of how I could bind my keys so that I could strafe and dive and shoot and then hit crouch to roll out of my dive, while hitting my "drop weapon" key to bring out another gun. It's very cramped around the arrow keys. Doesn't seem...natural...to my hand. Actually, it's uncomfortable reaching out to other keys around the arrows, for me.

My girlfriend uses the arrow keys for TFC though. I couldn't believe it when I found out she uses those keys; she's an offensive flag-runner, and her clan placed #1 Iron in the UGC, so I guess whatever's comfortable and works for a person...

(I still don't get it, though :p)
im switching from arrow keys. after getting used to them in bf42 its way easier to play any game. definately WASD from now on
mew said:
K - forward
comma - back
J - left
L - right
ALT - shoot
space - secondary
mouse2 - jump
mouse1 - duck
One of the best Specialists players uses this. got it from the ts board.
I used to use arrow keys, but finally made the transition to WASD nad have never looked back! Once I got comfortable with it it so much easier and more comfortable to use.
I've never seen anyone else other than a few of my friends with the setup that I use. It's zx for strafe, mouse2 for forwards, v for backwards, c for secondfire, mouse 1 is shoot, asdfgb are all readily bindable depending on the game. This allows me to have all of the important functions on the mouse. I can move forward shoot and aim with one hand if by some chance I have a sandwich in my left hand.

Dude... I'm gonna try that next time I play a fps (probably hl2). Into warcraft 3 now. I eat ALL THE TIME while playing.

(well... assuming I remember it when hl2 comes out)
Chris_D said:
"You know you're a geek when..."
You're waiting for someone to pick you up at school, and when they take a long time to get there you say "Lag!" out loud... :eek:

E for Use
CTRL for Crouch
SPACE for Jump
INSERT for OpenGL Hacking Menu in Counter-Strike
L MOUSE for Stardard Fire
R MOUSE for Secondary Fire
MIDDLE MOUSE for Quick Inventory

It's all good.
WASD for movement (forward, back, strafe L/R)

E - use
F - Voice commands/mic support
R - reload
left ctrl - Duck
space - jump
LMB - primary fire
RMB - secondary fire
MMB - Prone
Scroll wheel - up = next weapon/ down= last weapon
x - spawn interface
t - Say all
y - Say team
space bar - jump
left shift - run/sprint

mouse inverted of course.

1280x1024 resolution at 80hz (all games) (monitor SUCKS)
all graphic options on full detail (all games)
usually 4x AA, and 16xAF (some games arent compatible like HALO)
FPS = on average about 100fps constant (all games... well except HALO)

I used to use the arrow keys myself, when I first started playing pc games. I decided to switch to WASD(or WSAD) when I found myself continuously moving my hands to take up positions to allow myself to crouch jump and stuff in HL deathmatch. I'd move my right hand from the mouse to the arrow keys and my left hand from the arrow keys to the jump,crouch etc keys.

Once I got used to WASD I never looked back. I can do all the stuff I did before without having to reposition my hands and thus saving valuable time. Plus it means I don't have to faf about with control schemes as most FPSs are setup to by default to work nicely with WASD. Though I must admit some of the buttons in the default FarCry config were a bit weird. Especially the grenade and use buttons being right next to each other. Lord knows how many times I accidentally chucked a grenade whilst trying to operate a lift. I soon changed that though. Now that I look back on it, I can't believe how I manged to play decently using the arrow keys.
I used to use arrows for everything, but then one day i got a hl mod and didnt change it.

Now its perfect... wsad are obvious, e is use, r is reload(i normally make them the side mouse buttons but my current mouse doesnt have them), CTRL is duck, space is jump and then all the special keys can fit around that...So sven coop for example. q is medic, z is take cover, t is grappling hook (if its enabled) and so on...
Voodoo_Chile said:
Weird,no ESDF users (Maybe no Tribes 2 people on here.Or is it EDSF ;))
Yeah your probly right,it is WSAD but im taking WASD from the way the keyboard is made.

I think also the way that your hands are further spaced apart is a comfort then with the arrow keys.Also you dont have half the access to keys and I could never use Shift or Ctrl to jump /me shudders

PS:100th Post Hurray!

I used ESDF in Tribes 2 and I'd use it in other games if it was the default setup, doesn't make much difference to me.

I don't like the arrow keys, it feels crampt and there arn't many keys around them, if I was left handed I would use the numpad.