
What Control Map do you use

  • WASD

    Votes: 88 83.0%
  • ESDF

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Arrow Keys

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • Number Pad

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
When I first started playing FPSs with Elite Force I used the default configuration. Arrows to move, c to crouch, all that good stuff. I also never used the mouse.

Then at some point I started using a mouse, making me much better pretty much overnight. Within about a month I got into my first clan (that I'm still in to this day ^_^.) One day there was a forum post where a guy recommended a control setup using WSAD. I gave it a shot and never looked back. It took I think only two days to get really comfortable with it. My current control scheme in games is based off that, with some influence from Half-Life.

WSAD - movement
Shift - Jump
Space - Use
Q - Walk
E - Duck
Y - Chat
U - Team Chat (these last two came from Half-Life)
CTRL - Sprint
V - Prone (might have come from Day of Defeat)
F - Flashlight/Nightvision/Whatever improves vision
G - Toss Weapon
M - Change Team
M - Change Class
R - Taunt
L MOUSE - Primary Fire
R MOUSE - Secondary Fire
M MOUSE - Reload

Does anyone else find the default mouse scrolling for weapon selection in most games confusing? Down to increase through the list and up to decrease? It always feels backwards to me... Now I'm so messed up as to which goes where that I have to just memorize what number keys match which weapon.
I use both WASD and Arrow keys and switch between them.
All the keys around WASD I leave default (ctrl-duck,shift-walk,z-prone,tab-score,space-jump etc)

Mouse1: fire
Mddl mouse:talk
wheeldown:alt fire
wheelup:inv scroll
right mouse:jump
side button1: reload
side button2:quickswitch in cs

del,end,pg_down,enter for additional keys

I use the keypad for buying in CS (10-key is fast, no need for buy scripts) and other binds for other games (Like BF's radio commands).

Most ppl don't have a problem playing on my PC since I leave WASD default, once they figure out where alt fire is and that mouse2 is jump.
I remember the moment I switched to WSAD - Trying to play Rogue Spear with arrows and no mouse... aiming with PgUp/Down >_<
i grew up with a Megadrive controller. then i upgraded to PS1. then PS2. By the time i had a PC that could run HL on minimum specks, WSAD was normal and arrows were but a whisper in the wind (or something).

and LOL abom... argumentitive as allways :LOL:
come to think of it... so am i :|
FVSD. I really like my setup and it's pretty impossible for me to use anything else, especially a mouse that's not inverted.

F - forward
V - reverse
S - strafe left
D - strafe right
Inverted mouse.
MOUSE1 - primary fire
MOUSE2 - crouch
MOUSE4 - secondary fire
MOUSE5 - mic
Damit, to late to vote but i use the number pad... and I use Mouse2 to move forward :)

Mouse1 = Fire
Mouse2 = Reload

K_PAD8 = Jump
k_PAD5 = Dunk
K_PAD2 = Backwards
k_PAD4 = Sidestep Left
K_PAD6 = Sidestep Right

k_PAD+ = Reload
k_DEL = Use
K_ENTER = Secondary Fire

All the other buttons change with games so i cant really say what it the rest are.

Also, I got this to use with my Laptop because it dont have a numberpad: http://www.extremereviews.net/php/view.php?file=belkin_n52_dev_lrg
i personally hate WASD, its too cramped.
ESDF is just so much more natural for me. Especially in a game when you want to lean, you bind those to w and r, and you still have q for last used weapon. ESDF opens up q and a for easier access, and makes it easier for me to use shift as crouch.
I should go back to my wolfenstein mouseless config of arrow keys and ctrl(to fire).

Truely elite.
I use WSAD if the controls are simple and EDSF if I need the extra keys. I only use arrow keys for things like racing games and only when I don't want to set up the steering wheel. EDSF also has the benefit of the F key having the "nipple" on it (on most keyboards) so that you can re-orient your hand more easily in the dark.
I've never seen anyone else other than a few of my friends with the setup that I use. It's zx for strafe, mouse2 for forwards, v for backwards, c for secondfire, mouse 1 is shoot, asdfgb are all readily bindable depending on the game. This allows me to have all of the important functions on the mouse. I can move forward shoot and aim with one hand if by some chance I have a sandwich in my left hand.
that is sooo pimp. a real man always has eating involved; laziness and time management are key. i always have to set up arrow keys and the keypad as stuff when im eating(Usually when im playing gta3) im gonna have to come up with some eating config( that works better for me, that would be hard to get used to).

my standard is really just your average wasd, except with z as fastswitch, and (for cs) q as buy, c and v as buy ammo, and b as buy equip. x is prone/nv.

i really like the buy setup though, because i can do everything with one hand and buy everything possible(all grenades, pistol, kevlar, nv, def, weapon, and ammo) in less than 2 seconds, without the constrictions of buy scripts.

mouse1 = fire
mouse2 = jump
mouse3 = secondary
mouse4 = reload
mouse5 = drop (or something similar)
mwheelup/down = nextwep/prevwep
enter = use
kp_ins = lastinv (or something similar)
ctrl = duck
shift = walk
insert/home/pgup/delete/end/pgdn = usually 1-6

If I ever need any more binds, I use kp_leftarrow and kp_home.. :)
I use ASDF.

a - left strafe
s - forward
d - backward
f - right strafe
There are some crazy configs here. My friends always used to laugh at me for using MB2 as Jump. I don't know what game got me started on that, but I'm pretty sure it was a default configuration. Also, I must have the mouse inverted, and if playing on an XP system, I always manually disable mouse acceleration through the registry.
theGreenBunny said:
WSAD (no, not WASD, that sounds silly)

"You have been wazzed on" sounds a lot better than anything you can make out of WSAD ("Wu SAD bastard"?).

My CS setup:
WASD = movement
mouse = aim
mouse1 = fire
mouse2 = altfire
mouse3 = knife
mousewheel forward = main gun
mousewheel back = pistol
mousethumb = use
SPACE = jump
SHIFT = crouch
R = reload
Q = lastweapon
E = nightvision (not that I ever use it)
F = flashlight (blinkyblinkyblinky)
G = drop weapon

I always try and set the thumb button to Use (if the game supports that button - Logi-moose). Any prone posture I usually set to ALT or CTRL (/meh has long pinky finger). For UT2K4 I've got all the keys surrounding the WASD set to the weapons: E = rocket launcher; Q = lightning gun; F = flakcannon; C = special; etc., with the mousewheel back/forward set to the translocator.

Arrow keys seem strange to me now -- it's a waste of a good thumb, unless you like cramping your hand up into strange shapes while playing.
WSAD is Up-Down-Left-Right (keeps same-axis movements together)... WASD is in the order you would read them row by row. Neither of them are wrong. Both have a legitimate order.
Abom, a reinforcement has finally arrived! :sniper:

I've been an arrow keys guy for a really long time. I've tried WASD, but it's just too cramped and it feels funny to have my hands so far apart.
umop said:
Abom, a reinforcement has finally arrived! :sniper:

I've been an arrow keys guy for a really long time. I've tried WASD, but it's just too cramped and it feels funny to have my hands so far apart.

Almost exactly the same as my configuration! Marry me, please?

Unfortunately I only have a 3 button/rollwheel mouse, two extra buttons on there would come in really handy for games that need alot of keys mapped, but I still get by fine.
ah but we have been secretly stealing your men. Sulkdodds used to be perfectly happy with arrow keys a yaer ago, but some strict tourture and mind control later and hes fighting against you :LOL:

You know you cannot win this warm GI joe... your goverment gives you a medal, but only after you are dead... :fire:
ah, but we have been secretly stealing your men. Sulkdodds used to be perfectly happy with arrow keys a yaer ago, but some strict tourture and mind control later and hes fighting against you :LOL:

You know you cannot win this war GI joe... your goverment gives you a medal, but only after you are dead... :flame:

*edit* OMG i accidently posted this twice... i clicked "quick reply" then immediately clicked "go advanced after coz i made a spelling mistake :( I thought there was a lock to stop you posting within 30 secs of another post, anyway.... strange :|

*edit again* can u delete posts?
Suicide42 said:
ah but we have been secretly stealing your men. Sulkdodds used to be perfectly happy with arrow keys a yaer ago, but some strict tourture and mind control later and hes fighting against you :LOL:

You know you cannot win this warm GI joe... your goverment gives you a medal, but only after you are dead... :fire:

Let's see you spurt your mindwashing braincrap after I kick your buttocks with my superior arrow skills!
I used to use the arrow keys when i didnt use a mouse for fps, but now, there just arent enough keys accsible, although for simpler games like UT all you need it the movement buttons and shoot, so i use the arrow keys for that sometimes.
Arrow Keys by far. WASD seems so.... Wrong.....

Mind you big hands kinda help....
Abom said:
Let's see you spurt your mindwashing braincrap after I kick your buttocks with my superior arrow skills!

*me crouch jumps over Abom while pressing secondary fire to cut his throat *
Im an arrow keys man. Ctrl=Crouch, Shift=Jump, Enter=Walk, Mouse3=Reload, Numpad 1&2=Left & Right strafe, Numpad 0=Use, Numpad 4=voicecomm.
mrchimp said:
or if your left handed

Southpaw here..but I use WSAD setup. I didn't always though.

Doom-Duke Nukem 3D - Arrows and left side of the keyboard for shooting ducking etc.

Quake-?? - Arrows at first with A & Z for looking up and down with holding alt to strafe. Circle-strafing became a neccessity... < & > for strafing from then on with my left hand moving to the right side of the keyboard.

I don't know how I played all those games without the mouse...It's weird looking back and realizing that we used such lame control schemes...at least I did.
Abom said:
Almost exactly the same as my configuration! Marry me, please?.

I do.

Nice to know I'm not the only one with that kind of config. The arrow skills can't be touched, it's a proven fact. I saw it on the Discovery channel. Something about how the minds of arrow key users are so highly evolved and complex, but I can't remember exactly.
I used to use arrows, but now I use WASD. Does anyone else like saying that as word? I know I do. Anyway, it just proves the fact that I'm getting dumber each and every day.
I actually have a WASD costume that I wear over my WASD underwear and WASD tatoos. Sometimes I even drive my WASD shaped car to the hotel room where I proceed to WASD the shit out of my mistress.
I propose an Arrows vs. WSAD HL2 match as soon as it comes out. Once and for all will be decided which is the superior config.
theGreenBunny said:
I propose an Arrows vs. WSAD HL2 match as soon as it comes out. Once and for all will be decided which is the superior config.
Agreed. I can be the WASD benchwarmer :p
well, ill be the backup to stigmata, so im the guy who gets water for the bench boy. I would take the challenge but i just crack under pressure. ;)
i've been using wasd, used to use arrows, experimenting with new setup (ESRD, with keyboard sideways....sounds wierd, but hand is more relaxed and i can use more keys)
Just how would an arrows vs WASD match be fair? Theres 14 of us to you 98.

Thats just not cricket.
Venmoch said:
Just how would an arrows vs WASD match be fair? Theres 14 of us to you 98.

Thats just not cricket.

Not to mention about 2 or 3 of those 14 are active users... or have bothered to post in this thread.

But who cares?! I'll take yer all on!