Watch this...

Originally posted by alco
He was refering to the lawsuit. But both are a bigger problem in America than in any other country.
Yeah, other countries only have piddly problems like routine terrorist bombings, oppressive governments, and violent revolts. Sounds like a garden paradise compared to America. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
yeah so suddenly violence is perverting our youth into bloodthirsty killers

Hmm, so did Vlad the Impaler play Vice City?

Perhaps Gengis Khan played too much Diablo 2?

Or maybe Jack the Ripper played too much Soldier of Fortune 2?

I think all the anti game politians and soccer moms should realize that stupidity and violence are traits as old as humanity and not even almighty video games have the power to significantly change those 2 traits in a person

give that man a lollipop, or something. well said.
this is BS,

I want to stab someone with a rusty spoon, but that's never been in a game....

Why would you do it because a game told you unless you already had a problem......
(yes yes gordon wait i'll kill my brother later)
.....I geuss they will start banning nthe makers of static soon, because the static told someone to do something.....
(yes ok gordon wait there)
....erm...anywhom, i'm going to tea.....yes that's right.yes, eat my tea......

heheheh, your right of course it is BS

I have played games for years. But do i want to kill anybody at all. No. Because I was taught right from wrong. Simple as that.

Except all those evil dictators that need a right good kick in the nuts :P
Originally posted by Maskirovka
by the logic of this suit, the parents in this case have done nothing wrong either...since they're not responsible for their actions of negligence in not teaching their kids that shooting at people is wrong.

they gave this game to their children or at least didn't check what games their children are playing in this case a game rated "M" ... so who's fault is it then in their opinion? for sure not rockstar. not to mention the fact that they didn't properly lock the guns.