Watched Fahrenheit 9/11



Yeah, yeah, old news for Americans. But it appeared in the local theatre just a few days ago. It was hysterically funny, that's all I can say. I don't know what portions were true, untrue, partially true or whatever. No one knows. Everyone has their own "true" opinion of Fahrenheit. As far as I care, it was just an entertaining piece of comedy. Maybe it was all true, maybe it was bullshit. I just don't know. And I'm not going to spend the rest of the year trying to find out.
/me watches thread expand to 15 pages full of argumentative extremists ranting at each other, and then get locked
How was it funny? You mean the cheesy music?
KagePrototype said:
* KagePrototype watches thread expand to 15 pages full of argumentative extremists ranting at each other, and then get locked

That's very probable. 15 pages of people arguing with evidence such as "lol stfu fahrenheit is bs" "omg no its not :("
63SixThreeSix3 said:
How was it funny? You mean the cheesy music?

Moore's commentary and the way he edits things together. The audience was in stiches.
There are no outright lies in the film... Just half truths and a total one sided view.
don't walk away slowly CB, RUN!!!!!!!!111111111one
Well - i agree, if you say there won't be a lie. I'll probably wait till its out on video.

We are manipulated by the media and the gouvernment every day. It is only fair that someone is manipulating from a different point of view :)

ps: when my brother and I went to watch "Bowling for Columbine" (before it won the Oscar), no other person was in the cinema to watch it. They wouldn't have played that show if we hadn't shown up. *g*
And now everyone is so mad about Michael Moore... :rolling:
Enigma said:
I think he meant all the bullshit

I guess you saw the movie and can point out all the "bullshit"? Enlighten us please.
Read it anyway, even if it is his home page :p it has a lot of links to reputable news agency confirming what he was saying... Anyway, has anyone read the issue of time magazine with moore on the cover? They try to break it down in the magazine but the most they could come up with were time discrepensies, nothing actually false. One of the fact checkers for the movie (a lawyer of some sort i believe) said he would pay 10,000 dollars to anyone who could find one lie in the film. It goes on to say that moore hired former administration officials, lawyers, historians, fbi/cia etc etc. to run a fine comb through the film to make sure everything was accurate and so far it appears it has been. If moore was to get anything wrong, or out right lie about something in the film he would have been slapped with a devastating law suite so fast his eyes would spin, and to my knowledge that hasn't happened yet.
CptStern said:
I guess you saw the movie and can point out all the "bullshit"? Enlighten us please.
Farenhiet 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine has a bunch of BS in it.
MM him self is a retard, he thinks he is the average blue collar guy but when he has his daughter going to the most expensive private school in the nation(which i am sure which is super ++ liberal =\)

I will nitpick his movie-
The whole "Colaition" that was so lame. He mentioned the lower ended allies such as
El Salvador
Philipenes and a bunch of other nation no one cares about, but i guess he forgot:

The UK
Ukraine which has the 3rd biggest army in ALL of europe.

Not only that MM did not make any POINTS in the movie. He gave a bunch of information and STOPPED and made no points. Congrats you find out XX knows XX who Knows Bush! Now what about it! I am thinking that MM wanted the average american to try to plause it out an come with a conclusion(which they cant).

All that movie was based on is to say how bad Bush did of a job and we should of never gone in Iraq. It was stupd I do not mind going into iraq. Saddam was planning to switching his oil based economy on selling to the Euro and that would of hurt the USD.

If MM wanted to help the world he could donate him self to Somalia and every belly would be full. ,
Enigma said:
Farenhiet 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine has a bunch of BS in it.
MM him self is a retard, he thinks he is the average blue collar guy but when he has his daughter going to the most expensive private school in the nation(which i am sure which is super ++ liberal =\)

I will nitpick his movie-
The whole "Colaition" that was so lame. He mentioned the lower ended allies such as
El Salvador
Philipenes and a bunch of other nation no one cares about, but i guess he forgot:

The UK
Ukraine which has the 3rd biggest army in ALL of europe.

Not only that MM did not make any POINTS in the movie. He gave a bunch of information and STOPPED and made no points. Congrats you find out XX knows XX who Knows Bush! Now what about it! I am thinking that MM wanted the average american to try to plause it out an come with a conclusion(which they cant).

All that movie was based on is to say how bad Bush did of a job and we should of never gone in Iraq. It was stupd I do not mind going into iraq. Saddam was planning to switching his oil based economy on selling to the Euro and that would of hurt the USD.

If MM wanted to help the world he could donate him self to Somalia and every belly would be full. ,

you're funny :) carry on it's giving me a good chuckle. your post made little coherent sense, but it's funny to watch your zeal come out in your writing.

Enigma said:
All that movie was based on is to say how bad Bush did of a job and we should of never gone in Iraq.

well yeah, that was kind of the whole idea of the movie...he wasn't trying to teach us how to cook a nice hot pot or anything you know :hmph:

Enigma said:
Ukraine which has the 3rd biggest army in ALL of europe.

well, after the first two largest armies, there's a real big drop off in the number of troops.
Dedalus said:
you're funny :) carry on it's giving me a good chuckle. your post made little coherent sense, but it's funny to watch your zeal come out in your writing.

well yeah, that was kind of the whole idea of the movie...he wasn't trying to teach us how to cook a nice hot pot or anything you know :hmph:

well, after the first two largest armies, there's a real big drop off in the number of troops.
I will agree with you on the first part. I wrote that whole part in 45 minutes as i was running inside the house but it was already to late to edit. So my bad
:x -I will have to re-write

Still the Movie is retarted. If you are going to make a whole movie dedicaetd on flaming the president make some solid hard punches and not some half assed points which leave you hanging..

Wrong. It is:
I actually think now that Ukraine may have more than Turkey now. It is neck and neck, either way it does not matter. Ukraine has a very good military
Enigma said:
Farenhiet 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine has a bunch of BS in it.
MM him self is a retard, he thinks he is the average blue collar guy but when he has his daughter going to the most expensive private school in the nation(which i am sure which is super ++ liberal =\)

:upstare: assumption, conservative outrage, opinion. Which best describes your rant? : take your pick

Enigma said:
I will nitpick his movie-
The whole "Colaition" that was so lame. He mentioned the lower ended allies such as
El Salvador
Philipenes and a bunch of other nation no one cares about, but i guess he forgot:

The UK
Ukraine which has the 3rd biggest army in ALL of europe.

that's your assessment of the whole movie? one insignificant point? btw Spain pulled out of the coalition

Enigma said:
Not only that MM did not make any POINTS in the movie. He gave a bunch of information and STOPPED and made no points. Congrats you find out XX knows XX who Knows Bush! Now what about it! I am thinking that MM wanted the average american to try to plause it out an come with a conclusion(which they cant).

no, like any good documentary film maker he presents his ideas and lets the viewer draw their own conclusion

Enigma said:
All that movie was based on is to say how bad Bush did of a job and we should of never gone in Iraq. It was stupd I do not mind going into iraq. Saddam was planning to switching his oil based economy on selling to the Euro and that would of hurt the USD.

must I point out how incredibly narrowminded that statement is? to break it down you're saying:

"saddam is an economic risk so lets invade his country ...if 10,000 civilians die as a consequence, then so be it"

Enigma said:
If MM wanted to help the world he could donate him self to Somalia and every belly would be full. ,

on the risk of getting flamed really are an idiot ...k let me re-phrase that:

"your asinine comments expose your juvenlie demeanor"
Here was the basic structure of the movie-
1) The Bin Laden family (if not exactly Osama himself) had a business relationship with the Bush family, through the Carlyle Group.

2) Saudi capital in general is a very large element of foreign investment in the United States.

3) The Unocal company in Texas had been willing to discuss a gas pipeline across Afghanistan with the Taliban, as had other vested interests.

4) The Bush administration sent far too few ground troops to Afghanistan and thus allowed far too many Taliban and al-Qaida members to escape.

5) The American lives lost in Afghanistan have been wasted. (This I divine from the fact that this supposedly "antiwar" film is dedicated ruefully to all those killed there, as well as in Iraq.)
1-SO?! The fact that Bush's know their family is nothing. As the next point is made Saudi Arabia has a huge investment in the USA.

2-Again So? Moore makes it seem like a bad thing that the United States is letting Saudi Arabia own around 8% of America.

3-Gas Pipelines have been getting made more recently in that area. They are making a brand new one that goes through Georgia and Turkey

4-No the ammount we sent was fine. If it was not for Pakistan's corrupt army it would of been fine.

5-They are not a waste. THey are protecting a huge investment for America. We did 2 good things in Iraq. We got rid of Saddam and we have major oil investment already built up in an area that is worth keeping.
All that MM does is make stupid sarcastic joke and try to use Irony to due people over. Here is a very good example of that which he tried to make a fine point!

MM went on and on about the Osama family got out of America and we did nothing to stop them. There are 2 that we missed.
One thing is that flights were already allowed to take place again and Richard Clarke, Bush's former chief of counterterrorism, has already come forward to say that he, and he alone, took the responsibility for authorizing those Ossama's leaving.

Another Example of MM trying to use sarcasm and irony is when he has that TV footage of Bush at the golf course. WELL WOOPDY DOO! Thats what you do at a golf course dont you?!

Also i hope that Moore feels good when he goes around and ambushes Presidents of Organizations and Congressmens with questions and a TV camera.
CptStern said:
:upstare: assumption, conservative outrage, opinion. Which best describes your rant? : take your pick

that's your assessment of the whole movie? one insignificant point? btw Spain pulled out of the coalition

no, like any good documentary film maker he presents his ideas and lets the viewer draw their own conclusion

must I point out how incredibly narrowminded that statement is? to break it down you're saying:

"saddam is an economic risk so lets invade his country ...if 10,000 civilians die as a consequence, then so be it"

on the risk of getting flamed really are an idiot ...k let me re-phrase that:

"your asinine comments expose your juvenlie demeanor"
I hope you feel mighty becuase i just said in my other reply that it was a ****ed up post
ya sorry I didnt see it as I was afk

but still, you have to admit you're original post was flamebait get what you give

1) then why did they go to all that trouble to make sure the public didnt know there was a connection
2)Saudi Arabia is home to hundreds of militant groups ...terrorists if you will
Bush said : "we will go after any country that harbors terrorists" (paraphrasing)
3) and I suppose you chock that up as a coincidence?
4) not sure what you're referring to
5) so it was a good thing that thousands of civilians died so that the US can control the oil supply and protect their interests? ...that logic can be applied to any country .."oh oh canada is charging too for beaver pelts, call in the marines"
CptStern said:
ya sorry I didnt see it as I was afk

but still, you have to admit you're original post was flamebait get what you give

1) then why did they go to all that trouble to make sure the public didnt know there was a connection
2)Saudi Arabia is home to hundreds of militant groups ...terrorists if you will
Bush said : "we will go after any country that harbors terrorists" (paraphrasing)
3) and I suppose you chock that up as a coincidence?
4) not sure what you're referring to
5) so it was a good thing that thousands of civilians died so that the US can control the oil supply and protect their interests ...that logic can be applied to any country .."oh oh canada is charging to much per barrel, call in the marines"
1-Because it does not look good and especially this time around the election.
2-So what is the point of that? They have an 8% investment in America. A lot of countries harbor terrorist but we do not go after them all, especially the ones that own 8% of us.
3-No, but major pipelines like that have to be talked and planned for years ahead.
4-Pakistan army soldiers have actually led taliban members out of the area between pakistan and afganistan. I had a website but i cannot find it so just take my word for it.
5-Thousands? Around 1,200 Iraqi Citizens have died. Canada never shot scuds over into Israel, Iraq was going to stir up a big problem for the United States economy with their future plans.
CptStern said:
on the risk of getting flamed really are an idiot ...k let me re-phrase that:

"your asinine comments expose your juvenlie demeanor"

This just made my day and gave me a good laugh. You respond to anyone who disagrees with you by making outrageous personal attacks. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. What's the use in debating with someone if they just call you names all day? Next time you'll probably respond with, "my dad can beat up your dad," or some other childish comeback. And you call him narrow-minded and juvenile...
moz4rt said:
This just made my day and gave me a good laugh. You respond to anyone who disagrees with you by making outrageous personal attacks. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. What's the use in debating with someone if they just call you names all day? Next time you'll probably respond with, "my dad can beat up your dad," or some other childish comeback. And you call him narrow-minded and juvenile...
Ha i did not even see that in his thread!
Anyways the CptStern's replies were not even that good and were basicly re-saying what the previouse guy said.

For a note to all-
I gota finish my AP Euro summer homework for next year so if i do not reply that is why :sleep:
Enigma said:
1-Because it does not look good and especially this time around the election.

yes but shouldnt the public have a right to know? especially so close to elections?

Enigma said:
2-So what is the point of that? They have an 8% investment in America. A lot of countries harbor terrorist but we do not go after them all, especially the ones that own 8% of us.

nooo ...I cant think of any country that publically harbours terrorists (The US not included) that isnt on Bush's shitlist

Enigma said:
3-No, but major pipelines like that have to be talked and planned for years ahead.

yes so was the plan to oust saddam fact there was a coalition of oil conglomerates that imploered the US to get rid of saddam so that they could do business in the middle east

Enigma said:
4-Pakistan army soldiers have actually led taliban members out of the area between pakistan and afganistan. I had a website but i cannot find it so just take my word for it.

it's no secret the pakistani authorities helped al queda escape ...Pakistan is an ally of the US

Enigma said:
5-Thousands? Around 1,200 Iraqi Citizens have died.

sorry but you're wrong. over 7000 died during the war, another 3000 died since the war was declared as "over".

Enigma said:
Canada never shot scuds over into Israel.

Iraq fired scuds into israel during the first gulfwar (btw most were duds and many disintegrated on re-entering the atmosphere) ...because they couldnt reach the US ..Israel is an ally of the US. The scud missle incident was overhyped by the media ..39 missles were launched at Israel in 1991 yet only 3 people died? most of the scuds disintegrated or flew widely off their marks

Enigma said:
Iraq was going to stir up a big problem for the United States economy with their future plans

so the invasion was justified because the economy would be hurt? 1000 coalition soldiers, 1000's of civilians dead because the rich have a right to get richer? It's funny how the american people are paying for rebuilding Iraq but private companies are making money off of it


moz4rt said:
This just made my day and gave me a good laugh. You respond to anyone who disagrees with you by making outrageous personal attacks. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. What's the use in debating with someone if they just call you names all day? Next time you'll probably respond with, "my dad can beat up your dad," or some other childish comeback. And you call him narrow-minded and juvenile...

this is far more than what I said about him're being hypocritical ...I really dont think you read what he said ...basically it was this:

"maybe the fat guy can blow up so that starving people in somalia can get something to eat" ....if you can stand there and criticize me for uttering the word "idiot" yet let that comment slide then you are bigger fool than I took you for ....but I digress

btw why is it that most people who rant about moore tend to get all foamy in the mouth? it's almost as If MM killed their puppy or something
CptStern said:
yes but shouldnt the public have a right to know? especially so close to elections?

nooo ...I cant think of any country that publically harbours terrorists (The US not included) that isnt on Bush's shitlist

yes so was the plan to oust saddam fact there was a coalition of oil conglomerates that imploered the US to get rid of saddam so that they could do business in the middle east

it's no secret the pakistani authorities helped al queda escape ...Pakistan is an ally of the US

Iraq fired scuds into israel during the first gulfwar (btw most were duds and many disintegrated on re-entering the atmosphere) ...because they couldnt reach the US ..Israel is an ally of the US. The scud missle incident was overhyped by the media ..39 missles were launched at Israel in 1991 yet only 3 people died? most of the scuds disintegrated or flew widely off their marks

so the invasion was justified because the economy would be hurt? 1000 coalition soldiers, 1000's of civilians dead because the rich have a right to get richer? It's funny how the american people are paying for rebuilding Iraq but private companies are making money off of it


this is far more than what I said about him're being hypocritical ...I really dont think you read what he said ...basically it was this:

"maybe the fat guy can blow up so that starving people in somalia can get something to eat" ....if you can stand there and criticize me for uttering the word "idiot" yet let that comment slide then you are bigger fool than I took you for ....but I digress

btw why is it that most people who rant about moore tend to get all foamy in the mouth? it's almost as If MM killed their puppy or something
1-Election times are tight and you have very little time to counter back.
2-Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Coratia, Albania, Vietnam and Macedonia
4-Pakistan is a half ally of the United States. Wait till the Indians stomp on Pakistan and look where the USA will be.
5-Does not change a fact if the scuds did not work, they still fired them.

A bunch of lived saved the investment of the United States.

Very good job on quoting me wrong.
Enigma said:
1-Election times are tight and you have very little time to counter back.
2-Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Coratia, Albania, Vietnam and Macedonia
4-Pakistan is a half ally of the United States. Wait till the Indians stomp on Pakistan and look where the USA will be.
5-Does not change a fact if the scuds did not work, they still fired them.

1) the people have a right to know ...despite the best efforts of spin doctors
2) exactly my point ...the US overlooks certain countries that harbors terrorists ..btw Indonesia isnt exactly a model of democracy ...east timor was brutalized but the US didnt seem all that concerned
3) so you're agreeing that corporations should have a hand in regime change?
4) what does that have to do with anything?
5) well they were in a war werent they? what about when the US killed thousands of retreating iraqi soldiers ...If that was justifiable so are the missle launches

Enigma said:
A bunch of lived saved the investment of the United States.

so in other words the death of innocents is ok as long as we are defending something that is intangible like Money?

Enigma said:
Very good job on quoting me wrong.

all I did was hit the quote button did the rest
stern i don't think this guy's worth your time, the best way to make him shut up is to stop talking and actually acknowldgeing his opinions, if you do quote him and argue with him that's saying what he says is worth argueing about, which we both know is too much credit toward the guy, so let's stop
Sai said:
stern i don't think this guy's worth your time, the best way to make him shut up is to stop talking and actually acknowldgeing his opinions, if you do quote him and argue with him that's saying what he says is worth argueing about, which we both know is too much credit toward the guy, so let's stop

well, while you do have a point, sometimes I have a hard time not answering's just too enticing, especially when people make such widesweeping statements such as:

"Iraq was going to stir up a big problem for the United States economy with their future plans"
CptStern said:
1) the people have a right to know ...despite the best efforts of spin doctors
2) exactly my point ...the US overlooks certain countries that harbors terrorists ..btw Indonesia isnt exactly a model of democracy ...east timor was brutalized but the US didnt seem all that concerned
3) so you're agreeing that corporations should have a hand in regime change?
4) what does that have to do with anything?
5) well they were in a war werent they? what about when the US killed thousands of retreating iraqi soldiers ...If that was justifiable so are the missle launches

so in other words the death of innocents is ok as long as we are defending something that is intangible like Money?

all I did was hit the quote button did the rest
The United States bombed those troops on the highway of hell because a lot of people thought we might actually take out saddam (which we should of). Anyways one of the primary goals was to make sure Iraq did not have the military to start this over again.
Enigma said:
The United States bombed those troops on the highway of hell because a lot of people thought we might actually take out saddam (which we should of). Anyways one of the primary goals was to make sure Iraq did not have the military to start this over again.

it was a warcrime ...the troops were retreating. It's against the geneva accords.
CptStern said:
it was a warcrime ...the troops were retreating. It's against the geneva accords.
Which the United States never signed the most recent one.
this was during the first gulf war ...besides you're thinking of the War crimes tribunal ...not the geneva accords
Yeah, just stop, this guy is clearly an idiot.

But, as for my word on the Geneva thing, it clearly shows what kind of country the US is.
Dedalus said:
well, after the first two largest armies, there's a real big drop off in the number of troops.

*points* Bill Hicks!! :D Genius.

Well... 2 down, 13 to go.

Edit - Oh yeah, I'm going to see it tonight, please don't get the thread closed before I get back or I'll be one unhappy hat.
CptStern said:
it was a warcrime ...the troops were retreating. It's against the geneva accords.
Oh well, it was not like Saddam came into Kuwait in a humane way. He got what he dished out
So you're comparing us to saddam? How does that make us a "liberating" force then? :)
Enigma said:
Oh well, it was not like Saddam came into Kuwait in a humane way. He got what he dished out

Considering that 'eye for an eye' mindset, it'd be funny to see a nation try to overthrow the US through a large-scale invasion.

Wait, it wouldn't be funny at all! That would be terrorism! :eek:
Besides all the politics and manipulated facts, I just have one thing to say.


and Cpt. Stern, don't waste your time on somone who has an opinion and doesn't want to think over it :)