Watched Fahrenheit 9/11

Enigma said:
Farenhiet 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine has a bunch of BS in it.
MM him self is a retard, he thinks he is the average blue collar guy but when he has his daughter going to the most expensive private school in the nation(which i am sure which is super ++ liberal =\)

Probably because he can afford it (because he has earned the money). There's no reason not to put your child into the best school you can afford.

I've been thinking about things, and it seems that Moore's opposition is largely clueless. Their reactions are based on emotions, not reason. "Michael Moore Hates America" and so on. Someone even said that Bush shouldn't be bashed because he's a "likeable guy."

The last parts of the film made me feel sorry for the soldiers who are dying in Iraq for no reason at all. At some point there was this young, pretty girl who had apparently never seen action. I wonder if she's dead now.
Farhenheit supports what is considered an "alternative" viewpoint in America. In mainstream news, there is Patriotism (Republicans) and Unhealthy Dissent (Democrats). Obviously, this nation has always thrived through a healthy mixture of the bi-party system, but recently the media organizations, most notably Fox News, have tried to convince their viewers that dissent is unpatriotic, and unamerican. This kind of radical spin which operates under such names as "no-spin zone" needs to become "fair and balanced" by treating each party and each major viewpoint as equals.

Originally Posted by Enigma

Not only that MM did not make any POINTS in the movie. He gave a bunch of information and STOPPED and made no points. Congrats you find out XX knows XX who Knows Bush! Now what about it! I am thinking that MM wanted the average american to try to plause it out an come with a conclusion(which they cant).

All that movie was based on is to say how bad Bush did of a job and we should of never gone in Iraq. It was stupd I do not mind going into iraq. Saddam was planning to switching his oil based economy on selling to the Euro and that would of hurt the USD.

If MM wanted to help the world he could donate him self to Somalia and every belly would be full.
Moore's film is attacked by republicans who are used to being fed the bottom line by their news media organizations. The "we report, you decide" mantra is really immaterial in republican journalism, the talking points make absolutely clear what is right and what is wrong (left). Moore takes "we report you decide" to heart and is more honest in reporting and does less professing of ideology. I will say though that Moore has his own agenda and he supports it well, but does so with respect for journalistic integrity more so than Fox News.
journalistic integrity and Fox News should never be used in the same sentence
that's ok you're new around here so I'll let it slide ...this time, next time it's off with your head ;)

welcome aboard btw
CptStern said:
journalistic integrity and Fox News should never be used in the same sentence
thats why I only trust the national enquirer!