Watching Combine Advisor...


Aug 4, 2005
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Is there any significance with the Combine Advisor watching you from screens throughout EP1, taking G-Man's place? What I'm wondering is how that Combine Advisor was able to watch you and talk to those Combine Soldiers in the Citadel when many of them were being shipped off in those pods. That means he wasn't in the Citadel the whole time to begin with, unless he's suicidal and was planning to get fried.
think i heard something on one of those parts in the commentaries where he/she/it occupies some of the screens in a room u and alyx go into.....i believe it symbolized that the combine were still tracking you, like he was seeing u through the screen and reporting to the soldiers where u are.
Advisor's taken the place of G-man, it does.

I don't agree that the advisor's gonna kill itself in the citadel explosion since the advisor, which is looking at you all the time, may located on the Combine star, not the citadel.
>>>>>I don't agree that the advisor's gonna kill itself in the citadel explosion since the advisor, which is looking at you all the time, may located on the Combine star, not the citadel.<<<<<

He/she/it is definatly located on earth...remember the combine are cut off of al their communication with their home dimension. IF it resides in the citadel and stay there or somewhere else...don't know
blck_prod said:
He/she/it is definatly located on earth...remember the combine are cut off of al their communication with their home dimension. IF it resides in the citadel and stay there or somewhere else...don't know

Good point. So I guess at least the advisor is in some place else, like other city.
Because City 17 is only one of the urban cities, there are always more.

(actually, you can use the function quote.)
There are Advisors on Earth, in the Citadels - you see one for yourself in the Citadel getting loaded into a pod, which in turn is shot away from the Citadel moments before the transmission is sent off and the Citadel reaches critical levels.
At the same time it sends out that weird sound or what not.......who wants to take a stab as to what THAT is
Its the Advisors mind blast, they'll be using it to attack you in Episode 2.
if the other cities have citadels, why did the combine have to send the message with the city 17 citadel (ie, encourage it to blow up)?
certainly city 17 can't be the only access point for any information or materiel to be transferred betwixt ze worlds?
Because the destruction of the City 17 portal reactor shut down all Citadel portals on Earth, and it wiped out their communications system too. The Overwatch forces are now stranded on Earth, and instead of destroying a fully functioning Citadel they use the already de-stabilizing City 17 Citadel to punch a whole through inter-dimensional space to get the transmission out.

Kleiner explains all this in his speech.
It's simple, the G-Man is gone for now, and they need to have you feeling like you are still being watched.

And like said before, we will understand the Mind Blast thing more in the next episode since we will be effected by it more...i'm interested in how the plan on using it.
I also have a question. Was the Advisor being loaded into the pod Dr. Breen in his host body, or no? Also note that the shutdown of the portals is only a "temporary state of affairs" as Kleiner put it.
We don't know, really. The use of that recording certainly suggests it, and there is quite obviously more than one Advisor. However, its really a 50/50 thing. Yes, he either managed to make into the host body or no, he was wiped out in the reactor explosion.

You saw the top of the Citadel, the explosion ripped the entire tip apart - I don't really think Breen could have managed to get out of there.

On the other hand who knows what control he had in that bubble of his. He ultimately agreed to the use of the host body, and must have been about to transfer into it the moment he teleported. Perhaps when Gordon destroyed the teleporter, and when Breens bubble fell he decided his only remaining option was to transport himself into the host body anyway.

"You need me!" Aimed at the Combine in hope they won't leave him to die in the reactor chamber?
Hmm, well, I remember in the EP1 website that it said we would learn the fate of Dr. Breen. And also, I really see no other logical use for putting Breen's recording in there. I guess there is no real way to tell. Except, wasn't the model named "Advisor_Breen" or something along those lines?

Eh well, tanks for attempting to answer anyway :)
The sound file was called "Advisor_Breen" yes. I think the purpose of the recording can only have two possible meanings. Either it was primarily for the 'host body' tid bit, or it was to make players click and remember exactly what Breen was talking to - the Advisor.
Actually, on second thought: Maybe they put the recording there as a recap, this is an episode and maybe it was to remind, or introduce to the players Dr. Breen, who don't have HL2 (as EP1 doesn't require HL2).
but still, it highly suggests that "A host body you got to be kidding" then 1 minute later you see a Combine Advisor (host body?) in an escape pod.
I doubt they would put Breen in that thing just to bring him back into the citadel to put him into a hostbody. I think that was just some other advisor.
cojawfee said:
I doubt they would put Breen in that thing just to bring him back into the citadel to put him into a hostbody. I think that was just some other advisor.

Yes, that is just an introduction to the advisors. Breen is blown up and there is no possible chance that the Combine can insert Breen's mind into a advisor.