water dripping


Dec 8, 2004
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ok in my level i want to have the player start off in this worn down house in the basement. there cracks in the ceiling and i want water to drip down the question is how?

thanks in advance
Back in the HL1 days you used to use an env_blood ent to simulate falling drips from cracks and such, but I just tryed it with a logic_timer and it looks like the env_blood actually looks like blood now.
So I would use env_embers in place of env_blood and set the speed high and such, here is a map I made to demonstrate.
It's a real pisser - as the blood would look fantastic if only it weren't red.

Someone needs to re-skin that.

I never managed to make my embers look very good at all - but I gave up pretty easily. I'll take a look at yours.

Along the same lines, does anyone know how to do a water fall ?

In the map I added I had a dripping sound, wouldnt be the same without them.
Waterfalls just require a scrolling texture with some normal mapping, transparency, and spectral. You would add the sprite fog in as well on the rocks.
Ive been thinking about making a good looking waterfall not like the ones shown in tutorials, but it would take me to long to make a good looking texture.
yeah I agree...
making a waterfall would be as much work as making an entire map.
I have an idea for waterfall: env_spark with blue color and amount so hight that it looks like sparks are water
Link to a downloadable waterfall:


was made for the cs_jungle map and the author kindly put all the trees, shrubs and the waterfall (i think its a fancy texture) up for download...not sure how good it is but the map looks cool so its worth checking out
how about for water dripping use func_precipitation but only have a small area mabe 1x1 unit right where you want the water to start dripping but make the density verry low if you want it to only drip every few seconds ? just an idea never really tested it
there are some tutorials for making waterfalls (one on interlopers.net i think) but they're all really difficult and time consuming.
TCfromBN said:
how about for water dripping use func_precipitation but only have a small area mabe 1x1 unit right where you want the water to start dripping but make the density verry low if you want it to only drip every few seconds ? just an idea never really tested it

i think func_precipitation simulates you standing inside the precipitation, whereas source "rains" 360 degrees around you if you're standing inside the brush, but from outside the brush it's just invisible
I created the effect of dripping wter using env_embers and in the direction (or where you see an option of "point at") I told it to point at the ground. Set the speed pretty high and density at whatever you want and away you go.

Oh ths is a brush based entity btw.