water = fatness?


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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So I saw some commercial talking about the causes of puggy/fatness in women and one of them was the holding of water in their bodies. So can that also be a cause for puggy dudes as well? If so how do you lose it without dieing?
wow, well if a commercial said it, it'd BOUND to be true, y'know?

I'm sure it could cause a tiny bit, but not a whole lot... Only in special cases could it be alot (like a disease).
Holy wow. What bullshit product/organization/random bullshit was that comercial for?
Some people call it self induced vomiting, others, call it unhealthy as hell
Its called water retention, and it must not be confused with being overweight.
When people say you lose so and so amount of water in the first week alone, they talk about water weight. Your body retains water if you do not get a healthy enough dose of it every day(like I do... heh). It has nothing to do with our appearance of being fat. It is a superficial appearance modifier.
Yeah that's it, I'm sure it was for a product.

It was probably for PMS pills. "Bloating" or water retention doesn't make you fat.. it's a temporary side effect of the hormonal and other changes occuring in a woman's body once a month.

It can happen to men too, but typically it's from a higher intake of sodium-laden food products, and is easily remedied by taking a diuretic.
So I saw some commercial talking about the causes of puggy/fatness in women and one of them was the holding of water in their bodies. So can that also be a cause for puggy dudes as well? If so how do you lose it without dieing?

It's called water weight.

You can lose it easily, but it isn't safe to do so. I remember wrestling, when everybody would wear 3 layers of sweats while the coaches shut all the windows and doors in the room, and we'd sweat our ASSES off.

And then doing sprints around the field after practice in sweats while the soccer chicks stared at you like you were a freaking idiot.

Good times :cheers:
It's called water weight.

You can lose it easily, but it isn't safe to do so. I remember wrestling, when everybody would wear 3 layers of sweats while the coaches shut all the windows and doors in the room, and we'd sweat our ASSES off.

And then doing sprints around the field after practice in sweats while the soccer chicks stared at you like you were a freaking idiot.

Good times :cheers:

Losing water weight is healthy. It's much healthier than retaining it.

If you don't replenish the body with water, you're really not going to do well at losing the water weight. You can retain that water for years and years... and that's why it's good to drink plenty of water so it cycles out regularly.

That's how I understand it anyways.
"Losing weight through dehydration is not recommended, as it may lead to decreased performance, and more importantly, serious injury." -Wikipedia.

It is seriously NOT healty to loose water, water DOES NOT stay in your body for years and years it is used and replenished daily. Dehydration IS NOT a method for loosing weight permanently, and not a safe way to loose it temporary. DO NOT try this.
Who recommended to lose the water through dehydration?

Your body DOES retain water for LONG periods of time. This is a fact. Many people don't drink enough water... when you don't drink enough water, the water you currently have in your body gets retained as long as it can. When you drink water, this water that your body contains gets cycled out and replaced by the new water coming in. Your body is over 60% water... and that water helps us in almost every single functions our bodies do. Things like regulating temperatures, removing waste, etc. Some of it is shed through sweating, and restored through drinking water. When you don't drink enough water, all the water in your body doesn't get fully cycled out, and you can retain that water for very long periods of time until you consistently drink enough water to fully flush the system with new water reserves.

I certainly hope you were talking about me when it comes to losing water wait through dehydration. I recommended you lose excess water weight through increased consumption of water. That's the key way to get rid of the excess water the body holds onto because it doesn't get as much as it would prefer. Once it feels satisfied you are consuming enough of the delicious aqua, it decides to let that excess go, as well as replacing the old water in your system with newer sources.

It frustrates me when I see all this stuff out there, gimmicks for people to shed water weight. "Take our pills, lose that pesky water weight!"

My god people... JUST DRINK MORE WATER and you lose water weight. More water to retain less? It may sound stupid to you, but it is true.
My god people... JUST DRINK MORE WATER and you lose water weight. More water to retain less? It may sound stupid to you, but it is true.

I don't think it works the same way as losing fat, where eating less actually increases your body fat index.

During wrestling season, I recall losing at least 4 pounds of water each day, just from sweating, didn't change my water intake at ALL.

I also recall a few days after wrestling season where I just chugged water all day long (just because I could), and I was significantly chubbier at the end of the day.
I don't think it works the same way as losing fat, where eating less actually increases your body fat index.

During wrestling season, I recall losing at least 4 pounds of water each day, just from sweating, didn't change my water intake at ALL.

I also recall a few days after wrestling season where I just chugged water all day long (just because I could), and I was significantly chubbier at the end of the day.

Just do google searches about water retention, and you will see indications everywhere that the way to stop retaining 'excess' water weight, is to drink more water. The only reason somebody has 'excess' water weight, is because they don't drink enough water.

I've been studying stuff like this for years... :o

In the same way that your body holds on dearly to fat if you try to starve yourself of calories, your body holds onto water if you don't get enough water. It's a defense mechanism.(don't anybody go and criticize my use of the phrase "defense mechanism". I'm sure I could of used a more appropriate term, but I haven't)
If you're someone who drinks a decent amount of water, try stopping for a day, and eat lots of salty food (I think anyways)

It's funny to notice how tight your watch and rings get because of all the extra water weight you have.
Um... thought drinking water alot made you teh skinny.
So you're saying people who piss alot get fat...??
Heres the thing. You are mostly water. You're essentially a sponge. For instance, my physics teacher. When he wasn't drinking that much water for a week you could notice that his hands were smaller. His wedding ring was a lot looser. When he drinks lots of waterhis wedding ring fits really tight on his hand.

Essentially water can make you look smaller or maybe even get those tight jeans to fit. However, water is something you need. Ever take a piss and maybe it smells and isn't clear? Thats because the cells inside your body are actually like sponges to. When you have to little of water they shrivel up. Not healthy for the cell. It also causes your pee to be other colors than clear. They can also get really big when you have to much water.

Essentially yes, if you starve yourself of water you will look skinnier. You could look a bit more filled out by drinking to much water. You're a fricken sponge! But it wont make you look fat. Thats obsurd.

and yes you can kill yourself by drinking to much water.
Essentially water can make you look smaller or maybe even get those tight jeans to fit. However, water is something you need. Ever take a piss and maybe it smells and isn't clear? Thats because the cells inside your body are actually like sponges to. When you have to little of water they shrivel up. Not healthy for the cell. It also causes your pee to be other colors than clear. They can also get really big when you have to much water.

Can cause bleeding internally from not drinking enough water. Painful, and not very attractive to look at when peeing.
I just noticed that I look far more hung when i'm well hydrated.

Time to drinky drinky.
:o I shall take that as an offence!

I don't consider the effects of water on me. Just drink the stuff because I'm thirsty.

The more you drink, the more your thirst will be quenched.
The more you drink, the more your body will be healthy.
The more you drink, the less excess water weight will be stored in your body.

The only bad thing that can come from too much fresh water is that if you don't replenish your body with salts and stuff to keep your electrolytes balanced, you can slip into coma and die.

More water does not make you look more bloated or carry more excess water weight, other than what is currently in your stomach and bladder.
*doesn't listen to you properly*

*goes on a water diet*
You ever thrown up after drinking too much water?

It's not fun...
water keeps us alive do you really expect us to care about how fat we are because we drink what keeps us alive?
water keeps us alive do you really expect us to care about how fat we are because we drink what keeps us alive?

Wow you're just a vat of intelligence, aren't you. Practically spewing out knowledge and wisdom from your ears.
It's amazing how quickly we can go from on topic to completely lolwtf if we all work together.

I don't drink a lot of water, if at all.
water keeps us alive do you really expect us to care about how fat we are because we drink what keeps us alive?

Drinking too much can kill you.

So yes, I would advise to watch how fat you are because being too fat can kill you too.
Oh god, what is this correlation of water=fatness?

You guys are TRYING to piss me off, I know it.

If anything, water is one of the largest facilitators to weight loss.