"Water Hazard" Jump, How many ppl found it annoying?



For those who don't know what place I mean... "Its the place where you take out 2 combine armored cars and then you have to make this jump with your airboat from under the ramp where 1 of the armored cars was. There's a wrecked ship to your right."
OK the first time I was playing HL2 I thought perhaps I was trying to go too fast and after a 12 hour break was infact able to jump across to the next side while driving slow. But the next time my brother was playing I tell ya, it made me pull my hair out. I don't know what I was doing wrong, but no matter how fast/slow I came... I wasn't able to make the jump. But after a couple of attempts my brother was able to make it. And after he finished the game I decided to play it again on "Hard" and man I'm again struck at the damn place. Can anyone suggest/remember what is the sureshot way to get out of it. I could simply skip it and go to "Ravenholm" but I want to know what is the friggin' problem!
the jump on the damn because there are like 5 jumps in water hazard
Uhm, you had to blast this container at its back, blow the vats, and then you can drive through the container, under the wood dock, then eventually jump over the gap into the sewer.
Kingrudolf said:
Uhm, you had to blast this container at its back, blow the vats, and then you can drive through the container, under the wood dock, then eventually jump over the gap into the sewer.

He knows all that. Its the actual jump that is annoying him. I never really found it to be a problem, I would always just go full speed and nail it.
Exactly! But somehow I can't figure out what is the damn problem!
This may not help but this is what happened to me.

I didn't see the explosive containers on my first go 'round, but I got into the space under the boardwalk anyway by jumping the logs next to the jump into the sewerpipe. (it's ugly, but you can do it) It took me quite a few times then to make the jump. The next time through, I found the containers, blew them up, and just gunned the boat from there. I made it my very first time.

So my suggestion is to gun it from the entrance to under the boardwalk.