Water Hazard - Remont is Completed !


Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
the 3rd image to Half Life 2 art series is completed:
Whoa. :| That's brilliant, although the lightbulb hanging from the wooden plank on the left looks a little odd to me, but that's really impressive, man.

EDIT: On the left, even. Not the right.
I like that a lot.

Modelling? Painting? Screenshotty? How?
Third? I must have missed the second one. Can I get a link to your website?

This is really awesome, although there always seems to be a whooooole lot of crap floating around in the water :P
Holy shit. This is amazing.

One down fall for me and these pics is everytime i see them. It just drives me crazy. WHEN WILL I SEE PLAY HALF-LIFE WITH THESE GRAPHICS!!!!
Just now saw this... amazing! I remember the first one you made here.

You put game developers who overemphasize bloom lighting to shame.
The lightbulb dosen't seem to fit, I can't put a finger as to exactly why.

But very nice!
Wow, that looks incredible. That said, the lightbulb looks rather flat, compared to its surroundings... but it's still absolutely awesome :D