Water surface gone?


Jan 15, 2004
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Even after the last update, my water was fine, but after several compiles, it disappeared. Has anybody else had this problem, and found a way around it?
Same thing happened to me, but it was also before the update. :\
Things like this are really discouraging when it is one of the last, if not the last, thing to fix before it is ready.
Have you tried tying a cubemap to the water? Just a suggestion. I can't try it now, but I will definitely try it later. (Heh, I understand what you mean. I have to just fix my skybox and water, and add a few things and I am set.)
I believe I might be having the same skybox issue as you (I saw a post from you in another thread). Is there a known solution for it?
I think tying an env_cubemap will solve the [water] problem. I have to go for an hour, so when I get home (commute will take forever) I will try it. :D The skybox problem: I have no idea. :\
Hmmm.. It seems as if the problems started to show up once I placed some light sources below the lowest point of the skybox and the water. This probably has nothing to do with it though.
I got this problem when i interesected the water with a func_detail or accidently tied the water to an entity