

The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
I just watched it for the first time. It wasnt nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Why does everyone hate it so much? It wasnt great, but I still enjoyed it, and cant figure out why it gets so much flak.

I was just thinking about that film today, weirdly. I really like the first big battle scene. Other than that and one or two setpieces, the characters a bit too annoying for me to like it properly.
It's corny and just overall fairly boring.
Yeah, it's a good movie. Probably the only Kevin Costner movie I like.

I think most people hate this movie because it's pretty much a Mad Max rip off, the only difference being that it's set on the open ocean instead of the Australian desert.
I like it, it isn't the best, but it's still pretty good..
I quite liked it too, and I've seen it a couple of times.
Very cool idea too.
Enjoyable, just like Resident Evil was enjoyable.

But nowai is Resident Evil as good as say 28 Days Later...

Waterworld is good - other films are better.
i liked it...not bad.

if you think waterworld is bad go watch reign of fire. now this movie pretty much sucks.
I just watched it for the first time. It wasnt nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Why does everyone hate it so much? It wasnt great, but I still enjoyed it, and cant figure out why it gets so much flak.

It gets so much flak because it was a big box office flop. It cost $200M or something but only made 90 or so. It made more worldwide though, so it wasn't really a flop.

I was young when it came out so I thought it was awesome. The world is amazing with those catamarans etc. If I watched it now I would probably think it sucked balls.
I liked the whole seting though as people said is like mad max on the ocean
I love this movie, i used to watch it heaps when i was younger. Don't remember much of it now though :P
Waterworld the movie is awesome.

Waterworld the SHOW at Universal Studios is awesome-r.
To understand the reaction to it you have to remember what the build-up for the movie was like. It was the most expensive movie ever filmed at the time I believe, which tons of a special effects and gigantic sets that were all actually constructed. There was a lot of money and hype riding on it, and then it just turned out to be a corny pulp action movie.

Now, I LOVE this film because it's pulp of the highest order, in a its-so-bad-its-awesome sort of way, but I'm always gonna understand why other people can hate it.
I really enjoyed the movie. Then I heard they made a sequel, and I don't think I could even find out if that's true, let alone watch it.

It was a movie I enjoy watching, but couldn't watch it over and over again.
I like it, bought the DVD a long time ago and still watch it every other year.
I liked it, on TV. I would've never paid a dime to see it though.