Way to verify shipping details on Gold edition?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Is they're a way I can track or verify my adress to see if I put everything in right and it's on it's way, i'm worried because I was like the second person to order Gold and the people who put in they're orders earlier are already getting they're Gold boxes, I know it is probably still shipping since I live in wisconsin which is quite awhile away from washington but i'm still anxious and would like to double check if my information was correct etc. Is there any way I can do this? I checked steam and I cant find anyplace to track shipping or change adress info etc. So i'm a little worried.
I think they shipped the Internation Gold stuff. Cause ppl in the UK are getting their and I havent even seen mine on fedex and im in Arizona
Im in arizona and i just got mine today! if your worried then contact valve and ask them for your tracking number. thats what i did
My friend who ordered my game got his package yesterday. Sort of. The post office got it from fedex in some way and sent him a letter the day after saying that he could come and get it. Then while he was on his way to get it, Fedex apparently called the post office saying that they shouldn't give it to him because they wanted to or something. Weird. So close yet so far away :)

And this is in Sweden. He ordred day 1.
Camon_Draconis said:
Im in arizona and i just got mine today! if your worried then contact valve and ask them for your tracking number. thats what i did

How did u cntact them ? By email ? At what address ?
SidewinderX said:
phone them.

Phone them ? That’s a very looooong distance call (I’m from Greece):p. Never mind that I just got a phone call from home saying my package has arrived and it waits for me :D