Ways to make Kritzgrieg and Needlegun more viable


Mar 13, 2008
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Recently, the Pyro has gotten an update that nerfed his Backburner, to the point that is was slightly underpowered, but still more balanced overall. This shows Valves responsiveness to data, and to the fans. The Medic, on the other hand, has had no re-balancing since his update, when it is clearly needed, and in the case of the Kritskreig, is needed for pub play (an even competitive play).

I made this thread because I want people to post their ideas for balancing the Medic weapons. While the Medic hasn't broken gameplay between other classes, there is no reason At All to use the Needlegun, and the Kritskreig is highly un-attractive, compared to invincibility. You can also talk about the Ubersaw, even though I honestly think it is balanced.


My idea for balancing the weapons is not to nerf anything, but to make the weaker one more useful, or convenient for the medic.

Kritscrieg Fix:
I think I read this somewhere here already, and it would be that since the Medic is vulnerable while Kritsing, make it so that he can disconnect from who he gave the crits to and walk away, while the recipient still gets a 10 second stream of kills. The reason this would be better is because in pubs, you don't know how smart the person you are kritsing is, and it is not a good risk. More importantly, the main perosn people like to Krits (Soldier) is likely to want to rocketjump so he can get more kills, and the Medic is not very good at following somebody who is doing that. In competetive play, it would be balanced simply because the Medic would WANT to stay on him, at least for most of the time, so he stays alive during the stream. This would also make a double-charged crits/uber ally much more viable. If you see a Medic popping an uber on an ally, just hand him crtis as well, perhaps halfway through so that he can clean up for longer.
Another thing the regular Uber has over a Krits is that, with an Uber, the Medic can use it to run away if neccessary. With the Krits, that is not possible, and is just a waste. The way to fix this would be to allow the Medic to get 100% crits if he pops it without a recipient (even if he has a Blutsauger), so he can also get away alive, to the nearest allys.

Needlegun Fix:
So, apparently, a slightly higher chance of crits is as useful as surviving while on fire, being able to run away from a heavy, being able to kill engies, Scouts, Demomen, and snipers? Not really. The needlegun Medic doesn't really exist. If he has the choice, the obvious weapon is the Blutsauger. So, what is the property that the Blut gives? Well, mostly, that it allows the Medic to survive from ambushes and overpowering enemies while running away.
My solution would be to give the Medic a 50% chance of crits after running backwards for 2-5 seconds (I am not exactly sure). It would be hard to really exploit unless the enemy was running after the Medic for that long, and not paying attention. Since this sounds pretty drastic, lets look at a Pyro scenario: with the Blut, if a Pyro is running after you, even if you are on fire, you are pretty definitely going to survive, and even kill him if he is stupid enough to keep after you, unless he was really in your face. With my Needlegun, the Pyro is definitely going ot do some damage, and put you in dire straits, but is he follows for too long HE will also be highly damaged, or die.

On the Ubersaw:
With the Medic, the Saw was originally seen as a, "kill 'em quick and find some health" weapon, for enemies tat were in your face. With the Ubersaw, on the other hand, if you try that on any enemy besides Spies, Engies, and unaware enemies, they are likely to react quickly enough that you will then have to switch to the Blutsauger. So, in exchange for some Uber, you are sacrificing one way to aid you in your survival. I really don't think the people who complain about it actually HAVE the weapon, because it is pretty clread that it is balanced.
I dislike all of your suggestions TBH. I think that the blut and krits are fine as they are and if anything I think the ubersaw should probably be nerfed a little.
Well, what are your suggestions? I don't mean that as a comeback or anything, just, that is what the thread is for. And what is your reasoning behind the Medic weapons being balanced?
It's funny because my actual load-out is the needle and the KK.

I never experienced any situation where I wished these needed a buff, crit needles are a beast when you lead your shots and the KK spams "Assists!" it's so hilarious.

My thoughts about the Blut is how a bunch of +3 will only save your butt from anything lower than shotguns (pistol,smg,blut,flare), which shouldn't even touch you in the first place.

Any buff is welcome though. Always.