We all need a laught right about now...

Oh crap I'm sorry guys :(

Oh ok - if you get choose a board, then go to the PC Games and More
Select PC General Board
And look at the thread called Sims 2- Meet the Freemans.
"This message board is part of the IGN Insider subscription service"
Ha, SFLUFan. This was far more effort than you originally thought.
Yeah I apologize. I'll give you the summary:

Someone created Sims roomates that looked nearly exactly like Gordon the G-man (excpet that Gordon wears a brown/orange track suit). And it involves their adventures living together.

For example, Gordon forgot to turn off the stove before he went to bed and the house caught on fire.

EDIT: here's a pic

Could probably do a real good likeness of the scientists, Alyx and Barney too.
HAHA! Thats awesome. I want to play that so bad. I love the expressions on their faces.
That is pretty funny. Can you post any more pics from the thread?
that actually did make me raise a smile, mainly because of how annoyed the gman looks.
HAHAHAHAHA! When I have fthe Sims 2, I shall make Gordon and Alyx a couple! LOLZ! That was funny shiat!