"We are going to destroy Rockstar"

Yeah if you are 10-12 years old.
Nothing bad about being 10-12 years old but they like shitloads of blood voilense.
i love GTA, its such a free-roaming game. its just fun.
Bio said:
They only make shit games anyway, besides max payne and dont give me the gta loving shit.

Have you played Vice City?
u have to admint, it may have been the game that set him off, but that could be siad about anything he was obessed about ex:

he may have like baseball, and he beat his friend to death with a baseball bat, SUE THE BASEBALL COMPANIES BEFORE THEY DESTOY the world!

and, yeah, there suing fo rmoney, but they are also trying to show that the blame wasnt on the kid, so that they could limit his sentencing and maybe declare him insane

also: plety of people get shot, bu no one sues the gun companies, or the store

the store in this case, is at fault
Imagine if they sued our asses because some kid killed his friend, and a "Hl2 modification " was found in his room. Damn, we better be carefull.
Good ole' sue crazy society...
And yes, the parents are at fault. How would they not know that their son is a druggie? And I've been to the UK once, and when I bought a game there, they did check my ID, so both parents are at fault. And to the dumb f*cknut lawyers that want violence gone in games...f*ck off I mean jesus go be a lap dog for microsoft or somthing :borg:
Someone needs to create a game where lawyers are set out to destroy innocent company's reputations and buisness based on dumbass reasons... that way we can sue back when it happens!

Child Owns Videogame!
Film at eleven.

I mean, cheesus. Millions upon millions of kids own videogame systems. I'd guess 80% own at least one game that contains violence.

So if the majority of children play games, then of course this one murderer will be a part of this majority!
It's called statistical probability.

It's like blaming potato chips. I'd bet every child who has commited murder has eaten chips. Let's destroy Lays!!!

Pants: Every child who has commited murder has worn pants. Let's destroy Levis!

Water: They all drank water. Let's blow up the ocean!

Who knew there were so many motives for murder?

Wait, he killed the kid in order to obtain drug money?
Well, obviously there is no connection between drugs and violence so, therefore, videogames and pants must be the cause.
wow.. and i thought the thread with "Doom3 is evil" was bad
pathetic that pple blame games for their own mistakes.
I'm gonna rob a bank, whack a few people in the process, Take hostages and battle a whole Police force..

after all, Doom 3 made me do it.
lazicsavo said:
You cannot blame Hitlers parents for what he has done
We can't?
/me stops kicking hitlers parents
Counter-Terrorism game causes murder.

A 13 year old boy murdered a chicken in Italy with his knife. People are blaming the video game "Counter-Strike" for this murder. The boy's mother had this to say:

"My child would play Counter-Strike every day and he always told me that he's l33t. I walked in on him one time while he was playing a level called cs_italy. He pulled out his knife on this game and stabbed a chicken near a fruit market. With the chicken's last breath, it said "buuuck" and proceeded to explode into a puff of feathers. This is definately the cause of this murder.

My son is innocent. He was simply brainwashed by the evil people at Valve software, such as founder Gabe Newell who eats children and steals people's babies. I say we all go to Valve Software in Seattle and burn down their building and spit on its ashes. Then we should kill the company using violence. This game caused my son to commit this crime. It is Valve's fault. Every violent video game should be banned. I'm a soccer mom."

LOL Moto. That's pretty funny.
With the chicken's last breath, it said "buuuck" and proceeded to explode into a puff of feathers.
Just this is enough for me to feel rage.

He had savagely beaten his friend with a claw hammer and stabbed him repeatedly after luring him to a local park to rob him.

It reminds me of the South Park movie and that whole "Blame Canada!!!!" stufff....
I think Rockstar should be out of business for making medicore games.

Some reason, though...They sell like hot cakes...
IdioticLawer said:
In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

Am I the only one having problems imagining how someone could be trained to kill on Doom. Do they have any evidence that they were trained? Did the killers not look up and down and just kept the guns hel right in front of their nose?
Right, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to a remote facility on mars, to act out my space marine fantasies on Beagal II


Who's got me BFG?

On a more serious note, there is no way this is going through, the UK won't have it.
Wouldn't it be a bitch if HL2 was banned in the UK due to bad parents blaming games for their insane kids.

Would be worse if it was banned the day before it was due to release.

That won't happen though, will it??

/me touches wood

I think i've just jinxed it, sorry lads ;(
God damn what about the millions of people playing sims.....and you know what happens on the sims, bordom. So well all build little houses where we lock up our sims and then we get the to launch fireworks in the house and rub magic genie lamps getting bad things to happen until they die. WHAT IF THIS BECAME REALITY? BAN TEH SIMS AND ITS VIOLENT POTENTIAL!!!!!!!!!
lePobz said:
Wouldn't it be a bitch if HL2 was banned in the UK due to bad parents blaming games for their insane kids.

move to canada, we allow everything :thumbs: