We Are Up, Time To Win

I sat here and checked the site every minute to see if it was up. I love to see the news you guys post, as all of it pertains to Valve, my favorite game company! Which makes this my favorite site! =D I hope it doesn't go down again =P
It's over, folks.
Nothing to see here.
I did some hench cable management on my system, played a little Research and Development, a bit of G-Mod and some CSS. Watched the whole "The Leet World" series 1 and 2 and decided to make them into a DVD series - I have so far made the season 1 cover and have had it professionally printed, i'm now authoring the DVD series...on HD - gonna use 3 disks and have ordered a tripe disk case! :D


Holy scanners batman.

Kleiner: "The website is on full alert! I've never seen it lit up like that!"
Only had 2 keys gave them away CONTEST is over. More keys to give away soon!
Why don't you edit your post or the thread title because I don't think people are going to read the whole thread to find the contest is over before posting.
[br]So, we had some site downtime and now that we are back up I want to see what everyone did with their free time, since you were not able to visit your favorite site halflife2.net. Our awesome site technicians are still at work to make sure it doesn't go down again, so in the meantime, please "comment" to this "*EPIC*" news post with stories detailing what you did to pass the time.[br]

[br]You can explain with words, images, or art that best describe what you did while we were down. The two individuals who best explain will win:[br]

[br]Keys to Killing Floor. Thanks to Alan from Tripwire I have 2 keys and will be giving them away to the best suck up.  I will send you a private message via the forums with your key.  Let the suck up begin![br]

I sleept and when I got up I went to work. Came back here to find that the site had been down. Glad i wasn't around for that.