We deserve an explanation


Jul 7, 2003
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<rant>We, the fans of Half-life 2, deserve an explanation. Not only do they wait until a week before release, when they were adimittly saying it would make the release date, though it would be tight, but they didn't even give us a reason. I can deal with a game being pushed back, it sucks, but it's acceptable. What isn't cool is it seems to be profit driven. If the game was so close to being done that the 30th would be tight but do-able, the new release date should be a week or two later, not "targeting a holiday release". To the casual observer, this looks like something entirely driven with money in mind, as if this game wouldn't make an absurd amount of money already. All I want is a viable explanation, and I think we, the community, deserve it. </rant>
yeah i don't understand how they can be such a great community oriented company (spitcodfry's trip, anyone?) and still jerk us around on the release date issue...
We realize that Half-Life 2 is only a game in the end, and accept the delay of its arrival.
We don't deserve anything.


that's all we are
if that was the press release, im very disappointed in valve, they so could of handled this wayyyyyyy better.
They still have that AMD Alcatraz thing going on on the 30'th though right? SOMETHING will have to be said there.
its perfectly reasonable to push a game back, but doing it like this is not.
this is bullshit.
Where exactly did Valve say that it was going to be released September 30th?

I aim for straight As and I sure as hell know I'm not gonna get them.
Where did they say it?

When hl2 was first announced!
Then numerous time sin gaming mags.

Doug is quoted saying it FOUR TIMES in the newest PCzone mag.
I was simply pointing out that that was their goal. Nothing is set in stone.
Originally posted by chemicalagent
I was simply pointing out that that was their goal. Nothing is set in stone.

i dotn think they said it was their goal. they simply said THAT is the release date
They really really did give the impression that they where all set for the 30'th. Infact someone from Valve at a trade show 2 weeks or so a-go still insisted that they where on track for the 30'th.

What gets me is recently they've been making it sound like the 30'th would be close but might not happen. That's totaly forgiveable if it just ended up a week or two delayed, but now suddenly it's Holiday Season?? That's at the least 2 months away in November. I think only the Valve employees themselves are ever going to know what really happened here tonight.
Originally posted by chemicalagent
Where exactly did Valve say that it was going to be released September 30th?

I aim for straight As and I sure as hell know I'm not gonna get them.

nah i might pick it up...i know i'll be gettin rainbow six 3 and crimson skies on my eksboks...idunnooo
ut2k4 seems liek battlefield 1942 in space.
anyone notics that the new wave of headcrabs are dickheads (mostly, cant say for all)
if its delayed

i say if cos this might be a crock of shit fake.......

then we definately need an explination, and complete knowledge of every event from now till release.
YES> an explanation is needed.

it's not good to piss off people who are supposed to pay you money.

pity about allthis. :eek:

cos Valve (especially GabeN) had such a good reputation and was seen to be on the gamers side, trying to go further for us.

Is it becoause of Vivendi not being able to meet the mark in distrubution, cos of craop with nvidia or a new bug?

who can tell why until the official statement?

But really it's only a game. and HL2 will rock so much that we'll all still get it.
Originally posted by burnzie
anyone notics that the new wave of headcrabs are dickheads (mostly, cant say for all)

w00t, i just noticed im a zombie!

oh uh..stay on topic..uh.....delay sucks, die gabe, etc.

nah really i can live with it...i realize gabe and co are trying their best so we'll jsust havta wait.
Obviously a commercial decision, I can understand it, I mean they are in business to make money.

However I have to agree the way they’ve handled the announcement has been extremely poor. As they clearly new this some time ago and could have put out an official press release instead of a late night e-mail to one games site.
Ok, so we (the community) deserve more information why exactly?

Did we spend five years making it?

Did we prove ourselves to be far more dedciated to our community than your average developer?

Did we aim to create the game solely to improve upon the original and not just cash in on the name?

Valve however have done all of the above, so if anything, THEY deserve to be cut a little slack. If you aint happy with the way they are doing things, tough titty, don't buy the freaking game when it does come out. Go on, I ****ing dare ya.