"We expect the beta to be a couple hundred thousand people"


Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
If listen at the end of the new CS videos from GameMeca (Part 1), you can hear an interview going on.

You can clearly hear: "We expect the beta to be a couple hundred thousand people"

Wow, just get CZ and you're in!
No Valve, not even this will get me to buy Condition-Zero.

Mr-Fusion said:
No Valve, not even this will get me to buy Condition-Zero.


Yeah.. 1.6 is enough for me. :dozey:
BHC, we're some of the select few that actually pay attention to those forums :D

well, maybe not select, but we're definitely few..
I'll consider buying CZ the DAY Valve releases a Day of Defeat-Source beta....not before.
People who just register never pay attention.

It's always been like that and always will be like that. You can't do anything to stop it.
the mods could do something :P like moving / locking abosolete threads. And yes RiT. we certainly are few :P :cheers:
synth said:
moved to CS:S forum

woah synth the moderator actually did something
i thought he was hibrenating!!!!

*give dassbaba your login/password*
Mr-Fusion said:
No Valve, not even this will get me to buy Condition-Zero.


I agree, nothing will make me buy CZ! Nothing!
I'm going to get CS:CZ, not only for the beta playing but also for the fact that CZ itself will be ported over.
Someone should start a poll.

Already owned CZ
Will get CZ For CS:S Beta
Refuse to get CZ even for the beta

Edit: Alright, I'll just do it myself then.
why would i buy CZ to get the beta when i can buy HL2 and get the finished thing?
Beacause I would assume you would get to play the Beta before HL2 is released, the beta is for testing so it stands to reason that CS:S wont be released to the masses until testing is complete and since CS:S is touted to be ready to download when HL2 comes out you wont be playing either HL2 or CS:S until us lucky few who own CZ are done with the beta :eek:

/rubs hands together and begins to laugh in evil manner, mmwwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaah
Mr-Fusion said:
No Valve, not even this will get me to buy Condition-Zero.


Heh, that made me chuckle
I might get it. if only to play something on the source engine asap.
Wow, cool.. So I'll have alot of people to PWN then :D
I have Condition Zero, and I am happy with it. I got it a few days after 1.2 was realesed. Sure it's just Counter-Strike with new graphics and a few touches and updates, but it's fun and better than regaler Counter-Strike. And now I am even more happy I bought it.
ive waited this long for hl2, i can wait a little longer for css