we feed the world

I'm going to ignorantly storm in here and ask why Europe and America needs to rape its environment and farmlands to feed parts of the world that don't know the meaning of population pressure and contraception and insist on breeding like rabbits in some of the most environmentally marginal lands existing, and then top it off with corruption and ethnic violence?.

When Africa can learn to have stable peaceful competent government, and stop having so many kids, maybe the tons of food aid that we send their might actually help alleviate hunger rather then simply prop up an unsustainable population.
Food distribution is definitely one of the things capitalism does shittiest. That, and medical research.

nuri - I'm sure climate has nothing to do with food production in Africa, yeah?
extremely interesting European documentary.

food distribution is probably one of the most absurd aspect of modern civilization.
my hate for capitalism is growing each day...i'm not saying that communism is better, it's just that i hate the system we live in. but sadly i don't have any good alternative options.


I hate people like you more then you hate capitalism.

I don't feel obliged to feed people that turn out armies of aids babies.
I hate people like you more then you hate capitalism.

I don't feel obliged to feed people that turn out armies of aids babies.

yes because you out of your own pocket help feed "aids babies" :rolling:

anyways ..it obvious we need to killl ourselves because we make up the majority of food consumption


"United States: The Revis family of North Carolina Food expenditure for one week: $341.98 Favorite foods: spaghetti, potatoes, sesame chicken "


"Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp Food expenditure for one week: $1.23 Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat"

When Africa can learn to have stable peaceful competent government, and stop having so many kids, maybe the tons of food aid that we send their might actually help alleviate hunger rather then simply prop up an unsustainable population.
Possibly when first world governments stop intentionally trying to keep the third world where it is.

While many governments in Africa are "corrupt", the ones that tend to get called out on it are the ones that don't toe the line.
Also I'm sure people with barely enough food to live on have such ready access to reliable contraception, right?
yes because you out of your own pocket help feed "aids babies" :rolling:

anyways ..it obvious we need to killl ourselves because we make up the majority of food consumption


"United States: The Revis family of North Carolina Food expenditure for one week: $341.98 Favorite foods: spaghetti, potatoes, sesame chicken "


"Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp Food expenditure for one week: $1.23 Favorite foods: soup with fresh sheep meat"


do look like a give a **** what happens in Africa did my last post not make that clear?
People actually work for thr food we eat and everything else we consume.
Yeah, and how about the food we waste?
its obvious to me that you people feel guilty for what you are,I advise you to move to Africa so you don't have to feel so bad about yourself anymore.
No thanks, I'd rather graduate and do a PhD in Plant Science and try to help fix things.
Possibly when first world governments stop intentionally trying to keep the third world where it is.

While many governments in Africa are "corrupt", the ones that tend to get called out on it are the ones that don't toe the line.

Thats a good point, people want to blame the system (thats allowed the most people ever to live well fed lives, compared to say extreme pyramid scheme dictatorships) instead of blaming people.

Blame the politicians on both sides of the wealth divide.

Holy shit wtf is going on in this thread.

You guys, I'm like 300% positive that people in Africa are "breeding like rabbits" solely because they just want to live off of our oh-so-generous handouts. I mean honestly, it can't be due to a lack of education or just something really ****ing OBVIOUS like that, oh no CLEARLY THEY ARE DOING IT BECAUSE THEY WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US YOU GUYS. Man seriously they live like ****ing millionaires over there all because of us.

No seriously you guys are retarded.

Not as half as retarded as going off on a bender and totally ignoring the point the these third world countries simply cannot sustain their populations.

Its as simple as that, and until such a time as the human race can be altered to the point of such overbearing altruism that communism becomes a valid form of governance and economics that its no longer a foolish idealistic dream thats more often abused for tyranny then anything else, these countries and peoples need to be educated in no uncertain terms that their irrational rejection of contraceptives and family planning is a major major obstacle to their societies ever reaching a point where their own farmlands can at least halfway go to supporting them.

Where does the west draw a line?.

After we've broken our economies to transport our produce to Africa for free?, after we've sent every last university student to some third world desert to build fresh clean water infrastructure at our own expense?.

We could conscript every last military and civilian airplane and the Condom industry and carpet bomb them with french letters.

Frankly the human race as a whole needs to stop asking "How can we feed everyone?" and learn how to say "How do we convince people to stop having so many kids?".

The irony is until the third worlds population comes down and releives some of the demand on their agricultural land, theres no way for the third world to improve their own lot so that they can actually afford to increase fertility of their land and agricultural production.

In light of the above education is probably the best form of aid we can give.
yes Eejit, give Africa more money we all know they will spend it well.
do look like a give a **** what happens in Africa did my last post not make that clear?
People actually work for thr food we eat and everything else we consume.

In africa people cant work.
A Continent of peasants will not have the same quality of life first world countries (or even second world countries for that matter) who would have thought.
do look like a give a **** what happens in Africa did my last post not make that clear?

perhaps there is some miscommunication and you didnt understand ..I shall dumb it down a bit so you'll understand:


the rest of the post wasnt aimed at you because

a. your pov is meaningless as your taxes already pays for hunger relief, or foreign aid or missiles over baghdad ..but hey since you dont actually pull a fiver out of your pocket, it doesnt happen

b. you're not capable of thinking beyond what is right in front of your face, so any discussion on the matter is a waste of time

People actually work for thr food we eat and everything else we consume

I thought food grew on trees or descended from the heavens

What are you talking about? "Breaking our economies"? It's not at all true that these countries "can't sustain their populations"; what is true is that the rich world imposes conditions upon them which make it very difficult for them to support themselves.

When Africa can learn to have stable peaceful competent government, and stop having so many kids, maybe the tons of food aid that we send their might actually help alleviate hunger rather then simply prop up an unsustainable population.
Possibly when first world governments stop intentionally trying to keep the third world where it is.

While many governments in Africa are "corrupt", the ones that tend to get called out on it are the ones that don't toe the line.

A few interesting facts:

70% of the protein eaten by people in Senegal comes from fish. One in six of the working population is employed in the fishing industry. However, fish stocks have begun declining.
The EU also has a fishing market, but because of the failure to manage it, its resources are quickly drying up from overfishing and so on. Yet fish supplies must continue.
Since 1979 the EU has had agreements with the government of Senegal, sending its own boats to there.
Between 1994 and 2005, Senegal's fishy resources have been reduced by half. And it's not due to the population's own mistakes as the number of boats run by local people has also halved since 1997.

In Senegal, as in quite a lot of other west African countries in which the EU has fishing deals, fishing families that used to eat thrice a day are now eating once or twice.
The British government is trying to negotiate economic partnerships with African countries, but a lot of them refused to sign because the agreements demand that the client countries would not be allowed to discriminate between its own businesses and European companies, allowing those companies to continue plundering food which is necessary for the welfare of the indeginous population. The UN has called the negotiations uninclusive, opaque, and unfair; the EU has, it says, been trying to push past the African nations without time to properly review the deals.

The problem with the way food is distributed in the world is that it generally moves in accordance with the principles of unregulated capitalism, which is to say that who pays wins. Rich nations are in direct competition with the poor populations of third world countries, and, rather like the proposed nightmare scenario in which adoption of biofuels causes a food crisis, money trumps human life. Where poor nations seek to defend their interests they will often find themselves mucked around by the bigger boys. Hence, Saudi Arabia is busy securing its future food supply by trying to buy land in poor nations, aiming to set up a series of fortified farms from which crops will be exported rather than used to feed the population there (something to which the awful governments of Ethiopia and Sudan are only too happy to subscribe). See here and here for how western governments continue to promote the use of biofuels which poor governments seem eager to push their people off the land to appease the superior spending power of fuel over food.

And then consider this article: the UK's DFID gives more money to the Adam Smith Institution, a right wing think-tank, than it does to Liberia or Somalia - two very desperate nations. Why?

Aid has always been an instrument of foreign policy. A US government website boasts that ?the principal beneficiary of America?s foreign assistance programs has always been the United States. Close to 80 percent of the U.S. Agency for International Development?s contracts and grants go directly to American firms.? (6)

A doctor working in Gondar hospital in Ethiopia wrote to me recently to spell out what this means. The hospital has none of the basic textbooks on tropical diseases it needs. But it does have 21 copies of an 800-page volume called ?Aesthetic Facial Surgery? and 24 volumes of a book called ?Opthalmic Pathology?. (7) There is no opthalmic pathologist in training in Ethiopia. The poorest nation on earth, unsurprisingly, has no aesthetic plastic surgeons. The US had spent $2m on medical textbooks which American publishers hadn?t been able to sell at home, called them aid and dumped them in Ethiopia.

In Britain the Labour government claims to have abandoned such practices, though only because they infringe European rules on competition. But now it has found a far more effective means of helping the rich while pretending to help the poor. It is spending its money on projects which hand public goods to corporations.

It is now giving, for example, ?342 million to the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. (8) This is a staggering amount of money, 15 times what it spent last year on the famine in Ethiopia. Why is Andhra Pradesh so lucky? Because its chief minister, or ?chief executive? as he now likes to be known, is...handing everything which isn?t nailed down, and quite a lot which is, to big business. Most of the money DFID is giving him is being used to ?restructure? and ?reform? the state and its utilities. His programme will dispossess 20 million people from the land (9) and contribute massively to poverty. DFID?s own report on the biggest of the schemes it is funding in the state reveals that it suffers from ?major failings?, has ?negative consequences on food security? and does ?nothing about providing alternative income for those displaced.?(10) But it permits Andhra Pradesh to become a laboratory for the kind of mass privatisation the department is seeking to encourage all over the world.

In Zambia, DFID is spending just ?700,000 on improving nutrition, but ?56 million on privatising the copper mines.(11) In Ghana, the department made its aid payments for upgrading the water system conditional on partial privatisation.(12) Foreign aid from Britain now means giving to the rich the resources which keep the poor alive.
The reality may be more complex than my simplistic summation here, but it's entirely unrecognisable from your own description. Rich countries are not breaking their backs to give aid to poor countries. They are, more often, breaking the backs of the poor countries, in order to force very particlar kinds of "aid" down their throats.
So wait, what are we talking about here? Famine, or the inability of poor countries to improve?

If it's the former, I don't think famine in developing countries has ever been caused by Western buttrape. I don't think large scale severe malnutrition due to a lack of food is caused by anything other than internal conflict, overpopulation and / or natural disasters.

If it's the latter, that has more to do with unfair trade and the inability of farmers in poor nations to compete with all the subsidized food on the global market; hardly a capitalist trait. While Western countries are of course able to outbid the poor countries on food, this would only cause a food shortage in developing countries if not enough food is being produced to feed both sides. In that case, the richest country wins. So the real problem is that, apparently, there isn't enough food in the first place.

But I have to say I haven't watched the video, so..
Ugh... is it too much to ask to keep this crap in the politics forum.
Let me get this straight.

The African government sells food they need for the citizens instead of using it to feed the citizens?

So the problem is, the people in power don't care about the citizens, so long as their pockets are lined with money. Corruption. They need better, non-corrupt government and better resource management.

If I've got this right, then what can be done? Regime change? World police to the rescue?

Well, it seems to be benefiting Western countries, so can you expect them to bend over backwards to change it?

The average western citizen isn't extremely concerned about the welfare of people in another country, especially if it's going to cost them money. The evidence of this is right here in the replies in this thread, as well as the fact that western countries continue to go about business as usual.

So now we understand the problem, how can it be fixed?
lol this dude is calling em close minded and makes a thread on a gaming forum to express how much he hates capitalism,the very same economic system that provided the Keyboard he is typing on.

naive tool.
lol this dude is calling em close minded and makes a thread on a gaming forum to express how much he hates capitalism,the very same economic system that provided the Keyboard he is typing on.

naive tool.

Hey, did you know this very same internet wasn't a product of capitalism?
There are like eight different levels of stupid**** in this thread. Ew.
I'm going to ignorantly storm in here and ask why Europe and America needs to rape its environment and farmlands to feed parts of the world that don't know the meaning of population pressure and contraception and insist on breeding like rabbits in some of the most environmentally marginal lands existing, and then top it off with corruption and ethnic violence?.

When Africa can learn to have stable peaceful competent government, and stop having so many kids, maybe the tons of food aid that we send their might actually help alleviate hunger rather then simply prop up an unsustainable population.

To pay off their billion dollar international debts with exports?
so like who doesnt have debts in the world? US got trillions in debt so who's getting the good end of this?
arg i feel like wrighting the longest rant ever, but ive decided not to and just think about how id slap unozero in the face for his stupidity.
