we feed the world

Based on his avatar, I suggest we vote in Naph as king of the world, since everyone seems to think they have the answer to world problems ignoring the fact they are nobodies on a website.
Internet pplz rnt real, kk?
Everyone has to earn money somehow, regardless of the economic system...I'm not quite sure what your point is. Certainly 9-5 working hours are a modern luxury, before industrialisation people spent most of their lives either working or surviving. Prosperity available to the masses is a 20th century thing.

You can also set up some kind of business that brings you money without you having to work on an ongoing basis, should you decide it's worth the effort.

i agree with you...a society of slackers would never quite work.
as for the prosperity part, there is always room for improvement why settle with what we have.

as for setting up a successful business...it's not that simple.

If you want to be part of wider society, you have to earn money. That's the price of progress.

can't really argue here...thing is that progress is being sold to us way overpriced.

"Tax evasion havens"? All sounds much grander than it is...you just put your money in an offshore bank account and hire an expensive accountant to pay as little tax as possible. All sensible people with money to be worth guarding would do exactly the same. There is very little white collar crime in the West compared to what you find in second world countries, that's one of the main reasons why the West has the wealth. Corruption destroys economies.

that can't be directly proven by either of us. only the rich can maintain such risky financial transactions, so they kinda have the upper hand by paying less taxes.

Yes, I'm quite sure. Life isn't fair and it isn't meant to be, resources are finite and until we can produce an infinite supply of necessary resources at no cost then people will always be in competition with one another. The question is, are you going to be a winner or a loser?

that is true for now...but i don't believe this line will stay forever.

I don't really understand your obsession with mega-rich companies. They're not hiding under the bed waiting to snatch babies and burn down houses. They're simply out for their own interests, like everyone else - they're simply better at it which is why they got so rich in the first place, and this wealth then gives them more opportunity to support their interests.

technically there is not really a problem with corporations until they decide to monopolize a certain resource...especially if that resource is basic for survival, like water.
if we had no laws then we'd have no way to defend against the rich companies. sure you could say you'd boycott or stop working for them...but then you'd probably have no other means of income...since they provide most jobs.

a free market is like anarchy...it would lead to disaster.

i don't really have any quarrel with you. you are basically presenting how the world functions today...and you apparently support this system. that's fine.
i'd like to try another system for a change since i'm not to fond of the one today.
what's there to argue about?

my initial point was about how much consumerism (as part of capitalism) is crapping on the world resources and how western countries exploit poorer ones.
i think the video, sulk and stern (partially) have enough evidence to support this claim.
the rest is just some philosophical hitchhiker that hopped in for a ride.
that is probably the most idiotic counter argument thus far.

i hate capitalism because it is making us live stressful lives in pursue of success and disregarding everything else. plus the absurd wealth distribution it produces.
the video mentions that 57% of the worlds wealth is owned by 500 corporations.

lol.....stressful lives,so this about you being laszy and not wanting to compete?
lol.....stressful lives,so this about you being laszy and not wanting to compete?

not really...i'm quite hard working. it's just that i don't like the money grabbing culture of today. but sadly i can't really do anything about it except participating in it.
because not fully supporting captialism makes you a communist ..or worse yet; lazy and uncompetitive ie: hippy stoner who wears a che shirt and hates America/sweet baby jesus
you should know by now that I don't give a rats as about Jesus,and where did I mention America?