We have a CS:S Beta Server!

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
We have a CS:S Beta server!

b33f.co.uk - Halflife2.net Public (06)|20ms|

Graciously provided by b33f.co.uk, check them out! See you on there! :E
You guys started a CS:S beta servers merely days (if even) before the full thing comes out? :(

Oh well, I've lost all interest in the CS:S beta.. dust, dust, dust.
kewl, ill be on soon. i havent played CS:S scince the week it came out (i cba lol) :P
Could people from these forums get reserved slots.... :P

Or would that be a little mean... :devil:
I would love a reserved slot, and it would'nt be that unfair, just means big hl2.net people can use the server.

Oh I joined last night and the first person I saw was called "HUGE PENIS" and was VERY foul mouthed. As was everyone else on the server.

Can we get some admins?
I don't believe that reserved slots are possible yet. I'm fairly sure there'll be an Admin Mod?AMX plugin for CS:S shortly after release, and we'll have the servers properly configured.

If there's no staff about and you need a server admin, give us a shout on IRC.

I'll see about the possibility of non-staff admins, but don't hold your breath.
I would prefer staff admins as we trust you guys..