"We have no fear" - Vote turnout in Iraq HIGH

Oh my God, Sgt Shellback, you make me sick. Your above statement, comparing left wing thinkers to terrorists shows you have absolutely no understanding of the severity of the situation or the cost of it so far. You have no respect for anyone, and you only get your news from places that tell you what you want to hear.

Yet your the first to cry foul when the proof is against you, uh your a disgusting huma... no animal. You're racist, you're discriminatory, and you don't deserve the air that you breathe. I hope when judgement comes for you, who ever is sentencing you has a little more mercy than that which you display here. Otherwise, enjoy hell, I hear the weather is rather nice this time of year. Jerk.
come on stern you could pull that stick out of your ass for one second and say somethin good is happening in Iraq, like these elections, but of course to you "its not real" we are controlling blah blah....I am against the war, but this is one thing we can be happy about jeez
Operation Ivy said:
come on stern you could pull that stick out of your ass for one second and say somethin good is happening in Iraq, like these elections, but of course to you "its not real" we are controlling blah blah....I am against the war, but this is one thing we can be happy about jeez

It's impossible for Stern to be happy... Search for 'Good job Sgt." and you can read all about Stern's disappointment that a T was stopped mid stream of planting a bomb in a civilian market.
Innervision961 said:
Oh my God, Sgt Shellback, you make me sick. Your above statement, comparing left wing thinkers to terrorists shows you have absolutely no understanding of the severity of the situation or the cost of it so far. You have no respect for anyone, and you only get your news from places that tell you what you want to hear.

Yet your the first to cry foul when the proof is against you, uh your a disgusting huma... no animal. You're racist, you're discriminatory, and you don't deserve the air that you breathe. I hope when judgement comes for you, who ever is sentencing you has a little more mercy than that which you display here. Otherwise, enjoy hell, I hear the weather is rather nice this time of year. Jerk.

LOL I'm frameing that one.
Please do.... Let it serve as a reminder to how much of a block head you really are.
Im surprised about the initial reports of a high voter turnout. I expected it to me much lower. I heard reports of 31 Iraqis killed, can anyone confirm that?

I hope for the best for them but its still a war-zone. My guess is that we'll see more violence in the coming days.

Stability cannot be achieved simply by voting. It takes cooperation from various political groups and the responsibility of the Iraqi security forces to secure their "democracy".
say what you guys want about my distrust of the incoming government but it's gained through experience ...the current government is just as bad as the last one causing me to suspect the incoming one will be no different ...I honestly hope I'm wrong
say what you guys want about my distrust of the incoming government but it's gained through experience ...the current government is just as bad as the last one causing me to suspect the incoming one will be no different ...I honestly hope I'm wrong

What is as bad as Saddam? The new Iraqi Gov't, or the US. Either way, you're dead wrong.
Sgt_Shellback said:
Today was a victory for Democracy in Iraq... I know the thought of self determination in Iraq is like sour bile to you Left wing wack jobs. But why don't you just stop complaining about it and do something for once? I'm sure the T's could use a few more suicide bombers...

They seem to have come up short today LOL.

you really have been utterly brainwashed havent you? ..I guess that explain why you've always avoided facts like the plague

anyways ..time will only tell ..I think there'll be an escalation of violence in the months to come especially when the pro-us government takes over the reigns of the current cia supported government ..meh if the new government is anything like allawi's government we'll have another saddam within a decade ..and then the "he has WMD and he plans to use it on decent americans" propaganda machine will spin it's wheels again
CptStern said:
you really have been utterly brainwashed havent you? ..I guess that explain why you've always avoided facts like the plague

anyways ..time will only tell ..I think there'll be an escalation of violence in the months to come especially when the pro-us government takes over the reigns of the current cia supported government ..meh if the new government is anything like allawi's government we'll have another saddam within a decade ..and then the "he has WMD and he plans to use it on decent americans" propaganda machine will spin it's wheels again

The simple fact is, there are people out there who are nothing more than a bipedal cheeseburger. They're a self-propelled snack pack looking for someone to eat them. There is no helping the truly consumable among us

Credit to Bobkid.
nice sidestepping sgt

yes sir! I'm an empty vessel sir! I've given up all individuality, fill me up sir!
CptStern said:
nice sidestepping sgt

yes sir! I'm an empty vessel sir! I've given up all individuality, fill me up sir!

Take that Mayo off the Cheesburger Skipper.
Sgt_Shellback said:
The simple fact is, there are people out there who are nothing more than a bipedal cheeseburger. They're a self-propelled snack pack looking for someone to eat them. There is no helping the truly consumable among us

Credit to Bobkid.

For crying out loud....

Now i'm hungry. Well off to work, you children have fun.
CptStern said:
no, the geneva accords dont "allow" for that ..it just doesnt cover it, there's a big difference

sorry but you're wrong. non uniformed combatants, spies/saboteurs etc.. can be summarily shot per the convention.

once again, you needn't like it or agree with it, you just gotta accept it.
Why not shoot the person who sent the "non uniformed combatants, spies/saboteurs etc.."
If Allawi is indeed supported by the CIA then his government may very well be worse, I think guatamela would be the best example of that.

BUT, I prefer to remain optimistic about the future of the iraqi's and while Allawi was supported by the CIA at one point he "fought the good fight" against a tyrannical madman.

Oh and stern I know the flaws of my logic please leave me to my forced blissful ignorance.
Pretty please with sugar on top?
How many on this forum can honestly say they would have gone to the polls inspite of terrorist threats?

The Iraqi people have proved today that they are ready for freedom. I believe they will get it.
Wow, so pretty much every Liberal or person against Bush, is now like "OMFG WELL THEY LOOK GOOD NOW BUT THEN THEY'LL TEH SUCK".

Yes, plus the elections will be biased so heavily towards the British controlled southern Iraq, it'll be silly, because American forces aren't guarding polling stations very heavily in Baghdad, the worst anti-democracy affected area in Iraq today.

We were guarding polling sites -- but most of that was left into Iraqi Policemen and National Guardsmen. Got my News and Observer today, thank you very much.
The Iraqi people have proved today that they are ready for freedom. I believe they will get it.


For those worried about OMFG TERRORIST AGAINST SADDAM ALLAWI -- he's taking a backseat now. Once the voting is over; he's done.

Go Iraq! :D
Oh yeah, us Liberals absolutely hate the fact that elections went alright. We wanted, blood, gore, violence, and dead babies flying all over the place. And just for kicks, it would have been cool if they paraded out some hostages and cut their heads off in front of the cameras.
Oh yeah, us Liberals absolutely hate the fact that elections went alright. We wanted, blood, gore, violence, and dead babies flying all over the place. And just for kicks, it would have been cool if they paraded out some hostages and cut their heads off in front of the cameras.

I never labeled you guys as wanting this ... I was just making retort to those who believe in a defeatism after the polls.
One of the best things about the success of this historic election is that it shows the true force of the anti-democracy forces in Iraq. 44 people died yesterday. I don't know what you all think, but by the picture painted by the mass media and other nay saying liberals I expected tehre to be a huge disaster yesterday. That disaster never came. Which begs the question, how stong are the terrorists there? Stong enough only to kill 44 people on one of Iraq's most historic days in modern history?

The worst thing about the election are the people who say, "Just wait, there will be more attacks and things could get worse!" What kind of human being are you, those of you who think that? I realize you are only speculating on future events, but why speculate? Why have a defeatist and pessimistic attitude? Do you want more terror attacks? Do you want Democracy in Iraq to fail? I realize you don't want these things, all you really want is for Bush and the Republican party to look bad. But at what cost? The 72% of the people who want totake part in Iraq's freedom? The lives that will be lost due to future terror attacks?

edit: for clarity
Bodacious said:
The worst thing about the election are the people who say, "Just wait, there will be more attacks and things could get worse!" What kind of human being are you, those of you who think that? I realize you are only speculating on future events, but why speculate? Why have a defeatist and pessimistic attitude? Do you want more terror attacks? Do you want Democracy in Iraq to fail?
edit: for clarity

there will be more attacks, that is indisputable

Bodacious said:
I realize you don't want these things, all you really want is for Bush and the Republican party to look bad.

nonsense ..I was rallying behind the iraqi people before bush took office ..I dont need this event to make bush look bad, he's very capable of doing that himself
CptStern said:
there will be more attacks, that is indisputable

Did I say there weren't going to be?...No

nonsense ..I was rallying behind the iraqi people before bush took office ..I dont need this event to make bush look bad, he's very capable of doing that himself

What I said was a generalization about people who think that. Want me to edit my post to include your efforts to make America look like the Great Satan?


Bodacious said:
What I said was a generalization about people who think that. Want me to edit my post to include your efforts to make America look like the Great Satan?

"I dont need this event to make the US look bad, they are very capable of doing that themselves"
i cant stand racist comments tbh. :/
and another thing i cant stand is stereotypicalism.

eg. all muslims are terrorists, all british people speak like the queen. lol
Please ignore any trolling and use the report post button in future.
Absinthe said:
Oh yeah, us Liberals absolutely hate the fact that elections went alright. We wanted, blood, gore, violence, and dead babies flying all over the place. And just for kicks, it would have been cool if they paraded out some hostages and cut their heads off in front of the cameras.

Quoted for historical puropses... Who knows how long it will be before we hear the truth from the other side of the aisle again.

bliink said:
Please ignore any trolling and use the report post button in future.

Ignoring Stern will be tough... But ok. If you say so... :p
I was rallying behind the iraqi people before bush took office

Yeah, wishing Saddam stayed in power really showed that. You were even against the first Gulf War.
Don't mind Stern. He's just pissed that this whole voting thing seems to be working.
Top Secret said:
Don't mind Stern. He's just pissed that this whole voting thing seems to be working.

It's got the libbies up in arms every where... ROFL. Who would have guessed Democracy could be so much fun. :D
meh, I feel vindicated ..not one of you can stand toe to toe with me in a debate

anyways Sgt please do ignore me, I dont take kindly to people who play the race card when they're backed into a corner
CptStern said:
meh, I feel vindicated ..not one of you can stand toe to toe with me in a debate

Pfft, I've finished debating with you. Half the articles you link to don't even say what you describe. You stretch the truth. Example:

You said Allowi claimed responsibility for bombing a school bus. I read your link, which said nothing of the sort. After several sidesteps, you whipped back at me with some bullshit about "reading comprehension" which was real cute. Have a nice day Sterny.
meh, I feel vindicated ..not one of you can stand toe to toe with me in a debate

anyways Sgt please do ignore me, I dont take kindly to people who play the race card when they're backed into a corner

If lying to yourself makes you feel better. Maybe the whole arrogance thing helps you, I cant tell which you enjoy doing more.

anyways Sgt please do ignore me, I dont take kindly to people who play the race card when they're backed into a corner
Coming from the man who calls anyone a bigot who disagrees with him. If not that, then an asshole, moron, etc. etc.
Ya'll remind me of a bunch of school kiddies fighting over somethin... :LOL:
seinfeldrules said:
If lying to yourself makes you feel better. Maybe the whole arrogance thing helps you.

so does that mean you're willing to answer my questions? you seem so sure of yourself ..come on seinfeldrules you and I, mano a mono :monkee: