We Need A HL2.net HL2DM Server NOW


Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Or rather, several.

Passworded prefferably (and shared in the forums)
we need one right now!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
DM, here i come! :dork:
OMG...This thing is fast as hell!
It looks like servers are shutting down as soon as they start. I think player demand is way too high and theres just no server base.

I did get into a game for 5 seconds :D it was pretty sweet. I had the grav gun, and someone killed me.

Then the server shutdown. ;(
slightlyretarded said:
we need hl:dm to ****ING START
i would restart my comp anbd everything, but its late for me, so im going to try tomorrow
It looks like we're collectivly pinging all the servers to death.

I bet problems like this (And Steam problems with the overanticipated HL2 release) is why VALVe decided to release it so abruptly.
f|uke said:
It looks like we're collectivly pinging all the servers to death.

yeah...i think it will be a few hours before we can play any of the games.. notice how HL2, CS:S.. all of them are not working.. at least for me they aren't.
Brian Damage said:
Anyone willing to put up with a poor ol' 56k-er?

Brian, imagine playing CSS through a 28.8 during a rainstorm. Right now, playing on broadband is 10x worse.

I think you're right, Dr Freeman. A few hours at least :-/
I'll bring up my server as HL2DM once it's finished updating.

It'll be faster if you guys hook me up with the command line to launch this thing. I'm Linux and I'll post the ip once it's finished.

Oh, it's a T1 BTW, not some cable connection. I have it set for 24 right now CS:S.

That reminds me,

I'm USA, East Coast and the name of the server will be "Fercovania".

Dunno how close I am here is some text:

Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk04.vvd
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk05.dx90.vtx
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk05.mdl
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk05.phy
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk05.vvd
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk06.dx90.vtx
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk06.mdl
Downloading: .\hl2\models\props_combine\breenbust_chunk06.phy

do the player models have good animations? (not holding your weapon on your hip, it really bothered me how they ran also) ;(
It appears the character models you can choose from are all of the "extras" from the game. If you liked their animations then you'll like these.
