We need a spam category.

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Nov 12, 2006
Reaction score
Since most, if not all of our members spam mostly in the Newbie Central forum, I reckon we should have a category which we can spam in all we like, and it doesn't raise our post count.

All in favour? Aye!
Trust me, that's the only answer you're going to get from the staff. Just wait until Pi responds.
But think of BlueTooth Willie and CyberPitz...

Ah well. I'm not the boss.
Newbie Central has always been a spammish place. Think of it as an intelligence test for newbies to see if they can look through our thinly veiled satire. :p
I don't see the need for a spam section. Spam is essentially posts without meaning or any point. Therefore pointless posts. So we'd be making a pointless section. How pointless.
Off topic is a thriving section of hilarity and topical discussion. Although the quality of topics is occasionally questionable, people manage (generally) to maintain a good level of discussion and comedy too. Truly spammy forums are much worse than that I assure you, you haven't lived if you think OT is bad!
Off topic is a thriving section of hilarity and topical discussion. Although the quality of topics is occasionally questionable, people manage (generally) to maintain a good level of discussion and comedy too. Truly spammy forums are much worse than that I assure you, you haven't lived if you think OT is bad!

Having just read the sex stories thread, I concur.
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