We Need New HL2 Benchmarks...

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poseyjmac said:
how ignorant of you. some of us here are 'enthuiasts'. if we have the money, more power to us. you are what we call 'jealous' of these people. but not everyone is poor bodhi.

no, how ignorant of you to think that im poor or jealous of you and your systems just because i choose not to piss my money away upgrading every six months. if you really believe having a lot of money entitles you to be wasteful with it then i feel sorry for you and all those who come into contact with you. some of you may be 'enthusiasts' but after reading your post i now see we have another catagory for people on this board...we now have 'assholes'. congratulations on your new post
I don't think the difference between some of the newer ATi cards and the new nVidia cards is going to be that noticable. A few frames won't bother me too much, as long as I'm getting around a steady 60 fps with my x800 pro.
ok i have 2 butt in and say that i agree with bodhi. ive got cheek saying that tho as ive just spent £250 or so on upgrading my cpu, mobo and gcard (went from 2000+ and fx5600). however i have no more plans for upgrading my comp every month or so like some people do...now that is just completely obssesive imo.
we should all stop throwing money away just so you can say 'omg my comp runs at higher fps than yours on doom478 and hl10456...'. cmon people be realistic.
ive got to say this as well,. im not having a go at Ritual, whose post is a few back from this one, but is you look at his signature, its like a fantasy list of every top componant, and he's even got some bollocks written after the spec for the RAM about 'kingston hyper...', i mean whatever, man. nobody cares. The thing is, that just screams arrogance at me, i mean how long did he spend thinking about how he was going to set out this information, i mean hes got spacers like this || that even have a different colour for a more styalised look, it just amazes me that people can become so proud and feel they must show it off as a way of impressing people, the thing is though, computer specs are just not impressive. everytime i see something like it i think "too much money and too much time on their hands"

like i said though, im dont mean to have a go at him, its just that i saw it as a perfect example.
...some want 100fps steady, others just don't care

that, or others know that their monitor refresh rate is considerably lower, and that it's scientifically impossible to have a higher true FPS than the refresh rate.

if you stick a straw into a 1"-diameter tube that's dumping 100 gallons/minute of water onto your head, you're still only going to get as much water into your mouth as the straw can handle...

overkill is, and has always been, overkill.

Most "enthusiasts" have their monitor set to 60 or 75Hz, mainly because they don't know any better, or because they bought based on size instead of quality.
bodhi said:
ive got to say this as well,. im not having a go at Ritual, whose post is a few back from this one, but is you look at his signature, its like a fantasy list of every top componant, and he's even got some bollocks written after the spec for the RAM about 'kingston hyper...', i mean whatever, man. nobody cares. The thing is, that just screams arrogance at me, i mean how long did he spend thinking about how he was going to set out this information, i mean hes got spacers like this || that even have a different colour for a more styalised look, it just amazes me that people can become so proud and feel they must show it off as a way of impressing people, the thing is though, computer specs are just not impressive. everytime i see something like it i think "too much money and too much time on their hands"

like i said though, im dont mean to have a go at him, its just that i saw it as a perfect example.

yeah but bodhi, people are like that. they dont choose to be, and in some cases may not have a choice to be the way they are. u have to realise that people may not want to but HAVE TO be like that. they've done it for so long that they dont know how to be anything else.
people take pride in their hard earned (or maybe not hard earned) belongings. people that are less fortunate tend to be like that, trying to show off their pride and joy, as theyve never been able to do it before...and i dont mean to offend ANYONE out there btw, and i apologise deeply for anyone i did...

just let him be and learn to ignore that kind of thing.
bodhi said:
no, how ignorant of you to think that im poor or jealous of you and your systems just because i choose not to piss my money away upgrading every six months. if you really believe having a lot of money entitles you to be wasteful with it then i feel sorry for you and all those who come into contact with you. some of you may be 'enthusiasts' but after reading your post i now see we have another catagory for people on this board...we now have 'assholes'. congratulations on your new post

you are clearly bitter about other people having good computers. why else would be acting like a jealous little girl? no one cares if you choose not to spend your money on computers. the fact is some people have more than enough money to spend on a good computer. while others have more than enough money to spend on a new car. none of these people are in the wrong.
the amount of ignorance you have is blinding, trying to say what hobby is acceptable and whats ok to spend money on. you ARE poor, and you ARE jealous. because well-off people don't care what people spend their money on. heres some advice, go to college, then get a job if you want to get money, because its not going to come into your lap while you sit and make fun of people spending theirs.
u have a valid point but read what i put before, but dude saying that he is poor and jealous is extremely harsh and uncalled for.
Bah, i can't be arsed deleting so much spam *locked*

Bodhi give it a rest, nobody cares if you have your own car.. so do a lot of people, and most American kids, so its hardly some big deal.
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