We need screenshots & movies! PLEASE!

lol Homie wtf there isn't a standard cafe charging thing???? Not to be hating but like people around here gotta think things through and figure stuff out for themselves.

Oh and the only reason it's getting released Noon Pacific time is because VALVe is in Pacific time and they probably get to work at like 9-10 on good days, but right now they are probably just making sure everything will go smoothly for the cafe guys :)

We got like an hour left.... Cool.

Oh and BTW screenshots are useless :P Movies are kick-ass!
No it wasn't sarcasm Seal. I really didn't know. CS:S is unlocked at cyber cafes @ 3 PM EASTERN STANDARD. BRING on the media!!!
Why's that? VALVe already fixed that problem. CS:S cannot be preloaded any earlier now. That was a small loophole someone found. As I said before, its been fixed.

i meant check wat the -game gamename like for CS its -applaunch 70 -game cstrike wat is it for CSS
cs:s releases releases in 10 minutes. wait a second does the preload release today or do cyber get to play it today lol?
cyber cafe only .... that is stupid though y not everyone with CZ and ATI thing too?
play it today homie, i hope a couple of people race to get the first Screenshot online lol
5 minutes till cs source beta release date WHoohoh
because the cybercafes are proffesionaly run, and get less forum flamey when theres a serious bug on the first global test of source with steam, they dont wanna give it to all the desperate fans and then realise these a huge bottle neck.
I NOW ANNOUNCE THAT CS:S Beta 1 Has Been Released to all Cyber Cafe People​

Im going to get to play it today WHOHOHOO​


its a tough decision for them
stop playing now, take a shot, upload it, post it here ... or play the damn game
i feel so alone just waiting for a screenie. But oh well. I have to see a few b4 i leave so lets go please!
Come on! Be a hero and upload a damn screenshot! be famous for 5 minutes!
can someone prove its unlocked / still locked?
why isnt it unlocked is this vavles fault damnit
Valve didnt release a specific time of unlocking, they only said the date. The unlock time has been purely speculation.
marty905 said:
its not he lied some cafe's dont have it preloaded yet
like the one I'm in!!
I don't think they even comprehend what steam is about!
I love that someone just made up the noon release time and everyone started counting down. :laugh:
WTF they still didn't release it yet... guess I'm gonna go to the cafe tommorow. :(
Salmonax said:
I love that someone just made up the noon release time and everyone started counting down. :laugh:

yeah man .. and I fell for it :flame: :flame: :flame:

I'm back home now after getting busted .. :hmph:
That's really unlike VALVe to not give us a time of release for the beta. Wonder what got in to them. They are always right on time. Who knows...
Well I still can't wait :)

God these last few minutes/hours are the worst!!! But of course I got days until I can get CSS :\ better get some damn good videos from ya'll until then, hehe
Yea I really hope it comes out soon, I was supposed to go to the cafe with my friend and now I'm not sure if it's even out, so why waste the gas?
all this hype for a CSS beta .. what is gonna happen when hl2 release is near?!
HeadcrabOnMyAss said:
Many countless children, puppies, and kittens will die.
havn't got a clue what this is supposed to mean .. but it reminds me of a tragedy .. where every body dies ...
The hero dies .. and his mom dies .. and his dad dies .. his sister dies .. his aunt dies <<< his aunt has another story .. she was fat and when she was riding a horse the horse died and .. it's all messed up .. :dozey:
his whole family .. his whole family ..