we owe everything to...........THE POTATO!

Wasn't this news before, too? I don't know if it was satire or not, but I remember them talking about this.

I loves me some 'taters, Mmmhmm!
I think cereal crops far outweigh the potato in the development and prosperity of humanity, as much as I love that member of the nightshade family.
isn't a potato made from mashed up french fries?
next times people teach the creation in the school just shoot them whit lot of potatoes and spread the truth about the begining of humanity spreading potaoes to everyone
in the beginning there were potatoes; Potatoes saw that in order to come to earth, they would need a sun to give them energy and a moon to light the night when potatoes come out from hiding. They created all these things in 6 days and on the 7th they rested, and saw that it was good.
Vodka, chips, roast potatoes, jacket potatoes and mashed potatoes

truly a wonderfull thing
I thought this was going to be a thread in praise of the creator of the site lol