"We want Adrian Shephard back!" petition

yes...we do. and yay i just signed, i kept it simple just my account
So, after wandering the internets countlessly looking for a good petition site, I finally realised that there isn't any. I returned to the original petition site and made a new petition, with a better English statement (my English still sux, but I did what I could). Accidentaly, it is the same site that Diablo 3 fans used to ask Blizzard for changing colours, so I guess that if it worked for them (Blizzard answered) it will work for us too. I closed the first petition. I'm sorry for those who signed in the first petition, I will ask them to sign again in the new one, I promise I won't change it anymore. Now, if you please, you can start signing. I will contact a moderator to modify the first post of this thread. Also, I haven't signed yet, I will let a real fan to break the ice. :D

Here we go:

We want Adrian Shephard back! Petition

I will go on my country gaming forums and spread the word in our Half Life community. The Steam forums are also a target. If any of you are active on some other Half Life forums, please share the link and help this petition to be signed by as many people as possible.
I'm positive that if we gather a considerable number, we will be heard.

And please, for the sake of Half Life beauty, don't start again with "it won't work" and "Opposing Force sux" stuff, I think we're all very tired of that and we're not at the kindergarden anymore. I don't think that countless arguing on forums will get Valve attention. This petition is a start. We can do it, so why not? What do we have to lose? A few clicks?
Have you confirmed this petition with valve?

You should always do that, like ask how many signatures you need before they'll consider it.

But adrian shepard belongs to Gearbox, not valve, but they are pretty good friends so im sure it could be done.

I really dont just want valve to throw adrian shepard in Ep3, just because everyone likes him, and come out with a really stupid storyline. Storyline before anything else, and it has to connect if they incorporate him.

But yeah, whats so special about adrian shepard, i dont get it, he doesn't talk or have any real relationship with any other characters, and at least gordon does have close friends and is the center of half life. Adrian was just some military grunt in opposing force you play so you get the perspective of the military force at black mesa...
For the love of all that is good in the world, Shephard must never return.

There's no reason to sign the petition. He'll come back one day. Valve knows how much potential he has. In short: Shephard games = money, and Valve needs money to stay alive.

And he won't return. I pledge for a picture or some reference, that's it... wouldn't that be nice? Let's say, the same way you find the gnome under that rack, you can find a photo like this somewhere:

They don't need writing his name, we all know who's picture that is. Or, like I said, a toy-soldier on a shelf. Kleiner got one desk-doll in his lab. Why does everybody think at Shepard fitting into the story? The story can go on without him, and yes, he is just a grunt. But wouldn't we like the idea of a reference of him in the next Half Life games? I'm not saying ep3. It might pass like two years before we gather 100k votes. :D
I nearly signed that new petition, but it required me to enter my name which I cannot be bothered to type.
You can write your nickname as a name, it's not like border crossing or somtehing like that. No one will check.