Weapon Carry Limits


Jun 6, 2003
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Well they said that the carry limit on weapons was "somthing they we're playing with" and they we're kidding. Last year we saw Gordon throw down a shot gun to pick up a missile launcher (which bothered some people), and this year, in the the "car stops at the Barn scene" Gordon brings up his inventory.
These plus the crowbar, pistol and manipulator = one serious one-man arsenal.
Ye its been mentioned b4.

In last years E3 2K3 vids they were thinking bout limiting the carry limit and then just decided to go bak to HL1 and carry em all, which imo is best way.

Makes Gordon seem like a bad ass scientist with a army in his pocket lol, where does he keep all this guns...
KurtCobain said:
Ye its been mentioned b4.

In last years E3 2K3 vids they were thinking bout limiting the carry limit and then just decided to go bak to HL1 and carry em all, which imo is best way.

Makes Gordon seem like a bad ass scientist with a army in his pocket lol, where does he keep all this guns...

Thank God they are using the traditional method, limiting the weapons would have sucked.
They decided to go back to the HL1 style menu afaik.
Think Halo. Weapon managing was one of the things that made the game good.
In the valve e-mail thread, it was mentioned that they reverted back to the old system as it worked better :)
I´m not saying they should limit it to 2 weapons but some sense would be great.
Phew, For a while until I saw the E3 2004 video, and had the confimation here, I was worried that You would have to drop the manipulator for the crowbar. Well... Guess I, and many, many others have been saved. :sniper:

- Rozza