Weapon model physics


Aug 1, 2004
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Does any one know wether first person weapon models will or can be affected by map and enviroment physics.

ie: If I jump off a cliff with an ammo chain in a gun, would it be possible to make it shoot up as I fall etc.
Malarkee said:
Does any one know wether first person weapon models will or can be affected by map and enviroment physics.

ie: If I jump off a cliff with an ammo chain in a gun, would it be possible to make it shoot up as I fall etc.
I don't understand what you are asking o_O
As far as I know, there is nothing stopping you from shooting upwards, falling or no. The only thing that would prevent you from shooting upwards would be lack of ammunition. :LOL:
I think he means, would the ammo chain from the gun flail around as he fell.
Varsity said:
I think he means, would the ammo chain from the gun flail around as he fell.

Yea, I think that is what he means.

I doubt it, as that seems a little too much to ask for....but they will prolly say:

"You could mod it in"TM
i think some peoples ideas on how advanced the physics are in source is just....well....silly.
Dr0ndeh said:
i think some peoples ideas on how advanced the physics are in source is just....well....silly.

Considering the "Realistically simulated toilet paper?" thread, I'd say "Silly" is an understatement.
these aren't exactly advanced physics though, I'm just asking if physics could be applied to weapon models.

I didn't say how complex.
I dont actually think physics are applied to the weapon models (ex. grenades and such), but as said you most probally could mod it
i can't imagine it's taxing at all. i'm pretty sure it could be easily done or even just simulated with animations.

the thing that annoys me is that the bullets aren't 3d ( i can't remember the terminology) - i loved it in operation flashpoint where you had to aim ahead of a running enemy. BLAMMO
jonnyapps said:
i can't imagine it's taxing at all. i'm pretty sure it could be easily done or even just simulated with animations.

the thing that annoys me is that the bullets aren't 3d ( i can't remember the terminology) - i loved it in operation flashpoint where you had to aim ahead of a running enemy. BLAMMO

Loved that too in Operation Flashpoint.

Well back to topic maybe. I don't think that would happen, maybe if Valve had like four more years to make the game then perhaps but I think we are overrating the physics alot.
yeah, don't get me wrong.

I'm not talking along the lines or real working mechanics etc, just realistic movement or ammo chains, straps and what ever.

Probably won't happen in most games for a while but it would save animaters alot of time.
Scrouge said:
Loved that too in Operation Flashpoint.

Well back to topic maybe. I don't think that would happen, maybe if Valve had like four more years to make the game then perhaps but I think we are overrating the physics alot.
I don't think anyone means physically simulating the actual mechanism that the gun uses to fire, they just mean having gun chains and such realistically swaying about when you walk, run, or fire.
Yeah, I've wondered about this for a while, never got around to ask about it.

It would look really cool when the loose parts of a gun sway around when you move.

surely it's easily possible - if designers can simulate the movement of a flag blowing in the wind then the exact same effect can be applied to a saws bullet chain
as far as I know though, in most games the weapon models you see aren't being created in the world your veiwing and moving in (kind of like when you play dunk hunt the gun and game are on different sides of a screen ;))

it probably wouldn't be worth the extra CPU use it would use
what would be nice, is to be able to hit enemies and stuff with weapons by moving the mouse around. as if gordon was really holding the gun, not like the gun was a part of gordon's body. then again, maybe not. who knows, it's never been done yet.