Weapon modeling


Mar 24, 2005
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Hello guys..
I have tried to find answere to this question for a long time now:p
Me and some friends are going to work on a mod for hl2 as a school project for a year from now..
I am pretty good on 3ds Max but i have one question:

How big should i make the weapons in 3d s max to make them fit into the game? I've started making a handgun and made it about 500 units long and about 350 units high.. is that way wrong or is it possible to use in hl2?
please tell me everything i need to know=)

allso need answere on this question:

How do i compile the 3ds max so it works in hl2.. after the model is finished and animated and skinned.. what do i do? what programs do i need? please help me..

thanks for the help.. :stare:
I woudnt worry about the size of the weapon untill its all finished, what you will want to do is import one of the origanal models in with your newly made weapon and then scale your model. Use the origanal as a referance for size.
One unit in Max is one unit in Hammer, that means 500x350 is too big.