Weapon Samples



heres a few weapons ive made, this is not for a Realism mod as such, more a mixed weapons mod... and only a small mod, just something me and my brother are gonna make.

i havent made normal maps for them yet, ill do them later, all guns are well bellow 1000polys.

:borg: <-this rocks btw :D




cool... a mod with not much but new weapons would be awsome...

like an addon for single player ...having more weapons besides what is already in the game....
well we have er 17 weapons i think, i mean some a real(yeah i know but theyre easy to pump out) then theres unrealistic ones whihc are alot harder to work with :\

sorry no unrealistic wepaons have skins yet so i wont show them
very very nice my only crit is that the micro uzi is over weathered i dont think it out of all the weapons would get so much rust expecially on the silencer.
well i forgot to say, its a post apocaltpic mod, i still have to put rust and stuff on the other guns... its gonna have a really rusted look to it
;) it would depend on the story line ;)

but anyway :D

i can always change it if it looks to rusted ingame :afro:
why dont u just join a mod that is doing something like wht u are aiming for *hint* *hint*
yout hinting at what? whihc mod?
:bonce: <- did i mention these milies rock!
which is??

btw why am i siting on these forums waitinf for a response ? :p
nice, i geuss really some wireframes would help but from what i can see pritty good:p

I espcially like that knife....looks kind of like the klingon one out of Star Trek...hmmm oh well just need one of those big klingon weapons now :p
wireframes... hrmm ill have to render some out tommorow if u really want them, tho theyre very simple models ;)
hey spec man, i unblocked u a day later, but whats up, ur no responding??

yeah ive been learning to skin better since i left :D
heh, nice weapons. only crit ( i haven't seen a micro-uzi silencer, so i might be completly wrong) nut the silencer for the micro uzi seems a bit, well, big. Can that be two wepaons in game? a rangwed Uzi shot, then advance to melee rage and bust them over the head? :)

Mindless, you keep trying to recruit people, but you haven't told anyone what the hell you'e trying to do. you jsut keep saying an "art mod" no one knows wtf that is. tell us some details and maybe we'll get less agrivated with you!
yeah its a imi micros uzi, a bit bigger than a pistol, and the silencer is actually that big, whihc isnt really that big but looks big compared to the gun , if that makes sense, i can post a pic of it when i get my wireframes up?
perfect example that just because we have more leadway with the polygons it doen't mean we need ot use them.
Originally posted by HiroProtaganist
perfect example that just because we have more leadway with the polygons it doen't mean we need ot use them.

thanks ;) and spot on :)
Great weapons, but one question I'd really like to pose. With half-life 2's excellent model quality, why are people not using photo-mapped textures? I imagine if you got the maximum resolution textures and mapped them to the weapons, they'd be undistinguishable from real guns.

The sad fact is that as close as they come, non-photo mapped textures just can't quite resemble real life colors.
photo mapped textures would look good IF we could get hi res 1024x104 photos of every angle of the wepaon. then you have to add specualrity maps and such, which photos don't have.

Radiant Destruction.....hrmmmm, are you destroying all maps that have been made with id mapping tools?
Or is this a 1 man project?
Nice models man, i really dig the rusted look, thats the first thing i thought when i saw them i was like "hmm its really rusty and old looking i bet this is a post appocaliptic mod"
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
photo mapped textures would look good IF we could get hi res 1024x104 photos of every angle of the wepaon. then you have to add specualrity maps and such, which photos don't have.

Radiant Destruction.....hrmmmm, are you destroying all maps that have been made with id mapping tools?
Or is this a 1 man project?

There's always someone who probably has some of these weapons and a digicam capable of the max resolution shots for good textures.

And aren't specularity maps supposed to be done by the engine for proper dynamic lighting?
Originally posted by Innervision961
Nice models man, i really dig the rusted look, thats the first thing i thought when i saw them i was like "hmm its really rusty and old looking i bet this is a post appocaliptic mod"

thanks :cheers: thats the look and feel i wanted, i still need some rust on the m4 and the knife tho ;)
Originally posted by Fallout2man
aren't specularity maps supposed to be done by the engine for proper dynamic lighting?
A specularity map is an image that tells the engine which parts of a model or texture are reflective and which parts are not.
hrm so hl2 supports spec' maps? its done in the same way as an alpha map then?

also does anyone know any free bumpmap/normal map plugins for both 3ds max, and photoshop ??
sorry for the delay in the wiremesh renders, having some problem trying to get them to render right :/
uh, unless max sucks even more than I thought possible bump mapping should be included, if you want to add a bump map you can do a couple of things, you could actually model the parts you want to be bumps in your modeller and render a depth map, obviously there is more than just that but that is the basic part. You could also paint them by hand in PS, Odd as this may seem the other thing you could do is use either an editor for Tribes 2, or Loathing for Myth 2, to build a bump map by working directly with terrain, there are probably other terrain tools you could use to make this, but those are two off the top of my head that should work.
normal maps far as i know photoshop nor 3ds max supports them nativley, and plugins are required... i can do bump maps manually but it normal maps are supported id rather use them :D
normal maps are also much larger then bumpmaps and harder to compress since they use the full color spectrum versus black and white with bumpmaps. So I'd reccomend not making too many unless you only intend to use what you make on systems with 256 MB of Vram on your video card.
nah im thinking instead of 1024x1024 liek the skins, ill probly make the skins possibly 512x512 if not much loss of detail, and normal maps would be 256x256, possibly 512x512 max tho... id have to see how well the engine handles it...
ok heres those wires, and also the uzi silencer...





told you they were low poly ;)
btw did anyone find any normal map/bump map plugins? i searched but couldnt find any
i found one but i cant seem to get it to display the normal map in 3ds max, using the "metal bump" shader i think it was...
any ideas?