Weapon Tricks


Nov 20, 2004
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Now everyone has found at least one trick that we like to do with our weapons. Some of the tricks are almost like eggs, So tell me some of the ones that you like the most.

Grav Gun: if you pick up a bounce mine and drop it you can use the left mouce button (quickly) to send the mine flying a great distance. The mine does not explode like if you just used the left mouse button alone (i have planted many bombs succesfully this way)

Grenade: OK i'm stupid but i only figured it out a couple of days ago, if you hold the left button and press the right one at the same time the grenade will only go about half the distance. (there should still be a way to reduse the fuse)

I want some more good ones! :cheers:
Found this over at the steam board, for the pistol, if you hold alt-fire and fire together for a couple of seconds, it charges up, so when you release alt-fire, it can shoot out an entire clip at once.

Edit: Oops forgot to put in the weapon name :eek:
Using primary attack on Man Hacks is very efficient with the Grav Gun. One click, and they die. Of course, they have to be rather close, but since they die instantly it matters little if you're a little quick.
Somefool said:
Found this over at the steam board, for the pistol, if you hold alt-fire and fire together for a couple of seconds, it charges up, so when you release alt-fire, it can shoot out an entire clip at once.

Edit: Oops forgot to put in the weapon name :eek:

wow, gonna try that!
Catch a manhack with the manipulator just as it's about to hit you, then fling it at a combine.
AkasaReeve said:
Catch a manhack with the manipulator just as it's about to hit you, then fling it at a combine.
Very useful in Nova Prospekt when you have to set up the three turrets and stand your ground!
I just set up the turrets on the walkways above the corridor, and hid in a corner.
for that bit you guys r talking about at nova prospekt

when you get the first set of turrets carry them to the nex turret bit and so on makes it alot easier having 8 turrets while wating for the teleport..... but if you leave one in an area and it loads a new area and you ave to go back to the old area the turret turns hostile.
I tried the pistol trick does not seem to work. The manhack trick is very fun - try it! (you can make stuff explode this way too)
lay down 2 objects like metalplates. the biggest one down.

now stand on the smaller object , centered in the middle of the larger one. now pick up the large object.

congrats u now have a slow moving hoovercraft:D
For Nova Prospekt

Build a "stairs" with the crates up to the second floor where no combine appear. Then put up the turrers and jump up to you hiding place =) Worked like a charm on hard.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
lay down 2 objects like metalplates. the biggest one down.

now stand on the smaller object , centered in the middle of the larger one. now pick up the large object.

congrats u now have a slow moving hoovercraft:D

LOL! That was pretty handy during the desperate situations in the sandtraps chapter.
Yellonet said:
For Nova Prospekt

Build a "stairs" with the crates up to the second floor where no combine appear. Then put up the turrers and jump up to you hiding place =) Worked like a charm on hard.
Mac Daddy said:
for that bit you guys r talking about at nova prospekt

when you get the first set of turrets carry them to the nex turret bit and so on makes it alot easier having 8 turrets while wating for the teleport..... but if you leave one in an area and it loads a new area and you ave to go back to the old area the turret turns hostile.
AkasaReeve said:
I just set up the turrets on the walkways above the corridor, and hid in a corner.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have to check those out. I kind of got lucky when I beat that part, and I've been wanting to go back and try again to feel more.......um.......to feel better about how I got past it. Thanks. :)

And I'll have to try that hovercraft idea. Sounds way too cool! :cheers:
wassup said:
Grenade: OK i'm stupid but i only figured it out a couple of days ago, if you hold the left button and press the right one at the same time the grenade will only go about half the distance. (there should still be a way to reduse the fuse)
Is that any different from just pressing alt-fire? I know you said half-way.. but.. alt-fire just drops the grenade, more or less.
It's funny how everyone thinks they have the best solution for beating the second turret thing.

Of course, I count myself among them so I can't considder myself any better, but since I took no damage at all in that fight, I think my solution's just as valid ;)

As for weapon tricks, the first time I saw my team mates go to a weapons rack and gleefully grab better weapons I thought to myself, "that's a neat trick... with weapons."
Gotta be the 'Grenade Launcher'. Altfire the grenade to drop it at your feet, switch to the manipulator and hurl it at an enemy.
AkasaReeve said:
Gotta be the 'Grenade Launcher'. Altfire the grenade to drop it at your feet, switch to the manipulator and hurl it at an enemy.

I can't count the number of times I died trying to take out the striders like this when I ran out of rockets....
Heh, I was going to mention the manipulator/grenade trick...

I used it a fair bit in the sniper alley area- if you're patient, you can launch them into distant windows, and since explosives are the only thing that can damage the snipers, it's like having a secondary rocket launcher; especially when there's such an abundance of grenade crates in that area. Hell, this doesn't even count as a spoiler in my eyes... but that's mass community hysteria for you.
I at those bloody turrets now. (the second ones) That's probably the thoughest part in the game so far.
Yellonet said:
Is that any different from just pressing alt-fire? I know you said half-way.. but.. alt-fire just drops the grenade, more or less.

Or crouch and alt-fire, it wil roll, perfect for the sentries.
those from under the ground

By the way, this is probably really old, but I recently discovered that at the back of the buggy, there's one of those unlimited SMG ammo crate that you can 'use'.
Also did you know that the Manipulator gun can be used to knock off Antlions?
just hold the manhacks with your grav gun, and it will saw the combines to death.......
at the coast with the crane thing, get into a metal container, and shoot it with your blue physics gun, you have no idea where you are gonna end up
I like catching the man hacks in garbage cans. One of those hollow bricks usually keeps them pretty secure if the can is upside down.
lammmbda said:
at the coast with the crane thing, get into a metal container, and shoot it with your blue physics gun, you have no idea where you are gonna end up

LOL that must be one of the best ones ;)

Also funny to pick up a crate, shoot in straight up, lure some antlions, and let em splatter under the crate :p
Nova Prospekt:

I just baricaded myself into the middle room with the ammo crates, Two turrets facing one way, one facing the other and myself in the corner with the gravgun shooting grenades and manhacks back out the doors. It was fun!
End Game weapon spoilers:

At the end with the blue physgun I enjoyed grabbing combine soldiers and tossing them into the energy fields and watching them disintegrate.

I liked tossing the energy balls into tight hallways and watch them bounce around like crazy before exploding.

Also, the energy stands used to create those blue force fields can be turned on and off by removing and adding the energy balls.

Physgun is the coolest weapon ever created in any video game...EVER!!
lammmbda said:
at the coast with the crane thing, get into a metal container, and shoot it with your blue physics gun, you have no idea where you are gonna end up

You don't have the blue manipulator then, unless you are cheating, of course.
The_Monkey said:
You don't have the blue manipulator then, unless you are cheating, of course.

Of course he's cheating.

Anybody else wanted to kill Alyx and take her semi-auto pistol?
semi auto? your pistol is semi auto already. alyx's isn't heh, unless she has a rate switch she's not using
I got one.

In Nova Prospect, pick up one of your sentry guns. It will still fire at enemies, and it has unlimited ammo and gives you alot of protection from enemy bullets!
wassup said:
I tried the pistol trick does not seem to work. The manhack trick is very fun - try it! (you can make stuff explode this way too)

The pistol trick does work, I just tried it.

Just press and hold your alt-fire('q' for me) and while holding it press and hold your main fire(left mouse button), after holding it for 10 seconds or so release your alt fire button while still holding your main fire button and up to an entire clip will be fired in 1 shot. You can kill just about anything with 1 shot using this method.
The mine and pistol trick are new to me, I'll have to go try them out. Thanks guys!
this pistol trick doesn't make any sense.. it looks more like a bug than a "feature".