Weapon Tricks

nagual678 said:
this pistol trick doesn't make any sense.. it looks more like a bug than a "feature".

Maybe its a featug.
This really isn't a weapon trick, but put a crate or sotmhing underneath a barnicle, so it 'sucks' it up, then get your manipulater out, and you can have a tug of war with it.. =D
i saw a barnacle eat a combine soldier for the first time. it was pretty cool.
shadow stalker said:
This really isn't a weapon trick, but put a crate or sotmhing underneath a barnicle, so it 'sucks' it up, then get your manipulater out, and you can have a tug of war with it.. =D
That's pretty darn cool! Thanks for telling :p
come on there has to be more- you know VALVe.
is there any way to destroy a mine from a distance?
manhack, mine and handgun ones are the best at the moment
i cant get the handgun one to work every time
I'm pretty sure the pistol thing is a bug. It seems to me like the alt-fire on the pistol does nothing, so it prevents the main fire from shooting. Then when it does finally release, all of the bullets that should have been shot go at once.

This should probably work with the rocket launcher too, if it had a clip larger than 1. Now -that- would be interesting.
The best use for the blue physics gun, and coolest thing ever, is catching the energy balls that the combine shoot with their pulse rifles. Master timing is involved of course (but mostly luck)
The pistol thing has been removed now on DM so i guess it's a bug
I found this easy way to beat the first onslaught of Combine in Nova Prospect

If you take all the crates and pile them all up in front of one of the door ways(I choose the back right one) no one will come out of those, you have the turrets take everyone else out all you do is fix them(rarely I don't think I had to) and deal with a couple man hacks...Worked wonders on hard
Not necessarily a trick, but useful: With the Gravgun, you can pick up a grenade and toss it back to the sap who threw it(it has a 3 second timer, so plan accordingly).

You can also use the Gravgun's primary to flip Antlions over if they are being too annoying.
here is a multiplayer trick: pick something up, aim it strait up, and let go of it. while it is falling move forward to catch it on your head. (you should not be crouching during this part.)

next, while still having it on your head, crouch down, and slowly move away. the object will float in mid air but only if you stay crouching. if you stand up again, it will fall.
Another thing regarding gravgun-nadething is that when you pick up a nade with the gravgun, the timer erases, so you can keep a grenade "live" for an infinite amount of time by picking it up, dropping it, picking up, dropping it...and so on. Not really useful for anything, but cool.
The pistol thing has been removed now on DM so i guess it's a bug
That's too bad. It would be nice if the pistol had some kind of alt-fire feature.
domokun are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure I've detonated myself messing up the timing of this.

Oh an that pistol bug is for hl2dm. and it IS a bug, that they fixed in the latest update. I'm glad it is gone from multiplayer because it was pissing me off getting instafragged with the pistol.
The pistol should have a secondary fire, like HL1 - I love that glock (17L i think).

In the bridge level as you are crossing shoot a single 9mm handgun bullet at one of the barrels way down at the bottom and it will explode. Just another example of the V-Sweet physics, as it usually takes 3 bullets ;0)
grabbing manhacks and not throwing them, rather using them like knives.

Good fun!
Rocketman9mm said:
domokun are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure I've detonated myself messing up the timing of this.

Oh an that pistol bug is for hl2dm. and it IS a bug, that they fixed in the latest update. I'm glad it is gone from multiplayer because it was pissing me off getting instafragged with the pistol.

I think he means every time you pick the nade up the timer resets. Cause it surely does not erase I use the gravgun nading all the time in mp, one of the first things I do when I spawn is drop my nades pick them up and lob them into the nearest player.