Website Histories


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Does anyone know that website where you can type in a website like and see what it looked like months and even years ago? If so could you link me.
i had a problem with that....

i was at yahoo and it was showing a page 3 months old...

i deleted the temporaly internet files to take care of that one..

but, i would like to see it again
Yeah I saw one of these once. But I don't remember anything about it other than that I visited the site.

though when i first visited, it had a blank page on the front that said something like:

"Site content forthcoming, to be uploaded on January 1st, 2004 at midnight. Go to our forums in the meantime [forums link]"

There were a lot less idiots on the forums back then. And the /me command.
i think the pgs get deleted in the internet....

where would they be stored anyway?
on the servers of that company, similar to how Google does it.
There used to be a link to it in these forums but I can find it using search lol.
yeah, I know. It had all these ancient websites on it.